The old watchmakers that worked for my had a stash of radon paint in the shop. That stuff didnt fade to black, they used it to repair fading tritium lume. Dad still has watches decorated with the stuff in the early 80s, still glowing strong.
The old watchmakers that worked for my had a stash of radon paint in the shop. That stuff didnt fade to black, they used it to repair fading tritium lume. Dad still has watches decorated with the stuff in the early 80s, still glowing strong.
I dont have anything with radium paint. Cool historical oddity. I feel bad for the women that were killed by it.
I could relume the traser but it's not worth it. It was a daily watch for more than a decade and at the time, the lume was awesome. Havent worn it in years as I only wear metal watches as dress watches now. Maybe in the future that will change again.
I know a couple watchmakers that won’t even open the case on a suspect radon lume watch . Another one of our science experiments nobody knew about .
Friend has a mechanical small pocket watch with a chime set in it . Late 1800s and European built, it’s very cool as chiming watches were fairly rare , but other than a novelty that never comes out of a drawer ? I’m not sure it has much value
I have two pocket watches that I’m considering rehoming, sad part is the value is mostly in the gold and silver cases , so maybe 150-300 bucks . Won’t buy me a new toy .
I have the coffee table book about the history of the marine chronometer that lead to calculating longitude . Its great if you need a sleep aid. The movie was pretty good , I think at one point the BBC did a mini series.
Just finished reading different article about the restoration of the two original chronometers that have been sitting in the museum at Grenwich for a couple hundred years , largely ignored and allowed to just seize up.
The book is actually a pretty good read. Those two chronos at the museum are part of the series of units he made to try and win the prize. I believe there's a third one at the museum that has been running pretty much since it was built.
The fact that his chronos worked so well and the bureaucracy was still trying to use iffy moonshots speaks volumes.
This is the book I just finished up , it’s about $150 at retail so if you like you can borrow this one , nobody probably needs to own it lol
Also on the coffee table this week is the history of Sea Watches , dive, yachting and waterproof . And the history of Westley Richards company 200 years of superlative shotgun manufacturing.
You won’t need a smoking jacket , but a rowing blazer goes a long way with pocket watches . A quartz pocket watch is getting close to an automatic transmission on a motorcycle, part of the joy is winding it up , watching tiny gears go around . Listening to the tick .
Since we talking marine chronometers and latitude , when we crossed the Pacific one of the guys used a 200 yr old. Weems&Plath sextant to do noon sightings to verify our location . You can do the same thing with GPS , but if we his hobby. Usually about 1km of where we were accurately.
One consideration of using a chart , your watch and a sextant. There is never a battery failure and nobody can zoom out so far on the screen you can’t see the island your about to crash into .
Wind up watches …… hard to replace
All this talk about watches got me rummaging through some junk bins looking for my old stuff. I havent worn a watch for 20 years, didn't fine anything unique... an old Marlin, a few Timex and Casio pedestrian pieces, and an old Heuer stopwatch.
I know I have a handful NOS TX Techlux watches and my old Seiko dive watch... more bins to check.⁰
All this talk about watches got me rummaging through some junk bins looking for my old stuff. I havent worn a watch for 20 years, didn't fine anything unique... an old Marlin, a few Timex and Casio pedestrian pieces, and an old Heuer stopwatch.
Rowing blazer ? its the Navy blue or Forest Green jacket you'll see the Harvard and Yale row team lads sporting , nice embroidered crest on the pocket . Like a yacht club blaser only more pretentious. Actually no the YC is more of a fop.
@madmike thet Heuer stopwatch is tre cool . Very nice and looks to be in great shape. I'm a big fan of the stuff Jack Heuer was doing before the TAG group acquired his company .
not a yuppie , fat middle age white guy works just fine . When summer comes head over to Bronte Harbour yacht club, I'll show you how to fit in > I have a bar tab and I'm the Commodore !
not a yuppie , fat middle age white guy works just fine . When summer comes head over to Bronte Harbour yacht club, I'll show you how to fit in > I have a bar tab and I'm the Commodore !
not a yuppie , fat middle age white guy works just fine . When summer comes head over to Bronte Harbour yacht club, I'll show you how to fit in > I have a bar tab and I'm the Commodore !
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