To be masked or not to be masked

It was a vaccine not mask text session with a friend last night. He had successfully encouraged a mutual friend to get his first shot a month and a half ago. Now, with the relaxations and pressures off, does concerned friend keep up the pressure for reluctant friend to go for shot two?

I wish everyone was vaccinated but don't want to see that happen at the point of a gun, legally mandated. At the same time I consider anti maskers and vaxxers as a form of welfare bum, living off the efforts of others.

I question the relationship with my reluctant friend. It isn't a simple topic as I gather there are some religious factors with his wife.

However as Meatloaf put it, "Two out of Three ain't bad."

Masked, Vaccinated, distant. For now, I'll take two out of three.
I continue to wear a mask. Covid hasn’t gone away just because restrictions have dropped.

My youngest was out on St. Paddy’s day (which is also his B-Day) at a pub in London. Got a present he wasn’t expecting…5 days later tested Positive. Fortunately, he’s only having mild symptoms.

Keep your guard up folks.

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U.S. judge strikes down mask mandate on mass transit/​

Canadain14 days mandate for return/international travelers​

Currently being contested. Also procedural rather than science based.
Was the implementation procedural or science based?

If you want to protect yourself at this point, get an N95 and some good instruction on how/when to use it.

One of the goofy things about planes/trains/ships is that you may remove your mask to eat and drink, so some people will have their masks off a lot.
Was the implementation procedural or science based?

If you want to protect yourself at this point, get an N95 and some good instruction on how/when to use it.

One of the goofy things about planes/trains/ships is that you may remove your mask to eat and drink, so some people will have their masks off a lot.

Mask wearing has always been science based. Some is better than none, N95 is better than most.
Sorry to hear @jc100. Hopefully your symptoms aren't too bad.

I'm honestly shocked, utterly shocked, that I've not had a positive test to date. I've taken a bunch when I was feeling off...but so far nothing. Pretty much everyone I know has had it.
Any symptoms?

I tested positive last week, pretty mild. Double vaxxed but not boosted, was pretty disappointed it wasn't more serious lol. Just felt like a regular cold/flu.

Wife also tested positive, she's not vax, her recovery was just as quick.

Back to work after 5 days, however I do believe it should be 10 days, I watched Dr Tam blabbering on about changing that last week but I have almost zero faith in anyone connected to this virus medical/government. One giant circle jerk.
I mask everywhere I go. I just don't trust people to do the right thing, just observe people. I've seen enough who are not masked coughing into their hands and touching $$hit, or wiping their noses etc. Also amazing when gov started to loosen the restrictions how much less cleaning was being done and how scummy everything became again. I'm seeing this a bank machines, and grocery store buggies, and entrances.

I've probably had COVID 3 times now. Back in Dec just before xmas, and more recently a couple of weeks ago I had a weird cold (could have been allergies starting up, on that now). Neither were very severe, never got tested as you have to make appointment and didn't have kits, so just rested. The 3rd time, or the first was at the very beginning of the pandemic (feb 2020) I had the worst flu that knocked the crap outta me, literally 1 day I could not get out of bed. Never felt anything like that before.

Anyhow I still feel we should be practicing good habits to get through this.
Back to work after 5 days, however I do believe it should be 10 days, I watched Dr Tam blabbering on about changing that last week but I have almost zero faith in anyone connected to this virus medical/government. One giant circle jerk.

exactly, I too can't match my reality and what I see in the news... My example - my g/f takes tests religiously to avoid infecting her mother, so according to those tests (one pcr and one rapid) she had Rona twice - she never had ANY single symptom!! I was with her all the time and never had any tests and also never had ANY symptoms! We both have x2 vaccines as it mandatory for both of us to work, but that's it. Mind you we both pretty athletic (she is under 12 hrs Ironman/woman) and we get all our vitamins and stuff religiously.. but I still yet to know personally a single person who had BAD symptoms... just curious what all the fuss about.... and before some start freaking out - I don't mind masking when mandated, but now I just follow the guidance and lost my mask...
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