The next doomsday

Doug is not a narcissist , he will never be the nut case the Donald may be .

Want to see a narcissist . look federally . perpetually preening , travel at will against your own protocols , ignore the big events you force on everyone else if they don't fit your agenda ( reconcilliation day anyone) , shrug your way out of most scandals ( WE charity) and cry a bit, while stumbling over to the limo for a short ride to your cottage that the taxpayers put a whack of cash into.

And Journalism is dead , its click bait
I don't like JT, either (see above), but he isn't the type to attempt to overthrow the results of an election because he didn't get his way.
I agree he wouldn't do it after an election. I entirely expect him to do whatever is possible before an election to ensure he wins (eg abandoning promised voting reforms, etc). He is in no way interested in an equitable election. He (and all other politicians) want elections that are inherently biased in their favour. If their scheming fails, most politicians flip to "consulting" (ie influence peddling) while collecting their ridiculous pensions. No real reason to fight your way back in, you are already making far more than when you were elected by cashing in the chips you bought with our money.
I agree he wouldn't do it after an election. I entirely expect him to do whatever is possible before an election to ensure he wins (eg abandoning promised voting reforms, etc). He is in no way interested in an equitable election. He (and all other politicians) want elections that are inherently biased in their favour. If their scheming fails, most politicians flip to "consulting" (ie influence peddling) while collecting their ridiculous pensions. No real reason to fight your way back in, you are already making far more than when you were elected by cashing in the chips you bought with our money.
And you no longer have to deal with the 'poors'. Make money, peddle, wheel and deal, and enjoy our money with your wonderful pension.
If it happens, i make my inlaws move back to their house in newfoundland. There's already barely any potable water there and there's no cell reception. Might have to work on their agriculture (they don't grow lots) but they hunt, fish and trap as part of their lives as the closest real grocery store is 1.5h away
That agrees precisely with my biggest concern going forward.

Donald Trump is symbolic of the problems there, but the actual problems are underlying, and even if he goes away (whether by jail or by dying before 2024 ... he doesn't have a healthy lifestyle) the underlying problems remain. If the USA elects another Republican government, that will probably be their last election that isn't a gerrymandered handpicked-voter sham. If the House or Senate flip Republican in the late-2022 mid-term elections, the current government will be incapacitated, unable to accomplish anything. The Democrats don't seem able to get their act together sufficiently to fix the voter-registration and gerrymandering issues before then and may not be competent enough to stop either the House or Senate from flipping Republican. Even if they somehow pull that off ... sooner or later the USA is going to elect a Republican government, and then what ...

Problems could arise even sooner. Lots of people have been waiting for their DoJ to charge Donald Trump and certain Republican members of the House for their actions leading up to and during the 6 Jan 2021 insurrection. They may be delaying because they know that this action is sure to prompt outrage on the Republican side. Maybe they're waiting for Trump to die and solve the problem for them.

There is a fair argument that a one-party-rule Republican government is what a significant portion of the US population want. They may get what they want. This is why I don't think civil war will happen right away ...

What does such a government look like? Populist ... climate-change-denying ... Christian religious fundamentalist with racist undertones ... science-denying ... anti-taxation, pro-business ... forget healthcare outside of private-funded bought through the company you work for ... education standards dropping science and going pro-Christian (not a recipe for long-term success, or even for pulling out of this rut ... this is a recipe for becoming a religious-fundamentalist backwater in every conceivable way). The have vs have-not that is underlying a lot of the unrest will get much, much worse ... somehow the Republicans have convinced much of the population that it's in their interest to vote for a government that does not have their interests at heart. This is also a recipe for a gun-toting society with lots of crime; the have-nots will want to rob the haves due to lack of any support whatsoever. It will be anti-immigration, but at that point, who would want to move to that hell-hole. No doubt this eventually ends in civil war when it is inevitably revealed that the emperor has no clothes, but I can't see that happening for a long time. In the short term, businesses in a fascist Republican one-party-rule USA will continue to make money ... for a while.

If I can foresee that with my simple mind, you can bet the much smarter advisers to various international leaders have also explored this scenario, and in much greater detail with much greater analysis than I can ... although they might not be able to speak it out loud.

and to be absolutely crystal clear ... I HOPE I AM WRONG. Maybe they do charge DJT and several members of the House and Senate with treason or some such thing sufficient to throw them in jail for a long, long time and it doesn't result in immediate civil war. Maybe the Republican party exiles QAnon and the right-wing bonkers part of it. Maybe the split in the Republican party splits their vote and ensures Democrat victory until the Republicans mend their ways. Maybe the Democrats actually perform competently. Maybe they assign independent boards to run all of their elections (most other democratic countries do this - countries based on British parliamentary systems including ours do this). Maybe cooler heads prevail and Republicans and Democrats actually come to agreement in order to get things done. Who knows.
I fear the "Might is right" attitude of the USA. If they need something from Canada they will just take it. Who's going to fight them?

