Pete's muffler in Guelph incredibly inexpensive top quality work or lube and go at king and ottawa st in kitchenerAnyone recommend a good place for brakes on a car? I need new front rotors and shoes on the back
Pete's muffler in Guelph incredibly inexpensive top quality work or lube and go at king and ottawa st in kitchenerAnyone recommend a good place for brakes on a car? I need new front rotors and shoes on the back
Thu 6:30pm
Meet at Value Village parking lot here
Pace: 10kph+
Location: South & twisty
Time: 2 hours
Out.... at the track!
Rider on an orange ninja on Shirley by biggeman's pulled over. Cruiser angled as if he had to block him off the road. Didn't look good. Wonder if he got the 172 :-/
The joys of having too much fun on the street. Damned motorcycles... LOL I might as well get a pure dirt bike to go along with my track bike... and a pickup truck.
a pick up? you mean an Suv and a bad ***** trailer![]()
LOL... what's wrong with a pickup? We may be getting rid of the van and getting a newer SUV for Daniela, but if I'm going to take that thing then I'll need to change my car to something with a slushbox tranny so she can drive it. Boo!
Thanks for the brake suggestions. I watch a couple of you tube videos on how to change rotors and pads and looks easy enough so I'm gonna give it a go myself.
Anyone joining me and my friend on the Escarpment tonight?
I guess lol are you thinking of a "baby" pick up like Tim? LOL or a man's pick up?
Probably something in between, a boy's pickup. haha... Something like a Tacoma.
oh yeah.. Jer claims to be playing "ball" on Thursday night... never knew "relations with men" could be considered that... *GRIN*
same connector that runs lights , runs fan, so with the fan not running it overheated. A cool down and some h2o and I rode home. Thanks Keith and Scott for the brief ride and help. Just another minor glitch on the two wheel road.
Hey my little pick up may be small but it's pretty good all in all...
I wasn't hackin' on your truck, just agree with needing a bit more space but don't want full size. My buddy's Tacoma that I borrowed for Shanny was great. Surprisingly comfortable long hauler. I drove all the way home with no stops and was comfortable the whole way.