This guy needs to be fired, pronto!

Pointing out racist stereotypes is not sensitive, it is the morally right thing to do, and it takes guts to do so, instead of remaining silent.

I don't know whether you have had to live through racism, sexism, homophobia etc., but if you are relying on the GTAM community (who is mostly male, white, straight, able-bodied) to condone your inappropriate jokes, and nobody said anything, you would likely go on thinking you made such a fantastic, witty comment that was ultimately just really insenstive.

Are you a super sensitive type?
I find it offensive that you are accusing me of being offensive.
Since when do cars have eyes? I don't think Canadian Tire stocks eye bulbs.
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Mexican construction for American taste, the jetta is officially ruined. Beam axle in the back and drum brakes now, no 5 setting heated seats, half the sound dampening removed and interior plastics look like fisher-price is molding for them. Sad sad car right now.
My '06 was such a better drive, **** electrics but better drive.

At first I thought it was just me, but my friend test drove it & same experience. I love the new styling, that's it

Sent from my Phone, dont judge the grammar
A simple apology would have sufficed, go ahead and keeping making negative inferences coupled with your name calling. I guess that approach works well for you in life.

So as others have mentioned, $70k does seem very high for that vehicle and brand.
This reminds me of the canned responses such e.g. Why is that Jeep $70k? Well because it's a Jeep.
I think someone needs to remind Fiat/Chrysler that Jeep is was never a luxury nameplate.
They would have been better served creating a new badge much like Toyota and Lexus.

yes, an apology would have been appropriate...since you made an offensive remark about a whole group of people. (post #14)

I see through your transparent attempt in trying to "appear" that you're taking the moral high ground, and did nothing wrong.
other trolls would have continued with slander, but you choose to play naive.

here, let me respond in your 'higher than thou' tone...

I feel sad for people like you, making fun of make yourself feel better, I guess that approach works well for you in life.
What is Fiat going to do with Chrysler that Benz couldn't?

End them?
So a classic Disney ending for old Chrysler.

Its'a my dog poppi, Im'a gonna put him down...

Pointing out racist stereotypes is not sensitive, it is the morally right thing to do, and it takes guts to do so, instead of remaining silent.

I don't know whether you have had to live through racism, sexism, homophobia etc., but if you are relying on the GTAM community (who is mostly male, white, straight, able-bodied) to condone your inappropriate jokes, and nobody said anything, you would likely go on thinking you made such a fantastic, witty comment that was ultimately just really insenstive.

yes, an apology would have been appropriate...since you made an offensive remark about a whole group of people. (post #14)

I see through your transparent attempt in trying to "appear" that you're taking the moral high ground, and did nothing wrong.
other trolls would have continued with slander, but you choose to play naive.

here, let me respond in your 'higher than thou' tone...

I feel sad for people like you, making fun of make yourself feel better, I guess that approach works well for you in life.

Are you two related?

Please have a look at the parts of your reply that I have bolded.
You are accusing me of being racists and stereotyping yet in your subsequent lines, you did exactly that.
still playing stupid huh?...not even going to address the offensive remark you made in post #14?
your attitude truly is's close minded people like you, that bring society down.

from the tone in your posts, it appears you truly think you are better than others (wake-up, open your eyes...we're all equal)
but, I think no amount of talking will change your mind so....all I can say is ride safe.
Run Kids!
Robbie is coming :D
What is Fiat going to do with Chrysler that Benz couldn't?

End them?

Benz= premium car maker and currently making the most drivable service vans and now motor home platforms ever

Fiat= solidly mediocre car maker and heavy equipment machinery company that needed a dealer platform to get back into North America AGAIN.

the Italians are just a better fit
^ Not really sure what you're talking about but the new Cherokee looks absolutely badass!
This one works. Definitely and i thought thats what it was going to look like. And i hope for them thats what its gonna look like... otherwise we will have found something uglier than this... but at least its subaru, they have a reason, theyre subaru:


^ Not really sure what you're talking about but the new Cherokee looks absolutely badass!
^ Not really sure what you're talking about but the new Cherokee looks absolutely badass!

Those lights look awfully familiar.

<cough cough>
This one works. Definitely and i thought thats what it was going to look like. And i hope for them thats what its gonna look like... otherwise we will have found something uglier than this... but at least its subaru, they have a reason, theyre subaru:

Had one of those on my lot, it was actually a great looking car.
The interior is extremely sharp and after a while the front end kind of grows on you.
I liked it.
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