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Yeah, I texted with her a bit and she pretty much gave me a rundown of all the competitions she won, etc. It was basically me listening to her brag for 5 minutes........like I said. Meehhhh. Date last night sucked. Girl was not very attractive and she said that Dumb and Dumber was a stupid movie and kept talking about how sex is not very important.........no thanks. I was so bored that the last half hour I started acting like a complete ***, swearing, calling people ****'s etc. LOL

Oh those are the worst! Had that once. It was a blind date set-up by a friend. After she texted me and I told her "During our conversation, correction you talking for 3 hours about your "amazing life", I contemplated taking the knife on the table and stabbing myself to gain freedom atleast 45 times. Good bye"
Yeah, for the record, date was not with that chick. It was with the older girl. She was Trini. Towards the end of the date I was at Starbucks and this dude started talking to us. Dude was pulling some PUA "palm reading" astrology, chakara ********, and maybe trying to pull some sort of a takeaway but at this point I didn't really care. Wanted to smack him in the teeth though cause I could see right through his ******** while my "date" was all fascinated. I most likely have a date for Wednesday with girl #3 but I'm a bit bummed cause I really want to see girl #5 and she hasn't contacted me since tuesday and she knows I had a massive injury so I was hoping she'd at least ask how I was doing but I got nothing. Oh well, can't win em all.
Oh those are the worst! Had that once. It was a blind date set-up by a friend. After she texted me and I told her "During our conversation, correction you talking for 3 hours about your "amazing life", I contemplated taking the knife on the table and stabbing myself to gain freedom atleast 45 times. Good bye"
You spent 3hrs with her?
You're quite generous with your time

Yeah, for the record, date was not with that chick. It was with the older girl. She was Trini. l.

Did rutakin hook you up with that one?
It was a date and I try not to make a scene in public.

Just dip. I used to be a lot more polite during dates but the dating game seems to have changed; it's quantity over quality.
油井緋色;2268972 said:
Just dip. I used to be a lot more polite during dates but the dating game seems to have changed; it's quantity over quality.
To be honest, I should have ended it earlier last night too. Not sure why I let it go as long as I did. Looks like I might see girl #5 Monday and Girl #3 Wednesday. Kinda loosing the excitement for girl #5 now....I've got a feeling that my timing was good wednesday and now she might be talking to a few other dudes by now and her interests lie elsewhere.......but we'll see. Probably better to go in with low expectations.
Yeah, for the record, date was not with that chick. It was with the older girl. She was Trini. Towards the end of the date I was at Starbucks and this dude started talking to us. Dude was pulling some PUA "palm reading" astrology, chakara ********, and maybe trying to pull some sort of a takeaway but at this point I didn't really care. Wanted to smack him in the teeth though cause I could see right through his ******** while my "date" was all fascinated. I most likely have a date for Wednesday with girl #3 but I'm a bit bummed cause I really want to see girl #5 and she hasn't contacted me since tuesday and she knows I had a massive injury so I was hoping she'd at least ask how I was doing but I got nothing. Oh well, can't win em all.

Should have broke out that vibrational manifestation spiel probably would have wowed the ****** out of her and sent the claim jumper packing with a new respect for your line of BS.
To be honest, I should have ended it earlier last night too. Not sure why I let it go as long as I did. Looks like I might see girl #5 Monday and Girl #3 Wednesday. Kinda loosing the excitement for girl #5 now....I've got a feeling that my timing was good wednesday and now she might be talking to a few other dudes by now and her interests lie elsewhere.......but we'll see. Probably better to go in with low expectations.
Probably sucking 5 other ***** now
Yeah, for the record, date was not with that chick. It was with the older girl. She was Trini. Towards the end of the date I was at Starbucks and this dude started talking to us. Dude was pulling some PUA "palm reading" astrology, chakara ********, and maybe trying to pull some sort of a takeaway but at this point I didn't really care. Wanted to smack him in the teeth though cause I could see right through his ******** while my "date" was all fascinated. I most likely have a date for Wednesday with girl #3 but I'm a bit bummed cause I really want to see girl #5 and she hasn't contacted me since tuesday and she knows I had a massive injury so I was hoping she'd at least ask how I was doing but I got nothing. Oh well, can't win em all.

you will take this as an insult but it's an observation again. From your choice of cars to your talk about dating and feelings I think you are giving off a feminine vibe. No way does another dude come up and make the moves on a woman I'm with. Never happened never will. Talking to both of us happens, putting attention on the woman alone does not happen. Disrespectful and shows the woman you can be pushed aside literally or figuratively.
oh and is your arm ok? Hmmmmmm, buttercwup,pookie?
If showing some emotions make me feminine then you can call me Miss Roasted.

SO someone suggested this a few pages back. Let's see how it goes:


My thoughts exactly

I can't tell which person in that conversation is the girl..honestly no joke no kidding....
What with all the bodily functions, offers for hand to hand combat and the ongoing charity work it's good to see there's still time for a little personal coaching.
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