I'm bumping this because I found the answer.
My mother used my conscience against me for 25~ years. She would threaten suicide or divorce if things did not go her way. As any intelligent human being would do, my mind protected itself by shutting off my conscience.
Over the 25 years, it became easier and easier to kill that little voice in my head telling me what the right thing to do was. This resulted in me always giving into guilty pleasures: I have cheated multiple times. I have stolen. I carried a knife on me hoping someone would rob me so I could fight back and hope they kill me. I pushed myself to get faster on the motorcycle because I wanted to die. I got into cigarettes; this list does not end.
The result of not listening to my conscience was a verbal stutter and extremely low self-esteem; how can anyone that spends their life doing things they know that are wrong have any self confidence or self esteem?
And so I found my meaning of life: I owe it to myself to fulfill my sense of duty towards my conscience. I will become the best person I can possibly become by listening to my conscience because my conscience has never once told me to do anything wrong (well, it better not, or I'll submit myself in the loony bin lol)
I can now enjoy riding for what it really was before my kamikaze mindset got out of control: to live in the moment and be grateful for everything.
As a bit of reminder (and also because that picture is ****ing bad ***), I have set this as my wallpaper at work. The demon will always be a part of my life. Those severed heads are those who the demon trampled along the way (ex's, friends, people I hurt emotionally and manipulated.) The demon was allowed to trample because I did not pick up the sword and fight back. This is a never ending battle; one slip on concentration and I will easily let him roam free again.
Every single one of us has a demon of our own and now that I know this, I cannot bring myself to judge anyone ever again because I have spent far too long letting mine control my life.
Oh, and the best part about this? My verbal stutter is 80% gone and I have been happy for a week straight. My happiness has radiated to others who have been smiling back at me, or we end up with extended conversations about meaningful topics. Prior to this I was pretty much mute.
.......and to think society has resorted to popping pills for everything. You can't solve a disease by masking the symptoms*.
I think every single one of you that wrote in this thread, and those who I spoke to in real life contributed to this resolution. And with that, you have my most sincere thanks for getting me out of the mindset that would have undoubtfully killed me at some point (whether metaphorically, or literally.)
*I am not referring to legit chemical imbalances but i can guarantee you had I visited a psychiatrist I'd be given some pills like others whom I know. The path I took was far more painful, and too far longer to reach this conclusion...so I hope that by writing this I can reach out to some.