The Random Night Ride 2.0

Holy crap, I just got in from our Niagara ride tonight. We must be a bunch of crazy bastards leaving at 12:30 from L&L to do a random Niagara run, but man was it fun. Ridge Rd, the Thorold Tunnel, getting randomly lost repeatedly along the way, and of course the mandatory 4:30AM Denny's run... Truly an epic run, even with the horrible traffic on the way back home. Seems Niagara runs require at least an 8-12 hour ride... :P
Bored at work so I complied the entire listing of the word EPIC since c-note states that i've used the word too much...LETS SEE! :D

Test Ride to Niagara yesterday was EPIC!!!
Tornique, should have stuck around for last portion......
Sign said "Winding Road for Next 22KM!" :lol:
Best part was not getting Rained on the whole ride!!!

Don't worry to those that missed it, the real ride will be next week & way better since Phillymon will be able to omit the bad roads.
Too bad I can't make it! :(

Translation of all the posts ^^^^^


and the Queen wasn't there... WHATUP

Commisso Bros = Epic meal time.

Haha, that was truly an epic night. These random night rides are definitely something I plan to attend regularly. I was out riding since early this afternoon BEFORE the night ride, and it's 4am now and I just got home.

You guys that had to take off early missed some of the best parts of the night. Awesome riding in and around the city, a pit-stop at a gas station with a blood-splattered bathroom (and an employee who reacted as if this were a regular thing), rfid's epic 2-up session downtown (that will definitely be one of the year's most memorable moments :P)... and the season's only just begun! Can't wait for the next ride!

ahahah thats epic

Sorry I missed that y'all, The gym has been missing me since I got on two wheels, so I figured Id pay her a visit




- Meet at 8 pm at K/C...I myself was late (sorry) and waited for an hr and 30 mins, for other riders to come to k/c. So that was "fun" for posing till 9:30
- Left K/C and we somehow lost 3-4 riders? Making a right on traffic light heading towards 401? We hit the red and then got the green and somehow lost you guys :S
- Did some twisties and realized the group was wayy behind. Rider did a u-turn from a far and I noticed was the only one from behind and I and another rider did a u turn thinking a rider fell.
- Turns out one of the riders at the very back had to take a piss so all is well
- Another rider dropped his bike at a stand still. Mirror broke :(


One of the riders accidentally locked his trunk with his keys in starts with a L and ends with a X
- One of the riders was generous to give a 2up to starts with a fruit but minus the "N"
- They took forever so we joked around saying they probably enjoy each others company and the 2 upping.
- FINALLY after 20 mins or so they come back.
- LOL'd ensured and the joke will be forever there.




epic night tonight =] although lots of posing, it was fun :)

guys it was epic night, & fun as always,
@UJelly: let it be puzzle LMAO
never mind the mirror, we all glad that he's safe & sound.

Got home from another Epic Random Night Ride! LoL!

Props to you Tornique for riding the 250r! LoL!
Yep another epic night ride, but unfortunately as soon as I hit 404 north then it was raining buckets!
Oh wellz, can't out ride the rain all the time!


- Met at kc@8

- Popo cruiser pulls up and HITS THE CURB all of us LOL hard :lmao:
- Phillymon says SHHHHH we'll get a ticket
- Driver was female and lets say she left quickly :lmao:
end of highlight of the night
- Waited (or shall I say pose) till 9 something waiting for Queen V to arrive :agave:
- Friend hugged me and accidentally "hit" my right nut sack"...that hurt...A LOT x_x
- left KC to go hit LNL @ 9:30ish? and arrived to LNL close to 10
- Great to see a lot of bikers and friends :)
- Left to go riding...awesome route Phillymon!
- Went to McDonald's and had our food
- Left myself (forever alone) @ 2 and got home at 2:30ish am
- Tired and going to be sleeping today at the office
- Problem? U mad? U jelly?

See you guys/the crew again for another epic random night ride moment!

Indeed it was a epic night...Sorry that Magoo and I had to leave early. You guise are hooligans for staying that late LOL

This one was worthy of epicness! Tourn if you are still holding out!!

Don't know what type of riding your doing. My butts still fine. Strong posting of spooing pic to real life. Another epic night ride. :D fun fun fun.

epic ride after la paloma tonight! =p

yea epic ride tonight =p

man tekninja i wish i had a dash cam lol. it turned from an 'OH S#!T' to 'omg he saved it' hahahh

and what do u mean nearly need new underwear. i just need a new diaper lol

Missed out on L&L tonight, but it was nice riding up to Aurora with a few of you guys tonight. Some fun roads, despite the thick fog and my unfortunate HID kit failure.

