TikTok Canada


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Yeah... don't use Tiktok, ya' don't want the evil Chinese spying on ya.
Use western services... so the much nicer western authoritarian governments AND commercial advertisers can spy on you.

We can't have cheap Huawei routers cuz the NSA doesn't have a back door like they do on Cisco gear.

Just pick the government you want to spy on you and run with it.

Justin Trudeau warns Canadians to listen to our top spy: “I would absolutely not recommend someone have TikTok​

Oh but it's cool when the same country interferes in our elections in favour of his party.
Yeah... don't use Tiktok, ya' don't want the evil Chinese spying on ya.
Use western services... so the much nicer western authoritarian governments AND commercial advertisers can spy on you.

We can't have cheap Huawei routers cuz the NSA doesn't have a back door like they do on Cisco gear.

Just pick the government you want to spy on you and run with it.
When it comes to the people spying on me , I'd prefer it wasn't the people who are ok with openly slaughtering people in the public square. At least the Yanks try to keep that stuff out of sight.
At least the Yanks try to keep that stuff out of sight.

So killing innocents is OK, as long as they lie about it afterward?
Thanks, I prefer the government that tells the truth, the one that isn't afraid of the truth.
If your government wants to be the biggest empire building nation the world has ever seen, they can own it... but NO, America is bringing democracy to these resource rich countries... by over throwing their democratically elected governments and stealing their resources. Democracy at it's best... RIGHT?
Britain's imperialism was to bring christianity to the great unwashed ... but only the resource rich unwashed deserved saving

So killing innocents is OK, as long as they lie about it afterward?
Thanks, I prefer the government that tells the truth, the one that isn't afraid of the truth.
If your government wants to be the biggest empire building nation the world has ever seen, they can own it... but NO, America is bringing democracy to these resource rich countries... by over throwing their democratically elected governments and stealing their resources. Democracy at it's best... RIGHT?
Britain's imperialism was to bring christianity to the great unwashed ... but only the resource rich unwashed deserved saving
You cover a lot of ground in this post!

1) the shot up Iraqis. I don’t think a bunch of identified terrorists are innocent bystanders. During times of war, I’m guessing their entourage may not have been innocents either.

2) There is a difference between imperialism and protecting one’s interests - they are nowhere near the same. Which democratically elected govts has the US overthrown? And from whom are they stealing resources?

3) British colonialism was never about spreading Christianity, it was all about expanding the realm — a pursuit of kings since the beginning of civilization. It didn’t make sense to conquer a resourceless desert.
1) the shot up Iraqis. I don’t think a bunch of identified terrorists are innocent bystanders.
The "identified terrorists" were a Al Jezeera reporter and his camera man. If you listen to the radio there was CONFIRMED multiple AK47s and a RPG... it was ONE camera and a phone. We won't talk about the kid they shot up... then tried to save him by taking the kid to a US military hospital, but got ordered to leave him for the Iraqis to take care of.
Mike: Do you REALLY not know the story behind that video? Do you live under a rock?
There is a youtube video from the US serviceman that tried to save the kid... it's heartbreaking.
Fog of war...right?
2) There is a difference between imperialism and protecting one’s interests
Read "War is a Racket" by Smedly Butler... and get back to us.
Which democratically elected govts has the US overthrown? And from whom are they stealing resources?
You Do live under a rock, don't you. Your either being a US apologist or you're delusional. The US is the most imperialist nation this world has ever witnessed.

As to Britains colonialism? You really need to read some history. British colonialism is all about stealing resources from the stupid natives, under the guise of bring them "civilization"... and a big part of being civilized was the Church of England, that was opposed to the Roman Catholic church of Rome, one of the other stake holders, the three powers were Rome, the Ottomans and the Brits.
It's a hard sell to your populace when you tell them they're off to the "crusades" to steal the ottomans resources... and you'll probably die an awful death in some foreign ******** of a country... so the king can get more stuff... so you tell 'em they're going to a holy war, to do gods work... YEAH that sounds NOBLE.
The US is doing exactly the same thing but they're bringing DEMOCRACY... Yeah that sounds NOBLE.
Theft is never NOBLE.
MIKE: here is a thought exercise for ya: Name ONE country the US has intervened in that has a better outcome because of the US intervention. ONE... go ahead and try.
The "identified terrorists" were a Al Jezeera reporter and his camera man. If you listen to the radio there was CONFIRMED multiple AK47s and a RPG... it was ONE camera and a phone. We won't talk about the kid they shot up... then tried to save him by taking the kid to a US military hospital, but got ordered to leave him for the Iraqis to take care of.
Mike: Do you REALLY not know the story behind that video? Do you live under a rock?
There is a youtube video from the US serviceman that tried to save the kid... it's heartbreaking.
Fog of war...right?

