To be Canadian | Page 7 |

To be Canadian

4% -> "a lot" of trouble

Went from statistics to opinion in a microsecond there...

My original post on this topic has 4 instances of Islamic violence perpetrated/planned by Canadian citizens this year alone. Can you provide links that demonstrate radical Christian violence in Canada to the same degree? Given they are 63% of the Canadian population, we should be hearing about them in the news quite often.

Those small groups of Christian extremists are mostly responsible for interfering in women’s health care in the US and arguably prolonging the issues in the Middle East (through US policy). Since these issues are also arguably the most dangerous globally I’d say that’s quite a lot of influence these extremists have.

“The American Taliban” is a very apt name.

Assuming you're correct, which I would dispute, this is a thread about Canadian cultural challenges. We don't have the same issues around women's reproductive rights here, nor has Canada had any real role in the Middle East since we left Afghanistan.
My original post on this topic has 4 instances of Islamic violence perpetrated/planned by Canadian citizens this year alone. Can you provide links that demonstrate radical Christian violence in Canada to the same degree? Given they are 63% of the Canadian population, we should be hearing about them in the news quite often.

Assuming you're correct, which I would dispute, this is a thread about Canadian cultural challenges. We don't have the same issues around women's reproductive rights here, nor has Canada had any real role in the Middle East since we left Afghanistan.

Well, since the American Taliban influence global events then yes, that also affects Canadians.

As for those violent episodes you talked about I didn’t catch any of that locally but there were tons of other crimes committed by white folk here in Kingston so it could be that they overshadowed those. As they usually do.
The acts are usually labelled as Islamophobic, Antisemitic and/or White Nationalist. At least in a recent case they did charge the person with terrorism and not just murder but in the past that rarely was the charge for a white person.

While it is not hard and fast (there are exceptions) a certain religion tends to play a very big role in the above "movements" (motivation, recruitment,...) and there has been IMO too many examples in Canada in the last decade (US is much worse). Of course people will also say well if they did that then they are not good whatevers.... that is not the teachings of.... the organized church never said to do it... you know, whitewashing things.
To be Canadian is to abide Anne Murray, think Stompin' Tom isn't THAT weird and know that Super man worked at the Toronto Star
and call me racist all you want... Punjabi Hockey Night in Canada is hilarious. I have no idea what they're sayin but Don Cherry had nothing on those guys for excitement
Well, since the American Taliban influence global events then yes, that also affects Canadians.

As for those violent episodes you talked about I didn’t catch any of that locally but there were tons of other crimes committed by white folk here in Kingston so it could be that they overshadowed those. As they usually do.
What is the American Taliban?
The ultra fundy evangelicals!
God wants you to be rich. Send me your money and he'll reward you. You will have riches beyond your dreams, just wait, be patient, have faith, don't doubt, just be patient. Faith means patience but give me your money now.

God Humour:

A guy is muttering about his poverty and God speaks to him about values.

The guy speaks about not having time or money. God tells him they are irrelevant saying "To me a million dollars is like a penny and a second like a thousand years because I live in eternity."

The guy says "Well God, how about giving me a million dollars?"

"No problem" says God, "Wait a second"
The ultra fundy evangelicals!
Oh, ok. Your talking about the crazy ones that wear camo to church Sunday morning, then go shooting hogs with ARs before heading home to guzzle beer, watch football and protect their women from abortions?
Oh, ok. Your talking about the crazy ones that wear camo to church Sunday morning, then go shooting hogs with ARs before heading home to guzzle beer, watch football and protect their women from abortions?

Those are the more visible ones. I worry more about the ones with massive piles of cash influencing the politics in terms of education/health care/foreign policy.
Given they are 63% of the Canadian population
If you're gonna spout off with statistics...
Your statcan graph says 63% OF THE CANADIANS THAT REPORT THEY HAVE RELIGION ( about 66% of Canadians) are Christian, about 42% of Canadians report as Christian, just under 2.5% Muslim
34% of Canadians report as atheist or agnostic. The most popular religion in Canada is atheism... THANK GOD

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