:lmao:You know what, to be fair... the player's definitely work harder then the owners... lol!
And lots of athletes work just as hard as pro hockey players and don't make a dime.
:lmao:You know what, to be fair... the player's definitely work harder then the owners... lol!
And lots of athletes work just as hard as pro hockey players and don't make a dime.
I'm quite sure the road to getting to the NHL is no picnic. Imagine getting drafted by a WHL team and living on the road for nine months travelling by bus, certainly sounds fun.
Would you travel around by bus for 9 months to race motorcycles?
Would you travel around by bus for 9 months to race motorcycles?
The poor prick that works at the arena selling programs to make ends meet is the guy getting hurt here.
Because anyone who decides to become an nhl caliber player can just magically do it....... Get a ****ing clue already.
This ^^ and the people who work at the vendor outlets, the hot dog stand people, the zamboni drivers, the bartenders who work for tips selling beer to fans... the people who rely on the traffic of fans for a very modest earning... these are the people who are the victims in this dispute.
How are they any different from other athletes that dedicate tens of thousands of hours to their sport but don't make any money?
If a young hockey player's dream is to get rich, they're stupid. The odds of it happening are so small that the dream itself is idiotic. If a young hockey player's dream is to play amongst the best in the world, that is an honest dream.
the parking lot attendants that charge 25-30$ for parking anywhere around the ACC on game night.
^^^ ok, so lowest paid 6 years ago was 450,000
like someone else stated.. play for 3 years, and quit
now you have a house with no mortgage, cars paid for, everything you want, and then some, plus money in the bank.
now pick up a job for 10 bucks an hour and live your life.
these players dont know how lucky they have it.
opengambit seems to be doing better than most people, he doesnt need $$$ it seems.
i have an average job, average pay, and I would switch in a microsecond.
Call it 500,000 for 3 years. after taxes that works out to about $290,000 a year (using 2012 tax rates). So you pocket... 870,000. And you most definately won't be spending like a guy making 30 grand a year during those three years
Say what you what about me, I just know how to do math. and I know that is a ****** career path. It ain't Mcdonalds, but its less than just about every professional in Canada.
I am not saying that they don't make decent money. I am just saying that considering their career length, job prospects aftewards and working conditions, its not the OMG ANYONE WOULD TRADE WITH THEM situation you like to pretend it is.
Lowest pay is $500, 000
Minus all applicable income taxes, union dues and pension. The actual number is less than half that.
I agree the players are the bad guys this time, but many players have to find real work when their careers are over to stay afloat.
Wish I could go on strike and demand over 50% of my companies revenues...
Do ppl only deal with your company solely because of your talents?