The Random Night Ride 2.0

Yah, great ride last night.
Getting lost is the fun part!

Great ride tonight guys! Enjoying the random exploring rides lately, even if I tend to lead us down some crappy roads sometimes. :P

Finding some awesome little twisties here and there; now I just need to somehow connect them all.

That said, anyone interested in a ride out toward Port Hope/Cobourg sometime this or next week? I would be leading the way, but not returning with the group. I'll post more closer to the day.
Guess whose back YO~~!!!@!@!@!@!@!


BB is gonna be dry.......

Timmies is gonna be a huge turn out!!!
Cya'll at 8pm!
Time for some LEGENDARY riding LoL!
oh man...last night was LEGEN....wait for it.....DARY. LEGENDARY! - Barney stinson

Been M.I.A for the past 4 months and last night was my official welcome back ride :D
Big turn out! About 15 bikes or so that showed up @ Timmy's? and 13 or so bikes for the ride.

Rfid led the wolf pack. Good routes as always! minus the bumps/gravel...
Good routes as always! minus the bumps/gravel...
****, there was gravel and I missed it?!?! HEAL LEG! DAMMIT!

-Jamie M.
Hopefully I can make it out tomorrow, sounds like I keep missing the awesome rides :(
Disclaimer: These Random Night Rides have a happy ending.
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