Thanks to all for coming. Glad to see everyone had a good time and everyone came back safe. Just some observations made during the ride to keep us safe:
1.) The person in front of you gets THE ENTIRE LANE all the time, in particular through the corner, do not go 2 wide through corners ever. Single file, always. This allows a rider to take an outside-inside-outside line and make mid-corner corrections without being confined to half a lane, which may end up causing 2 riders to wipe out.
2.) Go your own speed. some riders will go faster, some will go slower, make sure you are never going a speed that is uncomfortable to you.If you find you need a little extra time, or are being pressed by guys behind you, when safe to do so (i.e. next stop sign) let others go by and drop back a bit. Be sure to let others know you want them to pass, do not do anything unexpected. Be Smooth and predictable. We will wait for you.
3.) Do not be afraid to go single file at higher speed/unknown roads, do not feel forced to ride on the outside edge of the road if its rough/pot holes/debris, carefully make your way to the center line, make sure you let the rider behind you know your coming in, you should be 2 seconds from the bike in front of you, don't bunch up.