The Random Night Ride 2.0

Where'd you guys go ?! Was with ya on yonge st. .... :(

Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 80

You gotta speak up a lil more =)

-Jamie M.

- Met at kc@8

- Popo cruiser pulls up and HITS THE CURB all of us LOL hard :lmao:
- Phillymon says SHHHHH we'll get a ticket
- Driver was female and lets say she left quickly :lmao:
end of highlight of the night
- Waited (or shall I say pose) till 9 something waiting for Queen V to arrive :agave:
- Friend hugged me and accidentally "hit" my right nut sack"...that hurt...A LOT x_x
- left KC to go hit LNL @ 9:30ish? and arrived to LNL close to 10
- Great to see a lot of bikers and friends :)
- Left to go riding...awesome route Phillymon!
- Went to McDonald's and had our food
- Left myself (forever alone) @ 2 and got home at 2:30ish am
- Tired and going to be sleeping today at the office
- Problem? U mad? U jelly?

See you guys/the crew again for another epic random night ride moment!
When I headed out after the Lesmil twisties I hit the DVP > 401 express and the off ramps were closed all way they till dixie . . . had to back track all the way to Dufferin =/ . . . Was a good run otherwise, Thanks guys !
Any plans for tonight? Forecast looks bearable.
You need to reread what you just typed very carefully ;P LOL

RFID is done his RIM job in the loo
He's ready to ride tonight!
+ 1 on posting meet time and place if you dont mind us joining :)
I'm out this season and possibly next season too...

Bikes a write off.

RIP 125 </3.
RIP little Cibbie. Glad you're okay.
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+ 1 on posting meet time and place if you dont mind us joining :)

Look back a few pages, ride times with loc posted.

Good to hear your okay James . . . Hope you find a good deal and get back to it!

Sent from my X10a using Tapatalk
Sounds like you guys had a rough night, I'm sorry to hear about what happened... Rest/heal up guys and take it easy out there, you guys had parttimer and I freaked out!
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