The big fight is greed vs socialism. I'm a socialist at heart but trickle down isn't working and we can't keep government spending on the poor indefinitely at exponential rates. The three strikes rule comes to mind but what do you do with the three time loser? Bring back debtors prisons or similar?

Communism might sound like the answer but it is more corrupt than capitalism and stifles innovation. Religious communes can work if one doesn't consider human rights.

IMO charity only works in small doses and groups. Once it becomes a government function it becomes a system with rules instead of ethics. People learn to work the rules. In small groups one notices the ones that never seem to contribute but are always first in line when there's a handout. Adjustments are made.

How far back can we go to correct a problem?

I was at a housing project and overheard a woman explaining why she was behind in her rent. It was because one of her exes or one of the fathers of one of her children didn't make his child support payment.

Why did she hook up with all the losers? He was good in bed, was a hunk, she was drunk etc?

Why are we paying for her mistake, not picking a responsible partner?

Answer: Because not doing so makes the situation worse in the long run.

Unfortunately no politician has the brains to fix the problem and there is no motivation to do so until ALL the money is gone. We have our "rights" but we are not responsible for the payments to maintain them.

The only thing Turdeau has accomplished is legalizing marijuana. So if you can't afford a house or apartment and have to live under a bridge, at least you can light up and hope it takes away some of the pain.

What happens in a primitive tribe in Africa or the Amazon when little two feathers refuses to share in the hunter gatherer effort? I assume at some point he goes hungry. Maybe the assumption from birth that one has to work isn't a bad idea.

Of course here our mommies tell us we're special and if that delusion becomes fixed in the brain we're doomed.
Economic inequity "the rich get richer while the poor get poorer" is a BIG part of the problem. Ya think the Republicans are going to fix that? How the heck did they manage to brainwash the general (read: mostly poor) public into voting for them?
Economic inequity "the rich get richer while the poor get poorer" is a BIG part of the problem. Ya think the Republicans are going to fix that? How the heck did they manage to brainwash the general (read: mostly poor) public into voting for them?
Guns? Your turn will come?
Economic inequity "the rich get richer while the poor get poorer" is a BIG part of the problem. Ya think the Republicans are going to fix that? How the heck did they manage to brainwash the general (read: mostly poor) public into voting for them?
Keep them stupid. "Thank you for your service to your country", making them feel good about never ending wars of profit for the arms and oil companies.

Spin doctor the defeats into wins. Amurica won every war all by itself. Only in for part of WWI and WWII. Lost most of the others, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Cuba etc. Won the Civil war but they were fighting themselves so it doesn't really count.

Asking for financial assistance is un Amurican, unless you're a mega corporation.
I confess to having never understood the term "woke".
Originally it was an AAVE term that originated in the '30s. Woke - Wikipedia

Today it seems to be used as a pejorative akin to SJW or politically correct, but "stay woke" used today would probably be being used unironically
My understanding on woke is “ you have come out of your sleep” you are aware of what’s going on around you and culturally and socially aware .
And leaning very politically correct , somewhat left , and to a degree futuristic socialism.
You would use the colour blind approach to casting films , hire paraplegic landscapers, things like that . Cancel Christmas pageants and take down statues that don’t fit the narrative.

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What happens in a primitive tribe in Africa or the Amazon when little two feathers refuses to share in the hunter gatherer effort? I assume at some point he goes hungry. Maybe the assumption from birth that one has to survive isn't a bad idea.
You are comparing a primitive society to a modern one. I doubt back then neither Trump's or JT would be allowed to rule the tribe, much less offer much value to it. They most likely would have been killed on a hunting mission or in their sleep to be honest.

Even in modern society, life is still about survival (with a lot more comforts), with a different set of rules, much of those rules have been gamed by other players though. Either you are up for the challenge or your status in the community is severally diminished.

I think communism at it's pure core has some great concepts, level the playing field for all, but unfortunately impelmented by flawed or corupted individuals.
My understanding on woke is “ you have come out of your sleep” you are aware of what’s going on around you and culturally and socially aware .
And leaning very politically correct , somewhat left , and to a degree futuristic socialism.
You would use the colour blind approach to casting films , hire paraplegic landscapers, things like that .

