TMP for sale?

Kept the essentials (boots,helmet,leathers)... But I can't see it happening this year.
Looking forward to learning the ropes in-field.
CU out there...

Teal wrote;
... and I've got everything else that you would need to ride track. You've just been officially offered. :icon_smile:

Bring that gear Mike cause here's offer #2. ;)
A bit of a thread hijack here, but I figured it was okay since this thread changed directions a long time ago. I went to a trackday at TMP last Oct and loved it. My wife purchased me a 3 trackdays as a birthday present. I looked at the link above and read through the schedule. My question is the weekday, (thur) vs weekend trackdays. When I went in Oct it was apparently super busy with every group full. I had nothing to compare it to so it seemed fine by me. Is there any bonus to going on a Thursday? Any more track time? Fewer staff working so maybe things aren't organized as smoothly? Fewer riders? Will they combine groups? I am a beginner at the track, but not to riding. Also, trying to maximize my track time and maybe it would be cool to find someone who is faster and I could follow them a bit and get some pointers. If your schedule was wide open which days would you choose? Thur, Weekend, or evenings? Interested in reading others opinion on this. Thanks
I have so far found the Thursdays to be less crowded than weekends, which can make a big difference to the ability to get a few clean laps in.

Yes, sometimes they combine groups if the turnout is small, which of course means extra track time for everyone. I have never done an evening session so I can't comment on that.

Not clear to me if all of the TMP days are run by Guys with Bikes this year, or some are Racer 5. Both groups do an okay job, but I tend to like Racer 5 a bit better. Last year GWB let some really fast guys into the other groups on a busy day, and also on that day they had no passing restrictions at all. I didn't think that was so hot. Racer 5 seems to stick by their rules a bit more. But, again, both outfits are okay and I would go to a trackday run by either.
You guys are insane... !

No just persistent. haha. Just bring your gear.

To Gpz900; I agree with Yellow Duck. Thursdays are definitely a lighter day attendance wise which can translate into more track time if they reduce it to 2 groups and if numbers dwindle later in the day they may just make it open track so you can go as often or long as you like. I've been to the evening ones and they are great also. Lots of track time with usually 2 groups and sometimes open track. Gets a bit interesting right at sunset when the sun comes right in your eyes coming into westward facing turns. You need sunglasses and a tinted shield just to see and then it sets suddenly and you can't see anything cause all that tinting makes it dark out.
Thanks guys, I think that since this year I have the opportunity, I'm going to give the Thursdays a whirl. If only I could see into the future as far as weather goes....
Mixed classes can be good and bad... Good cuz slower riders get to ride with faster guys and maybe learn a few lines and there's more track time for everyone. Bad cuz faster riders can come up on slower group riders really quick creating sometimes dangerous situations if a less experienced riders gets spooked.
R1Guy I was thinking of the closing speeds and potential issues. Wouldn't want to get in anyone's way. If I do end up in a mixed group I'll just view myself as a CRT bike :)
Nah, R1guy is more concerned with untalented hotshoes with literbikes who ride in the fast group (even though they shouldnt) and riding over their heads and crash into the experienced riders. ;)
R1Guy I was thinking of the closing speeds and potential issues. Wouldn't want to get in anyone's way. If I do end up in a mixed group I'll just view myself as a CRT bike :)

A pass is the responsibility of the person doing the passing, so as long as everyone knows and stick to the rules there shouldn't be any incidents. Just ride your ride and let the faster pilots find their way around you. However, that also means the organizer needs to make sure people follow the rules, which I've found to be inconsistent at TMP.

I only do trackdays on weekdays. Generally speaking they attract better riders, but I wouldn't say they were any smaller in numbers. Guess that also depends on the organizer.
Grayz is right. Mixed or not there is always potential for someone to ride over their head and cause an incident. Organizers have to keep an eye out for them and keep them in line. Main thing Gpz is to stay on your line and keep your concentration. It's a little unnerving when you get passed in a tight spot by someone who is faster but it helps with learning concentration.
R1Guy I was thinking of the closing speeds and potential issues. Wouldn't want to get in anyone's way. If I do end up in a mixed group I'll just view myself as a CRT bike :)

On the Racer 5 days there is always a novice class where passing is only allowed on the front straight and the straight between turns 1 and 2. That's a good set of rules for feeling comfortable on a first day at the track - you know you are not going to get stuffed in a corner. The tradeoff is that sometimes if they have a big Racer 5 school out there on the CBR 125s and they get spread out, you can find yourself stuck behind one for most of the lap, every lap. That can be really frustrating, even for a newish track rider, when there are mutliple places on the track where you could just safely slip by them, but it is not allowed (like, coming out of turn 6, where the 125s accelerate about as quickly as a lawn tractor).
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