Tinder App

I can't contain myself any longer. Every time I see "Tinder app." I think tinderbox. Sorry.
Just read the article... seems like getting in now while the user base is low is key. I just messaged the link to 2 buddies at work, lol...
Get them to post their experiences in this thread cause this thread died a brutal death along with my singlehood
Get them to post their experiences in this thread cause this thread died a brutal death along with my singlehood

I know... this is the re-ignition we all need. I hope something happens. Although, being in London it seems that the mobile dating-app usage is limited massively compared to you guys. :/
dam you locked in quick.... which one of the slooots did you end up with

Yeah I know I kinda locked this one down quick but we've been hanging out since mid February, I really like her and I think I got a good one and not a sl00t (though time will tell). I really didn't post anything about our dates cause when I see potential in a girl I keep it to myself rather than posting about it gtam for everyone's entertainment. I did create a thread about when we first matched though called "Sherway dropped my phone... " though ;)
I always thought that when you are that desperate you just get a full size van and spray paint free candy on the side.
Takes a real "clever" gal to eat food that was just drooped off by some over horny random stranger....
油井緋色;2303290 said:
...Wait don't they have to give their address or something to do this...?
Yeah, that's kinda the screwed up part. I mean, what's to stop a guy from cutting a hole in the middle of box/pizza, sticking his dick in and delivering the pizza himself. No idea where I got the idea from. :rolleyes:
Yeah, that's kinda the screwed up part. I mean, what's to stop a guy from cutting a hole in the middle of box/pizza, sticking his dick in and delivering the pizza himself. No idea where I got the idea from. :rolleyes:
I guess you fixed your external hard drive
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