TikTok Canada

... and there is already speculation that Israel is behind that heli crash. If true: prepare for WW3

It was a Bell helicopter and Iran can’t get parts for that because of sanctions that have been in place for a decade or so. “Iran” and “good record of air safety” are not two statements you see together very often. Why would Mossad go to the bother of an intricate assassination attempt when gravity will eventually do the job for them.
It was NATO in the Balkans. US likes to think they run NATO, but they don't.
Korea was a proxy war with USSR. Killed millions of Koreans, destroyed huge area of their country, without US and USSR involvement there probably wouldn't be a North Korea today.
Same as Vietnam.
Poland and Czech spend most of their time in the last century behind the iron curtain and the US hasn't had any real involvement there. When they DID need the help from the west... they got crickets.
The US dropped atomic bombs on Japan. Nuff said.
Until the present war in Ukraine, Laos was the most mined soil on earth. Those mines still kill thousands, mostly children. The agent orange and napalm still poison the countryside.
Manuel Noriega, a graduate of the school of the americas and an employee of the CIA deposed the democratically elected president of Panama, with a coup paid for by the CIA, ushering in 20 years of drug dealing despotism.
Kuwait? That's rich.
That’s a very narrow view of history. I could write a dissertation on each, but I have better things to do this summer.

Did the US make mistakes… absolutely. Did the Europeans ravage resource rich countries - of course they did, as has every power since the beginning of civilization. I can’t see an argument for applying todays conventions back over history - that was then, this is now.

As for your history,

Like it or not, the US has a role as the leader of the free world. And a requirement to defend their domestic interests. To address your points:

NATO in the Balkans fiddle-farted around for 4 years. The US stepped in to lead after the slaughters in Srebrenica. They settled the mess

Without the US, both Koreas would be under the regime that rules the north. I think South Korea did ok.

All of the eastern block was lifted to a better place once the Soviet Union collapsed. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" Tat was targeted at east Germany, but rapidly moved thru the eastern bloc, with many nations liberated.

Remember the US entry into WWII caused its end. The US could have handled Japan, but the Europeans could not have handled Russia and Germany.

Post war Japan would have been crushed by China and the rest of Asia post war. The US led its reconstruction under MacArthur led Allied Occupation in Japan. Europe would have been in shambles for 100 years, the US Marshall plan and generous immigration options for Italy and Ireland underpinned the reconstruction of Europe.

That’s all for tonight. Still interested in learning which govts were overthrown, and what did they steal?
Guess you don't read what's provided.
Relying on the laudable aspects of the allies in WWII and ignoring the imperialist history of the US ( the UK as well ) both before and after WWII....talk about narrow.
You very pointedly ignored the elephant in the room which is Iran and the overthrow engineered by UK and US for oil.
How about Chile1973 Chilean coup d'état

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki › 1973_Chilean_coup_d...

The 1973 Chilean coup d'état was a military overthrow of the democratic socialist president of Chile Salvador Allende and his Popular Unity coalition ...
United States intervention in... · ‎Death of Salvador Allende · ‎Popular Unity (Chile)
We met a lovely gentleman in Chile in 2021 who was shot in the balls by the Pinochet henchmen when he was carrying a placard as a university student and had to spend decades in France. We talked for a long time and he was still engaged in getting justice for those impacted by Pinochet.
It was an "enlightening" conversation - his positice view of Canadians/Australians vs the US led him to open up
- what did the US steal? life and freedom of tens of thousands of Chileans.

Then there is Iraq....and Vietnam, Hawaii, Panama, etc etc.
Just pick the government you want to spy on you and run with it.

You'd pick China? Yes the US is far from perfect but China? Uygers, Hong Kong, Taiwan all happening right now.

Also, it's not the spying that's the issue. It's that a foreign government is controlling the news source of a generation. They can seed conspiracy theories, drive the left to the left and the right the right until we all hate each other and have civil war. They control the echo chamber you're in.
Did you even bother to look at the weather conditions they were flying in? Zero visibility. It was your quintessential Kobe scenario, with snow and freezing temperatures thrown in for additional SNAFU.

But no rapists on board.
You'd pick China? Yes the US is far from perfect but China? Uygers, Hong Kong, Taiwan all happening right now.

Also, it's not the spying that's the issue. It's that a foreign government is controlling the news source of a generation. They can seed conspiracy theories, drive the left to the left and the right the right until we all hate each other and have civil war. They control the echo chamber you're in.

China doesn't have to even do that, the American, Canadian, British, Australian etc govts are doing that already. People in the west are the most divided they have ever been and its not foreign govts doing it.
China doesn't have to even do that, the American, Canadian, British, Australian etc govts are doing that already. People in the west are the most divided they have ever been and its not foreign govts doing it.
I think china and russia could well be driving some of those echo chambers creating the divide.
China doesn't have to even do that, the American, Canadian, British, Australian etc govts are doing that already. People in the west are the most divided they have ever been and its not foreign govts doing it.

