The Official Ongoing Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread

Thank you good sir. I tried to make it worth the wait.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I'm doing my M on May 9th.

There's a test rubric on PDF somewhere on this site. I plan to just practice a lot. I have 8,500 kms under my belt so hopefully it goes OK - just have to re-learn a few good habits....

Would be interested in that GoPro vid! And Ethel's sometime.
I might take my GoPro on my M, but I'll only post the video if I pass lol :P
Any one with HID's with out a built in headlight delay in? Might want to check if yours has one from factory. My 09 SV650 does. Nice feature to prevent the "double igniting" tricky to get hang of and break the habit but. Beats installing and aftermarket delay timer relay.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Any one with HID's with out a built in headlight delay in? Might want to check if yours has one from factory. My 09 SV650 does. Nice feature to prevent the "double igniting" tricky to get hang of and break the habit but. Beats installing and aftermarket delay timer relay.

Dude, that's awesome! I guess you don't need those fancy delay things now. :)
Dude, that's awesome! I guess you don't need those fancy delay things now. :)

Nope thank god!!! I just need practice on not double striking the ignition lol. Not as easy as it looks. Pretty touchy button :)
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Ok, just wanted to see if anyone was going to a course. I will probably save the money and just do the MTO too. I had a pdf of the actual driving checklist, but I am not sure where it is.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Ok, just wanted to see if anyone was going to a course. I will probably save the money and just do the MTO too. I had a pdf of the actual driving checklist, but I am not sure where it is.
Just my two cents but man thats a lot of money for the m2 exit when the MTO is only $100. I still have a while to wait but I think I am just going to go straight to the MTO and try.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Re-read your MTO Motorcycle riders book before riding the test. Tons of things in there are excellent as mental refreshers.
Take your time on the test. Don't speed, keep your head on a swivel at all times. When at a stop, do a left/right check a minimum of 2 times before moving. Right foot down at stops only.
Be sure to make your "bobble heading" very obvious. Check your mirrors all the time - turn your head instead of just lookiing with your eyes - make it apparent you are checking.
Make sure you know the emergency stop rules - 4 way flashers if your bike has them etc - be sure to turn your bike off at the emergency stop as well. Dismount, check for oncoming traffic and move to the side of the bike on the curb.

I had a grand total of 3 demerits using these guidelines (you are allowed 24 before failure). One for turning my signal on too late when exiting the expressway... which was lame...

It's not a big deal if you go in with confidence in your riding skills.
Hey all.

Need some help. Was trying to adjust my rear shock to position 7 which manual says is the stiffest setting. But the shock has no numbers. In the pic attach did I adjust it to the stiffest setting? Or is there more adjustment out of this?

Thanks for the help.

Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

That looks like setting "1" to me, softest. You want to compress the spring as much as possible, so turn the collar until it's at the highest step.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Agree with Dave... you've got it as* backwards. Super soft setting the way it is now.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Are we still planning to go for tacos tomorrow night?
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Are we still planning to go for tacos tomorrow night?

Dave sorry buddy I'm off to Collingwood tomorrow with the GF. But we're still good for Sat?
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Dave sorry buddy I'm off to Collingwood tomorrow with the GF. But we're still good for Sat?

Thought she definitively WASN'T your girlfriend... at least that's what the story was last weekend... ;-)
On a side note - had a 24 year old named Stephanie ask me out for drinks earlier this morning...

Should be able to make the taco run tomorrow night...
Thought she definitively WASN'T your girlfriend... at least that's what the story was last weekend... ;-)
On a side note - had a 24 year old named Stephanie ask me out for drinks earlier this morning...

Should be able to make the taco run tomorrow night...

Haha this is a new one. (the cop? Not sure if we've talked about this one?)

I don't speak to crazy anymore :)
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Gotta try and get out to a meet with you guys.We went to the new Lanc (Hogtails) tonite for eats.AWESOME food at a reasonable price.
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