Tinder App

the universe is a manifestation of vibrational energy, whether it be emotional or physical
Thats the secret line you say if you never wanna have sex with a human female again.
n/m, like it matters:rolleyes:
I think you need to get laid... there is this app you can use called Tinder.... girls love to hear about the universe emotional or physical manifestations.
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Who would have thought that girls going out dressed like sluts, and acting like sluts are sluts in the end.

Perhaps if you want wife material look in a different place?

Dude ive heard that a lot and specially from every female friends. Trust me, ive met girls from all walks of life. At uni, gym, starbucks, grocery stores and... and without generalizing too much, its next to impossible to find a good looking girl who is also girlfriend material. There are good girls out there for sure but usually not very attractive ones(IMO). And the attractive ones are usually too busy getting too much attention to have a relationship (and i dont even know if i can blame them lol). Not saying hot and good girls dont exist, just saying they are very very, very rare. But thats just my opinion/experience. Hopefully im wrong.
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Thats the secret line you say if you never wanna have sex with a human female again.

Gonna try it on my wife tonight. Will report back
So I'm 25 and was in a 5 year bender with a girl that ended last year. For the last 9-10 months I never put myself out there. Started swiping through tinder and connected with this gorgeous girl. I met up with her on saturday. I learned she's dated 4/5 guys on tinder, and through topics of conversation, I mentioned my friend was pursuing a PMC contract in Africa. I learned she was banging a 32 year old ex-JTF2 soldier currently employed by Blackwater two years ago when she was 23. She told me it was the best sex she's ever had, "I was black and blue". Right then and there I should of stepped up and left her at the table, but the talking was good. Anyways, brushed it past myself and moved on. We left and went to another spot for drinks. We met up @ 7pm and next thing I knew it was 1 am. We both live downtown so I walked her home. She invited me upstairs to her condo. We spent some time on her balcony, next thing I knew it was 3 am. I left, and for you guys calling me out on not making a move, ask me. I wasn't feeling it.

Sunday night, exchanged texts.

We texted Monday morning, agreed to meet later in the night. Later in the afternoon she then sent me a text asking to meet up another time as she's currently going through some roommate issues, but I wouldn't take No for an answer. We agreed to meet up after she saw a movie with her friend. She's going through some roommate issues, so I picked her up some bath bombs from Lush. I met up with her and gave her the bag. I said something along the lines of me giving her the bag - "Next time they're on you, and were taking one together". Then she gave me the look of "oh yeah :)?" We ended up taking a seat on this bench beside her condo next to a water fountain. I listened to her bull **** about the roommate problem (really not caring, but pretending to be interested). I pulled out some more masculine game, something along the lines of "Its nice to be 5'7, skinny with big tits knowing you can get any guy you want - must be boring" . Then she gave me that look again. We sat for what seemed like 30 minutes but was really 1hr 30. I didn't know until she went back upstairs and I pulled out my phone as I was walking back home. We got up and I pulled her in for a kiss. It was ****ing awesome. I'm kissing this hot girl who I haven't felt a connection over in almost a year. I walk her to the front door and we kiss again. Then she goes inside.

I send her a text couple minutes later…

me: "midnight… it felt like we were outside for 30 minutes. Time doesn't exist"
her: "hahaha u think so"
me: "i guess i forgot to mention that the universe is a manifestation of vibrational energy, whether it be emotional or physical"

her…. no response. Which doesn't really mean anything. Today, no messages, no phone call. I know she's talking to 10-15 other guys, but at least I got my 2nd shot and played it correctly. I had Cialis in my pocket, cause had she of invited me upstairs again, I would of gave it to her so hard she would never think of the 32 year old merc as long as she was with me. I know the guy was giving it to her on vagara - no brainer.

Anyways, end rant. Tinder hos. Fml.

Very easy to find the bad girl, insanely difficult to find the good girl.

What is it that you ride?? You do own a motorbike, right?
I can assure this will never happen again. I learned a lot from this thread and I will have my redemption with a much hotter girl
You should get yourself a Burgman.

You think hard, that's obvious:cool: Get yourself an ice cream.
I can assure this will never happen again. I learned a lot from this thread and I will have my redemption with a much hotter girl

Too late, you have joined the gtam club of legends with other great threads such as boston pizza :lmao:

was chatting this girl. Rocket. we exchanged numbers and she was sending me tinder selflees. i sent that last msg (abstract thinking) and no response.. over step ?
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