... and failure to notice and do anything about roll-back for 4 seconds or thereabouts. In doing this test, it is readily apparent that the car is rolling back, there are plenty of visual cues in the surroundings.
That's still pretty skimpy evidence to support an accusation of staging a crash. The 4 second roll back can easily be explained by distraction or inattention. The lack of brake lights may or may not be true given the quality of the recording camera and/or the mounting height of the camera. I didn't notice any brake lights on the cars in the lane to the left even when they appeared to be obviously slowing at a rate that would call for brakes to be on.
And the main visual cue other than traffic to his left and right would be the tall green sound barrier wall, which is a uniform height and painted a uniform light green colour along its length, and as such would not really give any useful location reference at a casual glance. Maybe the wall provided YOU with a visual cue, but you had the benefit of being right beside that wall and in a place where you could easily see even the imperfections in the paint on that wall. At least I hope that is the case and that you were testing roll on the shoulder right next to that green wall, and not a full two lanes (right lane and shoulder lane) away from it in the live traffic lane where the collision occurred.
So what we really have is little more than evidence of a distracted driver perhaps with defective brake lights. HTA infractions at best. And a no-sound video uploaded and commentated on by Sham with his interpretation that he was being criminally scammed.
And the outcome is a bunch of thugs stalking the other driver at home and work, accusing him of criminal intent, making life difficult for him, his family, maybe his employer, and all this based on a minor collision dispute caught on low quality video without any backing sound.
If I was Sham, I would be worried. I think he realizes it too by his recent public comments back-pedalling away from his initial accusations. He has potentially set himself up for one hell of a libel and defamation of character law suit. All it would take is one contingency-paid lawyer to pick up on this and convince the other driver to launch a law suit against Sham and all of the web sites that "participated" in the libel and defamation by permitting the defamatory comments to remain in public view, and particularly the specific personal work and home information so as to make him a target for others.