Tinder App

I just want to help the toronto guys get some tinder action. I basically wrote the dummies guide to getting laid on tinder. Skipping coffee dates are great. All u Need to do before you meet is get her on the phone before. Make her feel at ease over the phone. Be chill, then she should give u her address, or u give her yours

And if she doesnt reply to your msg, dont send another

Oh thank you for saving our sex lives, Roosh Academy Jr.
I dated a girl for 5 months over the winter. It felt like we never met on tinder. I ****ed it up, she dumped me and I'm still hurting a bit on the inside. I need to bang other girls to fill the hole inside me which doesn't help either.

I know how to wife a bad girl. Many girls are into ****ing because a lot of guys in this society today are waste of spaces and they dont see a future with that guy. since feminism dominates now, all females have been empowered. It's like a barrier you need to slash through. Men are a dying breed. the modern man is portrayed as boyish

jesus christ
I just want to help the toronto guys get some tinder action. I basically wrote the dummies guide to getting laid on tinder. Skipping coffee dates are great. All u Need to do before you meet is get her on the phone before. Make her feel at ease over the phone. Be chill, then she should give u her address, or u give her yours

And if she doesnt reply to your msg, dont send another

There's a much easier, and faster, way to get laid.

Download Grindr.
I dated a girl for 5 months over the winter. It felt like we never met on tinder. I ****ed it up, she dumped me and I'm still hurting a bit on the inside. I need to bang other girls to fill the hole inside me which doesn't help either.

I know how to wife a bad girl. Many girls are into ****ing because a lot of guys in this society today are waste of spaces and they dont see a future with that guy. since feminism dominates now, all females have been empowered. It's like a barrier you need to slash through. Men are a dying breed. the modern man is portrayed as boyish

I think I see why :rolleyes:
I just want to help the toronto guys get some tinder action. I basically wrote the dummies guide to getting laid on tinder. Skipping coffee dates are great. All u Need to do before you meet is get her on the phone before. Make her feel at ease over the phone. Be chill, then she should give u her address, or u give her yours

And if she doesnt reply to your msg, dont send another

ep1x - is that you?
I just want to help the toronto guys get some tinder action. I basically wrote the dummies guide to getting laid on tinder. Skipping coffee dates are great. All u Need to do before you meet is get her on the phone before. Make her feel at ease over the phone. Be chill, then she should give u her address, or u give her yours

Doesn't take a genius to get laid on tinder; you're either good looking or not.

I don't think he swings that way

I'm pretty sure he does:

I dated a girl for 5 months over the winter. It felt like we never met on tinder. I ****ed it up, she dumped me and I'm still hurting a bit on the inside. I need to bang other girls to fill the hole inside me which doesn't help either.
Not true. you can be good looking but if u have no game your not getting anything. Same goes for money. You dont need money to play the game. I've hung around king west guys with money. You take away their money, they're nothing. Not hating on the king west dudes I've met some really cool guys and had a lot of fun times being out till 8 am every weekend. But money is their game. I don't have money right now, but I've got game

need to shower. time for my walk with that girl. talk soon boys
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There's a much easier, and faster, way to get laid.

Download Grindr.
Lolz, ?
You forgot the #NoHetero
You're a funny guy.

I'm surely no expert in today's dating scene (and wasn't much of an expert in my day either) but I agree with @conumdrum 's post.

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
I think I see why :rolleyes:

To elaborate on that. I ****ed it up with a would of been princess of morocco because I couldnt be the boyfriend she wanted me to be. It got to a point she wanted me to sleep over at her place every night. She scratched my head, my back, i even got this girl in the kitchen to make me dinner (she's never done that w a bf before cause shes only dated rich chump 20 something types with their parents money). I actually saw a future with her but when my don't care type personality kicked in I started seeing her less. She always said you wont realize what you have until its gone. I learned that day you don't realize what you have until its gone. She was the best lay ive ever had. We were into same music, afterhours type environments, we were the perfect fit. She was even down to move to London with me cause her rich moroccan friends live in London and she graduated mcgill university. Her friends/cousins brainwashed her into not coming back. She was seeing them less. My best friend returned from Singapore and since we were living together I hung out with my best friend and saw her less. My boy left montreal last month and returned to uk. I was going to go May 1 but decided to stay so I can make some decent coin in London. I don't like dudes. Now I'm back in the Montreal fishpond trying to find another her, while she is moving to toronto so maybe you'll run into her in king west/yorkville, or tinder. Shes only into guys like me so your game better be tight ;). Now instead of being at hers, I'm sitting in my room smoking cigarettes watching sports streams, browsing web/tinder, making mixes. I would of had it all. I miss her opening the door in her booty shorts wearing her mcgill sweater. Weird how life works sometimes

In some ways, this is a message to all you dudes in long term relationships. the moral of the story is if you have the hottest girl in your life and you have something good, don't **** it up. now i have to find a girl hotter than her for long term. my standard is prety high and im the pickiest guy. I don't hook up a lot because I'm not into girls with high kms. I like my kms low. Those types of girls are drying up

In ways, you get to see first hand what its like for a guy who has to do it all over again. I'm sick of the playing the game.
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Not true. you can be good looking but if u have no game your not getting anything. Same goes for money. You dont need money to play the game. I've hung around king west guys with money. You take away their money, they're nothing. I dont have money right now, but I've got game

need to shower. time for my walk with that girl. talk soon boys

I see zero game, all I see is dry conversation. I'd rather talk to a wall and I'm sure the girls are thinking the same. Maybe you can write a guideline on how not to pick up women?
Not true. you can be good looking but if u have no game your not getting anything. Same goes for money. You dont need money to play the game. I've hung around king west guys with money. You take away their money, they're nothing. I dont have money right now, but I've got game

need to shower. time for my walk with that girl. talk soon boys

To elaborate on that. I ****ed it up with a would be princess of morocco because I couldnt be the boyfriend she wanted me to be. It got to a point she wanted me to sleep over at her place every night. You dont realize what you have until its gone. She was the best lay ive ever had. Her friends/cousins brainwashed her into not coming back. Thats why I have that hole inside me. I dont like dudes.

That was quick! Didn't go well :confused:

You didn't bring up your "brainwashed" ex did you? :rolleyes:
That Julia chick rescheduled to tomorrow, so I met this girl on the fly for a bit. we spoke about tinder pretty much the whole time. i asked her what type of guys she's met, how many swipes she does a day, what was her best and worst experience, how long she's dated guys on tinder. what was the oldest guy she's met/dated (31yr dude w/ snowwhite problems). I improved my backend knowledge on how girls use tinder, why they use tinder, and what they use tinder for (stayed in control of convo), etc... and just kept it fun. She came to meet me and we walked around my perimeter. She was very basic. Didn't even know what a personal trainer was. And I told her about my ex.

I'm not posting to brag. I scrolled through lots of pages and I felt like something needed to be typed. If you want more I will post. I'm on the tinder game right now and I dont really care about posting convos. the best part is im in another city so its all entertainment for you guys.
Take care

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Bro, alot of guys with daughters are gonna hate you. Be prepared for the impending hate
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