So far, so good, more-or-less. I would never expect someone to do a job that they are physically incapable of doing, but would have no objection to placing them into a role that they could fulfil. But if I don't have such a role available ... I guess I'm not "woke enough".

Cancel Christmas pageants and take down statues that don’t fit the narrative.

That crosses the line. History is history, and can't be changed. Today's expectations can't be applied to yesterday's actions, which were made using norms that were applicable at the time ... however inappropriate they may seem today.

You can't pigeonhole everyone into single categories to describe every way that they think.

You are comparing a primitive society to a modern one. I doubt back then neither Trump's or JT would be allowed to rule the tribe, much less offer much value to it. They most likely would have been killed on a hunting mission or in their sleep to be honest.

There was a time when traitors were executed.
I think communism at it's pure core has some great concepts, level the playing field for all, but unfortunately impelmented by flawed or corupted individuals.
There's a great line in Animal Farm....all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

I've met a bunch of guys that lived through Communist Poland rule and they loved it...dig deeper and they were all in the military / political positions with a good ranked position. So they got the benefits that others did not. They had access to electronics, better food, no lineups rationing for those guys. No wonder communism was great for them.

Our family had to wait in line, hope there is some left over by the time it's our turn. Used cars were way more expensive than new ones, because used meant you could have it TODAY. Not wait years for a new one as it makes it's way through the assembly line. Pre-pay for the car...and then hopefully get one (or not) depending on your status. We had one of these cars...not sure how my parents got their hands on it, but it was the tail end of communist rule.

No thanks.
There's a great line in Animal Farm....all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

I've met a bunch of guys that lived through Communist Poland rule and they loved it...dig deeper and they were all in the military / political positions with a good ranked position. So they got the benefits that others did not. They had access to electronics, better food, no lineups rationing for those guys. No wonder communism was great for them.

Our family had to wait in line, hope there is some left over by the time it's our turn. Used cars were way more expensive than new ones, because used meant you could have it TODAY. Not wait years for a new one as it makes it's way through the assembly line. Pre-pay for the car...and then hopefully get one (or not) depending on your status. We had one of these cars...not sure how my parents got their hands on it, but it was the tail end of communist rule.

No thanks.
kibbutz in Israel are run on a communist basis….they seem to do alright
kibbutz in Israel are run on a communist basis….they seem to do alright

The concept works OK at a small-community level - nobbie gave a good explanation a few posts up. At a small-community level, the slackers are identified and called out, or perhaps people understand the real-world reason why a particular person is not able to pull their weight, and corrections are made where needed. The concept apart falls apart when that falls apart.

Rampant free-market, unrestrained capitalism, doesn't work either.

I am on board with "democratic socialism". It's in between the extremes. Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and us, are in that category.
I don't like JT, either (see above), but he isn't the type to attempt to overthrow the results of an election because he didn't get his way.
But he did do everything in his power -- including breaking every reform promise - to keep the electoral system tipped in his favor.

Why do all PEI ridings have 1/2 as many voters as other Canadian ridings? Easy - that all vote Liberal. PEI seats have about half the national average of constituents of seat? Why do Alberta seats average 108,000 voters to the Maritimes 75,000/riding? Easy, the westerners don't vote liberal. How does one party get more votes yet their opponent gets 35% more seats?

In the last election, 2 of 3 (68%) votes were cast against JT.
Economic inequity "the rich get richer while the poor get poorer" is a BIG part of the problem. Ya think the Republicans are going to fix that? How the heck did they manage to brainwash the general (read: mostly poor) public into voting for them?
Do you think the Dems are going to fix that? Turns out the rich get richer and the poor get poorer under Liberal leadership. When you dump unearned money into the economy it doesn't stay in the hands of the poor - the poor just have more to spend more on thing... things the rich make or offer. So the more free cash you blow on social spending, the more cash is available for the rich to scoop up.

It's actually brilliant! Sprinkling cash handouts over the poor makes them happy, it also makes the rich feel egalitarian. But in the end it helps the rich get richer as the poor buy more of their stuff.

Keep dumping the cash and eventually the rich will change to Dems in order to keep the fountain running -- I think that may just be happening in the USA right now. It's been going on here in Canada since the 70s.
I don't like JT, either (see above), but he isn't the type to attempt to overthrow the results of an election because he didn't get his way.
Although he did promise election reform to get elected and then bail on it as soon as he was.
Why are we paying for her mistake, not picking a responsible partner?
Is it possible that we're paying for the mistake of Mr "squirt and run" Deadbeat. It's easy to blame the single mom but she's the one looking after the kid.
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