You may be right, that's why they have Campaigns to heighten awareness on the issues and behaviors of the politicians we elect. There was no uprising to impeach Wynne last election, but come time to evaluate the gov'ts report card, people listened then they spoke.
Trudeau was handed a gift last election - Sheer. Otool might only be a zero, that's a whole lot better than less than zero. I thing if an election was called today, Trudeau would not prevail.
Nah. The liberals would win. I hate Trudeau but if given a choice would probably vote liberal because the alternatives are dire and I shudder to think what a conservative government would have done during this pandemic. It didn’t work out so well for Brazil, the UK or the US with conservative governments.
FWIW I finally sent an email to my MP and basically told him that I was fed up with the incompetence. I said I liked Trudeau as a person but he was in over his head as PM. That and a dollar will get me a coffee at McD's if the special is on.
I got an auto response. He's busy.
We haven't hit bottom yet. By the time we do and the reigning government admits it we will be bankrupt.
I hate it when people are so stubborn in their views, especially when they're right.
The Nannystate Democratic Party will turn us into zombies. BQ will create a split Canada.
Singh wants to eliminate for-profit LTC. It's a great knee jerk reaction to the present situation but nationalizing all the LTC homes would just add to the tax burden. I agree we need better legislation but that also goes for driver's licenses and a few dozen other privileges people think are rights.
I'm starting to think like a republican. People have to start paying their own bills. If you don't pay them the money doesn't come from Justin's bank account, it comes from other tax payers.
We have a reasonable education system here, yeah some flaws but the three "R's" need a fourth "R". RESPONSIBILITY!
If you choose to leave relatively safe Canada to spend your winter and money in a foreign cesspool YOU are responsible for getting back safely without endangering those that stuck it out here. Pay your own quarantine and make it two weeks, not a long weekend.
You drive by a factory and outside there is a sign "XXX days without a long term injury"
What if LTC homes had to post similar signs "No one has died since Tuesday"
Nah. The liberals would win. I hate Trudeau but if given a choice would probably vote liberal because the alternatives are dire and I shudder to think what a conservative government would have done during this pandemic. It didn’t work out so well for Brazil, the UK or the US with conservative governments.
All the CPC needs to do is put forward a good leader, purge the far right crazies and they have an easy win.
If an election was held right now best guess the Liberals land a majority, again how is that good for Canada? It is also why the Liberals are aiming for an election. Don't blame the voters, they have a tough choice to make, as noted the it should be an easy CPC win but the Conservatives are currently choosing not to win, how is that the voters' fault?
Instead of playing the least worst game by aiming for the smallest margin, how about trying good? Radical idea....
All the CPC needs to do is put forward a good leader, purge the far right crazies and they have an easy win.
If an election was held right now best guess the Liberals land a majority, again how is that good for Canada? It is also why the Liberals are aiming for an election. Don't blame the voters, they have a tough choice to make, as noted the it should be an easy CPC win but the Conservatives are currently choosing not to win, how is that the voters' fault?
Instead of playing the least worst game by aiming for the smallest margin, how about trying good? Radical idea....
I agree in part, the PC must broaden their appeal. They need an leader that has both some accomplishments and a bit of charisma. Sheer was to hayseed - hell even his suits look like they were tailored in Calgary. O'Tool has no market presence - can't seem to connect with the media, can't find the photo & speaking ops needed to increase awareness.
I disagree that the Liberals would win a majority. That outcome would require they be in a better place than when they lost their last majority, I think both their leader and their party has backslid since then. The gift giving is over, there are no more handouts. The financial impacts are hitting small biz and the millions they employ hard.
If the PCs have their machine geared up, I'd pull the trigger now.
I agree in part, the PC must broaden their appeal. They need an leader that has both some accomplishments and a bit of charisma. Sheer was to hayseed - hell even his suits look like they were tailored in Calgary. O'Tool has no market presence - can't seem to connect with the media, can't find the photo & speaking ops needed to increase awareness.