Read "War is a Racket" by Smedly Butler... and get back to us.

You Do live under a rock, don't you. Your either being a US apologist or you're delusional. The US is the most imperialist nation this world has ever witnessed.

As to Britains colonialism? You really need to read some history. British colonialism is all about stealing resources from the stupid natives, under the guise of bring them "civilization"... and a big part of being civilized was the Church of England, that was opposed to the Roman Catholic church of Rome, one of the other stake holders, the three powers were Rome, the Ottomans and the Brits.
It's a hard sell to your populace when you tell them they're off to the "crusades" to steal the ottomans resources... and you'll probably die an awful death in some foreign ******** of a country... so the king can get more stuff... so you tell 'em they're going to a holy war, to do gods work... YEAH that sounds NOBLE.
The US is doing exactly the same thing but they're bringing DEMOCRACY... Yeah that sounds NOBLE.
Theft is never NOBLE.
MIKE: here is a thought exercise for ya: Name ONE country the US has intervened in that has a better outcome because of the US intervention. ONE... go ahead and try.
I’ll crawl out from under my rock for a second to help you with your question.

South Korea. Kosovo. Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Columbia. Poland. Czech. Taiwan. Vietnam. Laos. South Africa. Kuwait. Germany. Japan. Panama. Phillipines. Need more?

And you didn’t answer the original questions. Which govts were overthrown, and what did they steal?
South Korea. Kosovo. Bosnia-Herzegovina.
It was NATO in the Balkans. US likes to think they run NATO, but they don't.
Korea was a proxy war with USSR. Killed millions of Koreans, destroyed huge area of their country, without US and USSR involvement there probably wouldn't be a North Korea today.
Same as Vietnam.
Poland and Czech spend most of their time in the last century behind the iron curtain and the US hasn't had any real involvement there. When they DID need the help from the west... they got crickets.
The US dropped atomic bombs on Japan. Nuff said.
Until the present war in Ukraine, Laos was the most mined soil on earth. Those mines still kill thousands, mostly children. The agent orange and napalm still poison the countryside.
Manuel Noriega, a graduate of the school of the americas and an employee of the CIA deposed the democratically elected president of Panama, with a coup paid for by the CIA, ushering in 20 years of drug dealing despotism.
Kuwait? That's rich.
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99% of countries in existence are on land they "stole".
Don't know about 99%... but 65 current countries celebrate an Independence day FROM Britain

And how come we never talk about French, Italian or Spanish bastard colonialism? (there was LOTS... especially Spain).
No oil.
This is an informative read
Since the 19th century, the United States government has participated and interfered, both overtly and covertly, in the replacement of many foreign governments. In the latter half of the 19th century, the U.S. government initiated actions for regime change mainly in Latin America and the southwest Pacific, including the Spanish–American and Philippine–American wars. At the onset of the 20th century, the United States shaped or installed governments in many countries around the world, including neighbors Hawaii, Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic.
According to one study, the U.S. performed at least 81 overt and covert known interventions in foreign elections during the period 1946–2000.[6] According to another study, the U.S. engaged in 64 covert and six overt attempts at regime change during the Cold War.[7]

and of course most blatantly Iran
n August 2013, the U.S. government formally acknowledged the U.S. role in the coup by releasing a bulk of previously classified government documents that show it was in charge of both the planning and the execution of the coup. According to American journalist Stephen Kinzer, the operation included false flag attacks, paid protesters, provocations, the bribing of Iranian politicians and high-ranking security and army officials, as well as pro-coup propaganda.[29][30][31][32] The CIA is quoted acknowledging the coup was carried out "under CIA direction" and "as an act of U.S. foreign policy, conceived and approved at the highest levels of government".[33] In 2023, the CIA took credit for the coup,[34] contradicted by previous scholarly assessment that the CIA had botched the operation.[35][36][37]
Distribution of TikTok users worldwide as of January 2024, by age and gender

Most popular platforms for daily news consumption in the United States as of August 2022, by age group

GenZ Dumping Google For TikTok, Instagram As Social Search Wins​

This is the theme song for google!
... and there is already speculation that Israel is behind that heli crash. If true: prepare for WW3
... and there is already speculation that Israel is behind that heli crash.

Did you even bother to look at the weather conditions they were flying in? Zero visibility. It was your quintessential Kobe scenario, with snow and freezing temperatures thrown in for additional SNAFU.

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