The next doomsday

In a true doomsday scenario that wipes out the ability of modern society to function, the only survivors will be the isolated tribes of natives in the Andaman Islands and the Amazon, and a few other scattered places where people still use traditional farming methods. In our area, the Old Order Mennonites have the best shot. Average city dwellers, and I include myself in this category - forget it.

There's plenty of other things to worry about before a solar flare wipes out satellite communications or some such thing.

I consider it highly likely that the USA will cease to be a functional democracy in the near future. I think they have single-digit years left. There's a whole pile of not-good waiting if that happens. I hope I am wrong. But this isn't something that wipes out the ability to buy food in the grocery store, even for people in the USA (although heaven help if you are out of work there - or if you get sick and don't work for a megacorporation). It might not even change all that much in day-to-day life there ... in the short term. Seems like a pretty large percentage of the population there want it to become this way, although I'm not sure they grasp the implications. Brexit was a populist move, and it doesn't seem to be working out all that well from what I can gather.

The USA is going to run out of fresh water in the west. Not good.

The Ganges River is also drying up. If the Colorado River running out is not good, the Ganges River running out is very, very bad.
All the issues happening in Canada won’t disappear after covid… Doomsday is already here 🤷🏽‍♀️
Nah, we will be fine. Main issue is whatever spills over from south of the border, but there's SFA we can do about that. We've got resources, we've got smart people, and I will take our multi-party British-parliamentary system of government any day, imperfect as it may be.

Doomsday is coming
Meh. They seem to be just looking at high-level labour market productivity and government policies. It doesn't look like they're factoring in the seemingly increasingly likely political, environmental, and social implosion in the USA. That won't be good for us, but it will really not be good for the USA.

Besides, what good is a huge GDP when 99% of it is going to 1% of the population, and you're not part of that 1%? "Companies" (large corporations) in the USA will survive at least the early phase of a fascist one-party-rule government. People will survive it, and even have health-care in some fashion, as long as they work for one of those corporations. Retired? Sick? No health-care for you. Cancer? Heart attack? Where's your credit card, and where's the title to your house? Don't have it? Nice knowing ya.

Doomsday is coming
The upside to access to world markets is you can invest outside of canada if you feel that will get you better returns. Obviously your wage is reasonably tied to canada so maybe your investments shouldnt be. Personal choice, pros and cons. Kids resp is invested in US companies with a currency hedge. Returns blow canadian indices out of the water and as I have no clue which direction nor how far cad>usd will move, hedge eliminates that from the equation.

Doomsday is coming
If so consider these two things. The water up top, still in the toilet tank is potable and human flesh can be eaten raw.

Doomsday is coming
Guess it’s time to go and make sure my EU passport is all up to date and valid.

As to @Brian P’s point…I’ve seen this headline a few times this week.

As for me in the face of doom and impending collapse of society. No clue. But I think majority of people will be overrun by the thugs and criminals, and then societal decline will accelerate as resources become scarce.

@PrivatePilot’s plan is great…but that means he’s of the very select few that know of the upcoming disaster.

If we all figure it out at the same time, the smart will be happy that the idiots are too busy claiming big conspiracy theories are in play and won’t believe the hype…COVID style.
It was supposed to be a new Ice Age from global cooling when I was a kid, that changed to global warming recently.

I suppose the confusion is why no one has mentioned it here.

More likely to be different radical groups fighting & attempting to seize power to support their ideological leanings.

Or it might be corporations duking it out with, and destroying governments.
I think we may have to build a wall.
As to @Brian P’s point…I’ve seen this headline a few times this week.

That agrees precisely with my biggest concern going forward.

Donald Trump is symbolic of the problems there, but the actual problems are underlying, and even if he goes away (whether by jail or by dying before 2024 ... he doesn't have a healthy lifestyle) the underlying problems remain. If the USA elects another Republican government, that will probably be their last election that isn't a gerrymandered handpicked-voter sham. If the House or Senate flip Republican in the late-2022 mid-term elections, the current government will be incapacitated, unable to accomplish anything. The Democrats don't seem able to get their act together sufficiently to fix the voter-registration and gerrymandering issues before then and may not be competent enough to stop either the House or Senate from flipping Republican. Even if they somehow pull that off ... sooner or later the USA is going to elect a Republican government, and then what ...

Problems could arise even sooner. Lots of people have been waiting for their DoJ to charge Donald Trump and certain Republican members of the House for their actions leading up to and during the 6 Jan 2021 insurrection. They may be delaying because they know that this action is sure to prompt outrage on the Republican side. Maybe they're waiting for Trump to die and solve the problem for them.

There is a fair argument that a one-party-rule Republican government is what a significant portion of the US population want. They may get what they want. This is why I don't think civil war will happen right away ...

What does such a government look like? Populist ... climate-change-denying ... Christian religious fundamentalist with racist undertones ... science-denying ... anti-taxation, pro-business ... forget healthcare outside of private-funded bought through the company you work for ... education standards dropping science and going pro-Christian (not a recipe for long-term success, or even for pulling out of this rut ... this is a recipe for becoming a religious-fundamentalist backwater in every conceivable way). The have vs have-not that is underlying a lot of the unrest will get much, much worse ... somehow the Republicans have convinced much of the population that it's in their interest to vote for a government that does not have their interests at heart. This is also a recipe for a gun-toting society with lots of crime; the have-nots will want to rob the haves due to lack of any support whatsoever. It will be anti-immigration, but at that point, who would want to move to that hell-hole. No doubt this eventually ends in civil war when it is inevitably revealed that the emperor has no clothes, but I can't see that happening for a long time. In the short term, businesses in a fascist Republican one-party-rule USA will continue to make money ... for a while.

If I can foresee that with my simple mind, you can bet the much smarter advisers to various international leaders have also explored this scenario, and in much greater detail with much greater analysis than I can ... although they might not be able to speak it out loud.

and to be absolutely crystal clear ... I HOPE I AM WRONG. Maybe they do charge DJT and several members of the House and Senate with treason or some such thing sufficient to throw them in jail for a long, long time and it doesn't result in immediate civil war. Maybe the Republican party exiles QAnon and the right-wing bonkers part of it. Maybe the split in the Republican party splits their vote and ensures Democrat victory until the Republicans mend their ways. Maybe the Democrats actually perform competently. Maybe they assign independent boards to run all of their elections (most other democratic countries do this - countries based on British parliamentary systems including ours do this). Maybe cooler heads prevail and Republicans and Democrats actually come to agreement in order to get things done. Who knows.
As to @Brian P’s point…I’ve seen this headline a few times this week.

Can you really trust any news media outlet. What we have seen in the recent past years is, for me, you can't.
This is just setting up some narrative to get people on board, or to combat another one set by someone else, it's seems like agenda setting.
Bring on Ai run government.
Can you really trust any news media outlet. What we have seen in the recent past years is, for me, you can't.
Agreed. Don’t trust them in the least.

But as an outsider looking in to the US…it’s becoming cultish (?) already with JT.

He only showed them what you can get away with as a start. Find a conniving, more likeable JT and you’ll have a whole lot more issues opening up.

Hell we can be running down the same path and may not be far behind them if one of the excising parties implodes and leaves only 2 major parties.
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