TMP for sale?

TMP ownership change would mean what to a regular like me?
I'm sure they won't tear the tracks up and they'll still hold events and trackdays, right?

We won't really know until a change of ownership has been completed. The new buyer can do whatever they want with it.
Well they're not likely to build condos or anything.

All it will probably mean is that some other lucky bastard gets to go bankrupt trying to operate the place.
I've never had a complaint/problem with Chrome, although you're obviously free to try any other browser that advertise the ability to meet your needs. :)

TMP ownership change would mean what to a regular like me?
I'm sure they won't tear the tracks up and they'll still hold events and trackdays, right?

Decided I wanted nothing to do with Chrome, back inthe early days when it wouldn't uninstall.

Well it could start up the same ol' noise fights, with the locals. Might end up being a closed course. Rates could change. Might be bought up by someone who wants the land and has no interest in running a track. Lots of things possible.
Might be bought up by someone who wants the land and has no interest in running a track. Lots of things possible.

Maybe the farmers will buy it and the people of Kohler will stop complaining about the noise.
What he said. They would have loved to get rid of the dragstrip, before the road course went in, but there wasn't thing one they could do about it.
Three tracks Grand Bend, Shannonville and Bogie catering to bikes in Ontario in 2012????

Perhaps Recip with his millions will buy the place up.
Well the track is not loud so what are they complaining about???
It's 3 hours from northern T.O. to Grand Bend. It's 2.5 hours from northern T.O. to Shannonville. Hmmmmmm........

Well the track is not loud so what are they complaining about???

There didn't get a variance, before building the track. It isn't judgment proof and it's MORE noise.
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lol I sand on a marshal stand and I still don't think its loud. The drag strip is rediculously loud though.

Different character of sound; intermittent and directional, and not pointed at the homes in Kohler. The noise from the road course is constant.

When you go to a noisy event, you expect it to be noisy. When you're cooking lunch, not so much.
lol I'm sure it helps that I don't consider it a noise but music to my ears;)

Different character of sound; intermittent and directional, and not pointed at the homes in Kohler. The noise from the road course is constant.

When you go to a noisy event, you expect it to be noisy. When you're cooking lunch, not so much.
im gonna buy it and make it private...

private meaning what? only renting it out whenever and to whomever you want? Like now?
....... hehhehhe, "the sky is falling, the sky is falling ....." OMG, my blackberry doesn't work either, WHAT WILL I DO............ ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (I would kill myself right now but I don't have access to the interweb [to show me how]) it Might close, then reopen ..... Shannonville, Grand Bend, Calabogie, Mosport if none of these are close enough to "you" take up roller blading. BG
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