I absolutely agree that D-Bag behaviour which intrudes on others becomes their business. But said D-baggery is not restricted to any one brand. Ask anyone who lives near FOTC. As far as the video goes (I only watched about 15 seconds worth; too emotionally overwhelming), it's a marketing tool, same as any other company makes for its products. Drink this beer, win that girl. Use this deodorant, get that job. Ride this XYZ sportbike, be a champion. If they all ellicit that same level of attention from you, you must be a busy lad.
I dunno, I just don't understand the ire the topic raises. I read these comments and I picture snarling, spittle-flecked lips as the poster hammers his keyboard into jelly in a self-righteous furor of brand-ism. "Fools! They don't know what they're talking about. I must enlighten them and then they will worship at the feet of my all-knowingness!" It's frickin' hilarious.
I honestly, truly, don't care what anyone else rides. I don't think my bike makes me a better person or better rider, I just think it's the right bike for me. Maybe it's an age thing, maybe I'm not "passionate" enough about motorcycles to make everyone think and ride the same way I do.
And yeah, I caught the Liberace thing.