Tinder App

Oh yes, one more thing

get a dog and take a picture with your dog. I found that I was more likely at "like" someone with a cute dog just so that if I did decide to meet the prson IRL I would maybe get to meet the dog.

Just make sure it's not one of those toy dogs....ghey
Like this?
haha .. it was entertaining to go see ...... what about the random pen*s shots ?????

ok so Tinder takes pictures from facebook???? who puts picture of their pen*s as a profile pic??????
I guess people 58km from me are more adventurist with their profile pics ..

FemmeFatale, your comments totally made my day ... :lmao:
I found the OP on Tinder

******* be crazy - http://thoughtcatalog.com/victoria-liz/2014/05/a-girls-guide-for-guys-looking-to-get-laid-on-tinder/

To help out all of you Tinder lads who are having trouble getting matches, here is my list of Tinder DO’s and DON’Ts:
1. DO compliment me by describing me as beautiful, gorgeous, breath taking.
2. DON’T compliment me by describing me as sexy, hot, a “bad *****”.
3. DO list your job in the about section, especially if it is one to be proud of (i.e. investment banker, lawyer, doctor).
4. DON’T put up pictures in a Lamborghini…we know you don’t own it
5. DO put up attractive pictures of yourself (shirtless is okay, but pants-less is crossing the boundaries).
6. DON’T put up pictures with friends that are more attractive than you. We will either swipe left and look for your hot friend or swipe right and secretly hope you introduce us to him.
7. DO invite me on a date. Dinner is nice, but fun activities like a picnic in the park or rock climbing are spontaneous and refreshing.
8. DON’T ask me to meet you at a bar, or worse, your apartment.
9. DO ask me about my life.
10. DON’T ask me about my ex or any past relationships.
11. DO offer some cute way of lying about how we met (i.e. we met at whole foods).
12. DON’T put up pictures of you with children no matter how cute they are.
13. DO make the first move and send the first message.
14. DON’T message within the first 5 minutes of matching (MY GOD DO YOU HAVE A LIFE?!).
15. DO provide your Instagram name in the about section, so we can stalk you to see if you really are as attractive as you seem.
16. DON’T put up pictures of you and girls. If they’re ugly we’re going to think you’re lame and if they’re attractive we’re going to get jealous. It’s a lose-lose situation.

Please people stop this craziness and go out and meet people the old fashion way, in Vegas with a pocket full of 1 dollar bills
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I deleted tinder. Will log back in when I'm back.
I'm very picky about the women I swipe right too. I keep my age range lean between 22-26, I'm into brunettes and high maintenence women. I had 45 something matches in Toronto, only spoke with 1. Vancouver was about same. If you have friends who tinder, make sure you all compare girls. My buddy received Intel about this one girl from his friend on how this girl was on thedirty.com
I guess I'm doing something right because I have not done any of the points listed above
I don't agree with #1. You never compliment the girl as many guys say this to her all the time. If your going to compliment, think outside the box.
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Quite a few of the guys under 30 were also on thedirty.com. I swiped left too soon, dammit!!!

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I deleted tinder. Will log back in when I'm back.
I'm very picky about the women I swipe right too. I keep my age range lean between 22-26, I'm into brunettes and high maintenence women. I had 45 something matches in Toronto, only spoke with 1. Vancouver was about same. If you have friends who tinder, make sure you all compare girls. My buddy received Intel about this one girl from his friend on how this girl was on thedirty.com
I guess I'm doing something right because I have not done any of the points listed above
I don't agree with #1. You never compliment the girl as many guys say this to her all the time. If your going to compliment, think outside the box.
Big talk for a guy with no game.

I'm picky = I don't know what to do with a girl after first impressions
Big talk for a guy with no game.

I'm picky = I don't know what to do with a girl after first impressions

Texting is different than live. Had I have said those 2 lines in person at the right time it would of been different. Its just how you say it. Maybe not the mistress line. Texting is impersonable
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Texting is different than live. Had I have said those 2 lines in person at the right time it would of been different. Its just how you say it. Maybe not the mistress line. Texting is impersonable

If it was in person you would have actually seen the girl LOL
all the people in safe, steady relationships find all this funny ..........

dating now a days is very hard .. everyone is so self centered, cruel and selfish. Most people want partners who are super models with decent amount of money .. material has become more important than personality.
Who cares if you really like the person if they don't have the $$$ and body for you to show off with .......

this was mt rant for the day :mad:
all the people in safe, steady relationships find all this funny ..........

dating now a days is very hard .. everyone is so self centered, cruel and selfish. Most people want partners who are super models with decent amount of money .. material has become more important than personality.
Who cares if you really like the person if they don't have the $$$ and body for you to show off with .......

this was mt rant for the day :mad:

Nothing's changed.
Hollywood dreamers and pretend Rockstars. (heard of the term $30K millionaires?)


everyone is so self centered, cruel and selfish. :mad:

It's almost Mandarian. The gloves are off. The thin vail of civility that lubricated society is now gone. At least GTAM is a safe port in the storm. How long can that possibly last? Sad times indeed.
Texting is different than live. Had I have said those 2 lines in person at the right time it would of been different.

You probably would have got pepper sprayed lol.
It's almost Mandarian. The gloves are off. The thin vail of civility that lubricated society is now gone.

[h=2]nar·cis·sism[/h] [nahr-suh-siz-em] Show IPA
noun1.inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity. Synonyms: self-centeredness,smugness, egocentrism.

I agree that there has been a big swing towards narcissism in the social media generation (under 30 age bracket).
A free outlet for every thought has led to the mindset that every one is the most interesting person in the world. Newsflash... you're not.

Likes are the newest form of attention-whoring. I LOL'd when I heard you could buy "likes".


Im a single male under 30.

I have a fb but rarely use it. Until this thread I had no idea what tinder was. Im still not entirely sure what it is exactly.

Hell. Im still trying to figure out what hashtags are. Other then the pound sign.

But seeing as im under 30 and most of my FB friends are as well (they are fb friends. Not my friends) I whole heartedly agree with the above statement. Except that it has gone to people over 50 as well.

I consider myself a boring person, although others disagree with me. Maybe thats why im not constantly on FB "checking in"

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