Tinder App

You buy stuff too soon and chances are you will get a girl that will use you.

You mean like some might use the welfare state? Damn! At least the guy has a chance of return on investment, if he's thinking along those lines.
You mean like some might use the welfare state? Damn! At least the guy has a chance of return on investment, if he's thinking along those lines.

Yea you'd be surprised at how many chicks that are not interested in a dude, stick around because he's buying stuff for her. Yea you might get a return investement but it never lasts because they are in the relationship for the wrong reasons.
Yea you'd be surprised at how many chicks that are not interested in a dude, stick around because he's buying stuff for her. Yea you might get a return investement but it never lasts because they are in the relationship for the wrong reasons.

It's sad. Even sadder when you're in a game you don't even know is a game. Dogs are up to speed in 6 months, humans can take upwards of 50yrs.
You mean like some might use the welfare state? Damn! At least the guy has a chance of return on investment, if he's thinking along those lines.

i don't think buying 2 bath bombs from lush was out of order. this wasn't just some random purchase. the night before she was taking a bath. i asked her if she was using the lush sex bomb - she had no idea what i was talking about. then she asked me if i take baths; i typed "real men take baths, "ill pick u up maybe 2 or 3" . i don't buy random girls ****. ill never buy a girl a drink in a bar i just met.
lol "real man take baths" lol

You know that after her words "do you take baths" there was an exclamation mark and not a question mark right?
lol "real man take baths" lol

You know that after her words "do you take baths" there was an exclamation mark and not a question mark right?


ep1x please don't ever stop posting ;) I've been with my wife for 21 years - this online/app dating thing is all foreign to me. Interesting/entertaining. Hell, that tinderlines.com cost me my afternoon.
in regards to my messages, i don't think they were creepy at all.

i was at lunch with this guy i know, and he was explaining to me how much girls love that spiritual stuff. he advised me to use the manifestation line as he's used the spirituality manifestation line many times which were all panty droppers. the girl is into yoga, spirituality and that **** so it only made sense to type it.

the 2nd girl with the text photo, i was sitting on a bench with my friend smoking a cigarette. i passed the phone to my friend (who has success with the game). she didn't respond to the msg. If i was living in Toronto ,i would of already met up with her.

I was in Toronto on the weekend. I went out to brooklyn on queen west. I had the balls to talk to one of the hottest girls in the bar but my friend who was winging wasn't feeling her friend. The ugly girl grabbed the arm of the hot girl and left. What i'm getting at is I'm not worried about some girl not replying to my tinder msg or shooting me down. The game is all trial and error. I'm pretty confident in myself
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This is the problem you friend is douchy. Stop taking advise from him.

I'm a female, giving you my honest opinion.

ep1x please don't ever stop posting ;) I've been with my wife for 21 years - this online/app dating thing is all foreign to me. Interesting/entertaining. Hell, that tinderlines.com cost me my afternoon.

these lines are pretty awful. i may have f'd up twice in text game but slow progress is still progress. this is just horrible
I think that chick meant to say "do you take bath salts?" OP I think you will have far better success with the grindr app. No joke.

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I think that chick meant to say "do you take bath salts?" OP I think you will have far better success with the grindr app. No joke.

Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Tapatalk

Ya ok. I've only chatted two girls off tinder. I haven't had a lot of volume on tinder. I know I have leaks. Posting here I'm starting to understand the psychology of text. Keep hating. Soon I'm going to post a W
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Kudos to you ep1x for at least putting a good effort out there. I know we are hard on you cuz that's sh1t was just hilarious, but we all **** up on the way. Part of the learning experience... Play on! (And keep us updated!)
Ok, after this post I will admit I was curious. So I went off to tinder. Here are some of my musings.

1) before figuring out that I can restrict the ages of people I get matched with I couldn't belive how many young kids wanted to chat. But the majority of them wanted to know if I lived alone and if they can come over...uuuhhmmm no so ghey

2) Bathroom selfies are the worst. Seriously, don't do it, go find a friend and ask him/her to take a picture. Ask your neighbour...someone, even the gas station attendant would be better than the bathroom selfie

3) Topless bathroom selfies so I can check out your abs are ghey, don't do it. So are pictures of your bicep or your back muscles while you are at the gym...STOP IT NOW.

4) Group pictures are OK, but if it's all group shots, who are you? How is one supposed to know which one is you?

5) Pictues of your car is dumb. I don't care, unless it's an Enzo or something exotic and not at an auto show...really do I care?

6) I was amazed at how random some of the profile pictures were. Like some people would post pictures of the sunset over the lake with nothing else? What am I supposed to discern from that?

7) Please post your best pics. I swear I would see some and I was like "come on...." Like one guy was passed out hung over...with stains all over his shirt....ewww wwww ewww.

:cool: Nudes...stop it...backpages for that...ghey

That's all I can think of for now. The majority of the people weren't bad...but I don't think it's for me. I'm a little more old school. I like when people approach me in person.

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Oh yes, one more thing

get a dog and take a picture with your dog. I found that I was more likely at "like" someone with a cute dog just so that if I did decide to meet the prson IRL I would maybe get to meet the dog.

Just make sure it's not one of those toy dogs....ghey
Oh yes, one more thing

get a dog and take a picture with your dog. I found that I was more likely at "like" someone with a cute dog just so that if I did decide to meet the prson IRL I would maybe get to meet the dog.

Just make sure it's not one of those toy dogs....ghey
tinder is primarily used for random bangs. unless you are into beastiality, why would you take a pic with a dog lol

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