I disagree that the Liberals would win a majority. That outcome would require they be in a better place than when they lost their last majority, I think both their leader and their party has backslid since then. The gift giving is over, there are no more handouts. The financial impacts are hitting small biz and the millions they employ hard.
If the PCs have their machine geared up, I'd pull the trigger now.
He just handed out today. Keep your CERB even if you weren't eligible. There is no end to the amount of money he can give away. You already can see one of his election promises being "building back better" with a yearly cheque to the masses to support change. Why bother worrying about where the money comes from for those cheques? The half that understand won't vote for him already so you just need to ensure you get the dumb half permanently on your side and you are unbeatable.
I agree in part, the PC must broaden their appeal. They need an leader that has both some accomplishments and a bit of charisma. Sheer was to hayseed - hell even his suits look like they were tailored in Calgary. O'Tool has no market presence - can't seem to connect with the media, can't find the photo & speaking ops needed to increase awareness.
I disagree that the Liberals would win a majority. That outcome would require they be in a better place than when they lost their last majority, I think both their leader and their party has backslid since then. The gift giving is over, there are no more handouts. The financial impacts are hitting small biz and the millions they employ hard.
If the PCs have their machine geared up, I'd pull the trigger now.
In a battle the PC's would hammer JT with the WE scandal, vaccine no shows, border loopholes for the riffraff and do a spending expose for the more informed, people that pay off their credit cards.
If an early election was called during Covid shut down that could go against whoever pulled the trigger.
Liberals would talk generalities, self solving problems using terms that roll of the tongue but don't mean a thing or worse mean the opposite.
We can make this work indefinitely*
*"for an unlimited or unspecified period of time."
Most people would think indefinitely is a long time. It could be five seconds.
The worst part is that visual image carries too much weight. Doug Ford (Who carries too much weight) against Trudeau would not come out well. We like cool people and JT is far cooler than Ford. Erin O'who?
In a battle the PC's would hammer JT with the WE scandal, vaccine no shows, border loopholes for the riffraff and do a spending expose for the more informed, people that pay off their credit cards.
If an early election was called during Covid shut down that could go against whoever pulled the trigger.
Liberals would talk generalities, self solving problems using terms that roll of the tongue but don't mean a thing or worse mean the opposite.
We can make this work indefinitely*
*"for an unlimited or unspecified period of time."
Most people would think indefinitely is a long time. It could be five seconds.
The worst part is that visual image carries too much weight. Doug Ford (Who carries too much weight) against Trudeau would not come out well. We like cool people and JT is far cooler than Ford. Erin O'who?
There's nothing to hammer on WE scandal. That has been successfully suppressed with no official wrongdoing. Those that still love JT think it was a an attempted political hit that failed.
Honestly, you can never fix dumb, you can never win an argument using reason against an irrational person. JT has both of those groups worshipping him and nothing anyone can say or do will change that any time soon.
I think you are right about optics for who calls the election. That is why JT keeps spinning up farcical non-confidence votes. If he calls an election during a pandemic, the opposition will have ammunition. If he forces the opposition to trigger one with a non-confidence vote on a completely ridiculous policy (guaranteed income at 50K?), he can just point and say they did it, not me. His moronic supporters will continue to believe his verbal diarrhea.
FWIW I finally sent an email to my MP and basically told him that I was fed up with the incompetence. I said I liked Trudeau as a person but he was in over his head as PM. That and a dollar will get me a coffee at McD's if the special is on.
I got an auto response. He's busy.
We haven't hit bottom yet. By the time we do and the reigning government admits it we will be bankrupt.
Thank you for your email in which you comment on several aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the government’s response to it.
Please be assured that your email will be brought to Mr. Baker’s attention.
Since the outbreak of the pandemic, Mr. Baker has received emails from constituents commenting on all aspects and from different positions on the evolving situation related to COVID-19.
He continues to press the concerns and issues raised by constituents in his briefings with parliamentarians related to COVID-19, in various caucus meetings and in conversations with members of Cabinet. He will continue to so.
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