These Conservatives

i expect he's going to resign by the summer, the numbers from a recent poll showed the gap continuing to widen post budget reveal. i'm sure he'd rather not be at the helm if the ship goes down.
So what? He's a puppet of the Liberal machine. They'll just get another poster boy.
So what? He's a puppet of the Liberal machine. They'll just get another poster boy.
Or girl. Freeland seems to be the heir appararent but has probably shot herself in the foot with her abysmal performance. She firmly grabbed onto to a sinking ship. The new leader will have to be fresh blood. What is van koeverden up to these days? Good looks and olympic medallist seems to fill the liberal criteria.
Or girl. Freeland seems to be the heir appararent but has probably shot herself in the foot with her abysmal performance. She firmly grabbed onto to a sinking ship. The new leader will have to be fresh blood. What is van koeverden up to these days? Good looks and olympic medallist seems to fill the liberal criteria.
parliamentary secretary for environment i think
Or girl. Freeland seems to be the heir appararent but has probably shot herself in the foot with her abysmal performance. She firmly grabbed onto to a sinking ship. The new leader will have to be fresh blood. What is van koeverden up to these days? Good looks and olympic medallist seems to fill the liberal criteria.
When I see her she reminds me of the witch in the Wizard of Oz. When she speaks I think of a seagull squawking over a dead fish.

Maybe the Liberals should adopt the seagull as their mascot bird.

Makes a lot of attention getting, incoherent noise

Gobbles anything in sight

Takes off when challenged, crapping over anything left behind
Or girl. Freeland seems to be the heir appararent but has probably shot herself in the foot with her abysmal performance. She firmly grabbed onto to a sinking ship. The new leader will have to be fresh blood. What is van koeverden up to these days? Good looks and olympic medallist seems to fill the liberal criteria.
Freeland wouldnt make it as the liberal leader - she isnt likeable enough.

My guess is she’s the deputy PM because of her loyalty and willingness to support JT, and because she ticks a politically correct box or two.

She’s tough, but without leadership skills, charisma, and your own spine… it’s tough to be PM.
When I see her she reminds me of the witch in the Wizard of Oz. When she speaks I think of a seagull squawking over a dead fish.

Maybe the Liberals should adopt the seagull as their mascot bird.

Makes a lot of attention getting, incoherent noise

Gobbles anything in sight

Takes off when challenged, crapping over anything left behind

That video is is analogous to the Liberal and NDP axis of weasels driving into the next election.
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I could see this too, so out of touch they can't see the forest. Doug might be right and they will get obliterated at the election.
This might be preferable after this long disaster.
I'd be shocked. He still thinks he's never made a misstep. I think he will hold on to power as long as he possibly can. Best case for me would be like ontario with liberals getting so few seats that they cease to be a party for a bit. They need a timeout as a clear lesson that their behaviour was unconscionable.
The Liberals may want to lose the next election. If they win and keep playing the same hand their approval rating will drop to single digit. That could take along time to fix.

However, if the Conservatives win, PP will be spending a huge amount of his time trying to explain to the dumb masses that drank the Liberal Koolaid that it will take many terms to fix JT's dumbathon.

Do not underestimate the power of the recently hired civil service. Think sabotage if PP cuts back. Then there are the Liberal appointees.

PP will have his work cut out for him.

Businesses must be profitable. Reduction in profits does nasty things to investments.

The general public will not want cuts to their special needs. The days of sucking it up are no longer acceptable.

There will never be adequate housing. NEVER.

Perceived rights have run amok.

Multi level governments make progress impossible. Municipalities want to end zoning so anyone can put in a basement apartment to relieve the housing crunch. LTB discourages small entities. Parking becomes an issue and public transit is a joke. The current provincial government is pro-developer. Developers want to build remote communities but don't contribute to public transit. Employers pays for time on the job but not transit time. Frazzled nerves means less family time resulting in virtual orphans. Big box malls are car dependent. EV's are the solution to everything but the EV system has more holes than Swiss cheese.

The housing merry-go-round is

Business needs employees

Employees need housing

Housing needs money

Business can't afford to pay the employees enough housing money and the merry-go-round grinds to a stop.

When you point out the problems with the above situations the answer comes back as either "Not my job" or the variant "Don't worry. Someones working on it."

The people that will be charged to do the above will be elected by people used to thinking "What's in it for me?"

JFK, in his inaugural speech stated "As not what your country can do for you but rather what you can do for your country." Few today are prepared for that sacrifice.
A report put out by Skippy's at his whim and beckon on-demand police force and the conveniently "not redacted" bullet points are all LIbEral tropes blaming the right wing. Why am I not surprised.

When I see her she reminds me of the witch in the Wizard of Oz. When she speaks I think of a seagull squawking over a dead fish.

Maybe the Liberals should adopt the seagull as their mascot bird.

Makes a lot of attention getting, incoherent noise

Gobbles anything in sight

Takes off when challenged, crapping over anything left behind
She also talks to people like she's teaching a kindergarten class.
And stop constantly nodding your ******* head! lol
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