Oh well! At least we made it back safely to do some hardcore posing at Timmies, just in time to see Phillymon, Goldie and crew pull in from another epic Random Night Ride. :P

Thank you thank you for the epic night ride last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :)

Cant wait for another!


Oh it was EPIC..... with or without you!!! ROFL!
Last night's group was alot less of a sausage feast too!!! LoL!

where do these epic night rides go?

Seriously tonight's ride was EPIC after the timmies stop, yeah you guys missed out.. We were in the zone! Seriously enjoyed the Riding Sync.

Gold digger, TurnAkey, and Phillyman you guys missed out.
Problem? You mad? U jelly?

tonight's ride was epic :)

it was an epic night ride. can anyone there from last nights ride give me pointers for obvious reasons that should not be discussed..(ice cream shop ride) pm me.

Thank you for joining us last night! (after deciding to come to the front of the place ;) )

You see Tornique, you (& Phillymon) don't need to be there for the rides to be EPIC!!! :lmao:

sorry. It was just full of awesome that I had no choice but to post it :P
and plus its EPIC!



epic image...please teach me

But of course it is, cuz I won't be there!
And it won't be Epic either without me! LoL! :lol:

Pretty epic night, I was glad to be home by 2 with enough sleep to make it in to work in good time. Sorry to split early, see you folks again soon

Epic night ride! Nice route Goldie.

Thanks a ton for coming along for the random eastbound exploring ride tonight guys! Lol, I'm just home now and getting ready to sleep so I can ride again in a few hours. :P Gotta start putting together some routes for more epic night (day?) rides out east!

Epic ride last night after burrito boyz. Thanks Goldie.

Another epic fun 4am ride! Thanks for coming out again everyone, Hopefully next time there won't be fog and we'll have a little more fun. :P

I have grown to hate the word "epic" all thanks to this thread....

Lol. Think you took it wrong! I hate the word epic because of you! Lol. Don't hate u bro

Holy crap, I just got in from our Niagara ride tonight. We must be a bunch of crazy bastards leaving at 12:30 from L&L to do a random Niagara run, but man was it fun. Ridge Rd, the Thorold Tunnel, getting randomly lost repeatedly along the way, and of course the mandatory 4:30AM Denny's run... Truly an epic run, even with the horrible traffic on the way back home. Seems Niagara runs require at least an 8-12 hour ride... :P
And the verdict is.... Epic FTW! Lol
so c-note here are the results of whoever used the term epic too many times:

7 - goldie
6 - tekninja
5 - ujelly
3 - phillymon

Anywho, anything happening tonight?
Nicely done list Ujelly! I'm surprised I didn't use the word myself. Odd... need to get my Epic count up.
I'm going for an EPIC ride tonight......EPIC i tell ya....EPIC

I would invite you to join us on this EPIC ride......BUT...your all TOO SLOW..

Yes....on this EPIC ride its going tobe EPIC !!!!!!!!

(there...Im on the List)
I'm going for an EPIC ride tonight......EPIC i tell ya....EPIC

I would invite you to join us on this EPIC ride......BUT...your all TOO SLOW..

Yes....on this EPIC ride its going tobe EPIC !!!!!!!!

(there...Im on the List)


I call Shinanigans!!!!!! I demand GSXmaer's Epics be striken from the record!
...and as per request, here's the video from the Thorold Tunnel. :P Wish I'd been shooting with the GoPro instead of the ContourHD, which really mangled the audio... but that just means we have another excuse to go again. ;P

Why does that tunnel seem so long??!!
A random moment of insanity from the Aminal & Fozzy BBQ ride... :P

You street demons going out tonight??
after watching that vid, and our ride on sunday, are you sure you want another group ride like that again?.....LOL

cupcake ridazzzz
after watching that vid, and our ride on sunday, are you sure you want another group ride like that again?.....LOL

cupcake ridazzzz

Aahahahahha +1. "whoah you found cupcakes"? Lol
Epic ride to 507 & Elephant Lake, Thank you guys to put this together, on way back i was totally frozen. damn cold!
Great ride tonight guys! Enjoying the random exploring rides lately, even if I tend to lead us down some crappy roads sometimes. :P

Finding some awesome little twisties here and there; now I just need to somehow connect them all.

That said, anyone interested in a ride out toward Port Hope/Cobourg sometime this or next week? I would be leading the way, but not returning with the group. I'll post more closer to the day.
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