TMP for sale?

Anyone have the latest scoop on TMP?

Advertising heavy on the buy one get the next tday for 1/2 price.
Saw a spanking new Porsche 911 turbo cruisin around yesterday with the license plates "TMP".

Couldn't help but wonder if a sugar daddy saved the day? :)
Kept the essentials (boots,helmet,leathers)... But I can't see it happening this year.
Looking forward to learning the ropes in-field.
CU out there...

... and I've got everything else that you would need to ride track. You've just been officially offered. :)
Kept the essentials (boots,helmet,leathers)... But I can't see it happening this year.
Looking forward to learning the ropes in-field.
CU out there...

I'm looking for a Navigator for my rally car,, Want me to crash BOTH of us?
I'm looking for a Navigator for my rally car

I used to navigate TSD Rallies and Performance Rallies. It can be truly nauseating if you're not up to it.

And, if you think track bikes are $pendy . . . nothing compared to performance rally cars.
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