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What is the point of an air pig? Is it just portability?
What is the point of an air pig? Is it just portability?
Mostly. Easy to carry out to a car or wheelbarrow far from power to fill up a tire or two. Also well sealed so you can keep it full. Avoids having to fire up or wait for compressor for a quick fill. It is rare that someone's air plumbing is sealed well enough that it won't leak down but the pig is separate and easy to keep sealed (mine even has a valve at the tap so you can physically seal off everything except the tank bungs (which are easy enough to seal properly).

On some jobs, I also use it as additional capacity and/or a remote reservoir. I was doing a job at a cottage and don't love running 100' extension cords with a compressor on the end (especially when you are running other tools off the same cord). Compressor lived near cottage, 100' air line down to pig. Regulator and hose from pig to tools. High volume of air down 100' hose loses a bunch of energy but the remote reservoir allowed air to flow constantly to keep tank pressure up instead of huge demand and then nothing.
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I probably have one somewhere... I think mine is in a box packed away with a Realistic 8-track player.
Same, I know there's a timing light on the property, but I will have to commission an archeological expedition to find it

Edit: I found it, gimme a minute
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I'll give it the 3'ish hour time and then consider posting something else. I have something in mind that's more @mimico_polak speed.

I never bothered with dwell meters - as long as I was getting some kind of spark at the right time, I was happy enough. Maybe that's why I burned out my fair share of points
I'll give it the 3'ish hour time and then consider posting something else. I have something in mind that's more @mimico_polak speed.

I never bothered with dwell meters - as long as I was getting some kind of spark at the right time, I was happy enough. Maybe that's why I burned out my fair share of points
Fine, here we go. Since I had to climb into deep storage, I'll add an obscure tool. I'll also go with an easy one so @mimico_polak can get in on the game.



Damn! I was too slow
You lose a ton of flow through that coiled hose. Go straight into the ball valve with the biggest shortest hose you can manage and blowout will work better.


Got one! Brix meter, for checking coolant and for doing ABV calculations (for making DIY hand sanitizer).

You guys need some older cars around. Should I break out the dwell meter? I know some will have it, but it will be less common that the timing light.
To be fair... even in the days of dwell meters, very few knew what dwell was or what it did.
What you REALLY wanted was the Sun machine with an OSCILLOSCOPE... OOOH AHHH. Great big CRT thing that had it's own time zone and ate the power of a small city... but you could see cam lash... OOHHH AHHHH. I remember thinking I was Einstein with all this computing power... probably 8K.
But I betcha I can find 6 shops that still have this equipment AND still know how to use it.
Do YOU know someone that can tune Crower mechanical injectors? I do.
Or the Bosch mechanical FI system found on a '59 SL300?
Need the brakes done on your '49 Bentley Mark VI? I got a guy.
To be fair... even in the days of dwell meters, very few knew what dwell was or what it did.
What you REALLY wanted was the Sun machine with an OSCILLOSCOPE... OOOH AHHH. Great big CRT thing that had it's own time zone and ate the power of a small city... but you could see cam lash... OOHHH AHHHH. I remember thinking I was Einstein with all this computing power... probably 8K.
But I betcha I can find 6 shops that still have this equipment AND still know how to use it.
Do YOU know someone that can tune Crower mechanical injectors? I do.
Or the Bosch mechanical FI system found on a '59 SL300?
Need the brakes done on your '49 Bentley Mark VI? I got a guy.
How did a scope show cam lash? I have a scope but thankfully, I havent needed it for vehicles.

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