The Random Night Ride 2.0

Man..I am so out of this loop..I still thought they were EPIC rides...! See you soon. Anyways, they are fun so thanks.
Last nights ride was truly legendary epic....thats right Legendary + Epic into one fcuking sentence :snorting:

anyways cliffs:
- Met at the Tims
- Waited for Tiger
- Half of the ppl left
- Down to me,Homeweb,Rfid
- Tiger arrives finally after 2.5 hours lol
- Rfid leaves
- Go to KC
- Pick up another rider
- Hit up distally district to get another rider
- Did twisties to 403/dundas
- A random rabbit appeared out of no where
- DVP cager got booked
- Hands were frozen and ears are ringing

Fun night in general and im off to do house work.

Last nights ride was truly legendary epic....thats right Legendary + Epic into one fcuking sentence :snorting:

anyways cliffs:
- Met at the Tims
- Waited for Tiger
- Half of the ppl left
- Down to me,Homeweb,Rfid
- Tiger arrives finally after 2.5 hours lol
- Rfid leaves
- Go to KC
- Pick up another rider
- Hit up distally district to get another rider
- Did twisties to 403/dundas
- A random rabbit appeared out of no where
- DVP cager got booked
- Hands were frozen and ears are ringing

Fun night in general and im off to do house work.

Sounds about Epic/Legendary..was going to come sorry to miss one. ;)
Was this another 5am trip? lol I hate having to work Sat.
4am gets chilly. Holmes you hooligan! Good riding with ya.
Is it true that we be doing a night ride tonight? Turn out is gonna be big?
Please reply.
Haven't posted any pics lately... So here's one while we take a quick break tonight. :P

Crap, haha! I never went to check that it actually posted properly. I guess Tapatalk bungled posting up the picture somehow... Will have to see why.
yeah. weather is cold....rode and came home just now.
frozen nutsack = no good.
I got my heated vest and 12v socket wired in. Im good for another month. =D
I over hear that there is going to be a ride happening tonight...

in - ter- esting.
Im sooo down !!
. . . . Bs !! ;p
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