Judging by the number of people that jumped on board making excuses for Russia when they invaded Ukraine, as well as many other wild conspiracies that have grabbed traction I believe they are already driving that wedge.

I think that there has even been some intelligence reports in the news over the last few years.

"increasing political and social discord in the United States. According to the U.S. intelligence community, the operation—code named Project Lakhta[3][4]—was ordered directly by Russian president Vladimir Putin.[5][6] The "hacking and disinformation campaign"
I think china and russia could well be driving some of those echo chambers creating the divide.

Cheapest ever way to continue a soft war. No tanks, no soldiers, no real risk. You just need Ivan in his mothers basement in Moscow posting under a few hundred aliases about pedophiles in pizza parlours and the country goes to ****.
Judging by the number of people that jumped on board making excuses for Russia when they invaded Ukraine, as well as many other wild conspiracies that have grabbed traction I believe they are already driving that wedge.

I think that there has even been some intelligence reports in the news over the last few years.

"increasing political and social discord in the United States. According to the U.S. intelligence community, the operation—code named Project Lakhta[3][4]—was ordered directly by Russian president Vladimir Putin.[5][6] The "hacking and disinformation campaign"

Yes, every government in every country is doing this. To think otherwise is naive.
Gonna need that translated into english.

I'll type slowly.

I equate the weather of the Iran crash to Kobe's crash (both foggy). You feel the need to bring up Kobe's sexual past which has SFA to do with the topic (other than the fact you get to act all smug some more).
Guess you don't read what's provided.
Relying on the laudable aspects of the allies in WWII and ignoring the imperialist history of the US ( the UK as well ) both before and after WWII....talk about narrow.
You very pointedly ignored the elephant in the room which is Iran and the overthrow engineered by UK and US for oil.

We met a lovely gentleman in Chile in 2021 who was shot in the balls by the Pinochet henchmen when he was carrying a placard as a university student and had to spend decades in France. We talked for a long time and he was still engaged in getting justice for those impacted by Pinochet.
It was an "enlightening" conversation - his positice view of Canadians/Australians vs the US led him to open up
- what did the US steal? life and freedom of tens of thousands of Chileans.

Then there is Iraq....and Vietnam, Hawaii, Panama, etc etc.
You don't have to worry about me, I read well.

You have to take a deeper peek than Facebook U into history. Post war, Iran was a pseudo democracy that had complicated dealings with the UK and Russia. The UK was heavily invested in Iran, they had funded exploration, transportation and refining under long-term licencing deals. Did they exploit the Iranians? Possibly. There's no debating that Iran wasn't organized of financed well enough to develop an oil industry -- they needed someone to do that. The UK and Iran were willing partners in the beginning, UK getting valuable oil, Iran getting the value of a domestic infrastructure for oil and gas. In the early 50's, Iran decided to nationalize UK assets, which actually have an upside for the US. But it wasn't all upside, nationalizing oil put Iran closer to the USSR. So, in the end Britain was protecting it's financial investment, the US protecting against Communist expansion through the region.

As for Chile, is another example of the US defending it's interests by protecting a heavy financial investment from Communist nationalization plans. Chile was an economic mess, the Russians were at the doorsteps -- you pick the lesser of all evil and look for a better long-term outcome. Chile has not done too badly - arguably better than Cuba or Venezuela -- a couple of Latin American countries that were let slip into socialist totalitarian states.
I'll type slowly.

I equate the weather of the Iran crash to Kobe's crash (both foggy). You feel the need to bring up Kobe's sexual past which has SFA to do with the topic (other than the fact you get to act all smug some more

Can I help it if I'm anti rapist? Any time you get to slam a rapist I say take.
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I'm going to ask that we stay on topic.


I’m posting my next reply on TikTok. I’ll leave a link here.
It was a Bell helicopter and Iran can’t get parts for that because of sanctions that have been in place for a decade or so. “Iran” and “good record of air safety” are not two statements you see together very often. Why would Mossad go to the bother of an intricate assassination attempt when gravity will eventually do the job for them.
Embargoes and sanctions only go so far considering the number of "entrepreneurs" that are willing to divert and sidestep to ship in critical goods if the price is right. A fair number of these businessmen call the GTA home for what its worth.
If you have the funds the goods are always available.
Not worthy of a new thread but Russian courts just fined Google for YouTube bans. The fine is in the ballpark of 20% of global gdp. Alternatively, the fine is 6.6E21 times Googles yearly revenue.
Not worthy of a new thread but Russian courts just fined Google for YouTube bans. The fine is in the ballpark of 20% of global gdp. Alternatively, the fine is 6.6E21 times Googles yearly revenue.

Is that in Rubles? I would pay them in Rubles.

No, wait. There's sanctions. Rubber cheque it is.
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