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Don't we have a former or current Roller Derby player on hand?
Looks like you'd crimp an electrical cable on there, and attach to some sort of hex terminal.

Sent from my SM-G960W using Tapatalk
I'm guessing it's for a clock.

Edit: that key shows up in "images" for roller skates.
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81 Day rule.

Picked these up today at ReStore. Will probably never use them but at least I know I have them in case I or someone I know needs them.
$10 a piece.

What exactly are they?
That would be against the rules of the game to reveal what they are.
Unless enough time passes, then I will.

Let's see if someone guesses.

I really didn't want to take them out of the original packaging, but that could have provided a better picture.
Might be to force drywall behind a doorframe. Never needed them.

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