It’s been mentioned, you have to define success for yourself. It’s not universal.
Some people get married and have kids. Having children or a child is the centre of the universe.
Some can’t or shouldn’t have kids.
Some have a spouse.
Some prefer to be alone.
Some need wealth.
Or combinations of these and more.
I used to have a drive to run the business for which I worked. I owned small business. They were my Oxygen. My life. I would find recreation outside work hours but, my primary focus was building a business.
Falling in love and starting a family changes things. Priorities change. Motives change. Experiences shape your direction.
I found personal wealth didn’t equate to happiness.
Balance seemed to be the thing I wanted. To work and support my family. To find enjoyment in what I do.
To enjoy my time with my family.
And to slow down and smell the roses along the way.
I’m about to change careers. It’s a big change. It can affect many things.
But my current job has evolved in ways that I don’t enjoy it any more. Management hasn’t listen to my recommendations for having a back up for my role or succession planning for the last 4 years.
They have implemented micro management tools to undermine the value and trust of employees.
I can stay and earn a great pension, have a company car and earn a decent wage. At least on paper.
A friend dropped my name to their superior at work. They contacted me to asked if I’d be interested in working for them.
I wasn’t looking at the time but, it did shift my focus to examine things such as my job. My family and should I make a change.
I’ve had meetings to discuss the nuts and bolts of the job. What is involved. Who is involved. Talked to people about their job. What does the future look like for them and stuff like that.
Before getting caught up with how green the grass is, asked myself are the things that annoy me at the current place really that bad or have they become that bad because I’m comparing them to a different place and the new place, I have no experience with.
And there is doing things outside our comfort zone.
It’s easy to stay.
I left my wife 6 years ago. Hardest decision I ever made.
Best decision I ever made.
There was a lot to be grateful for. Three kids. Nice house.
I have a better relationship with my kids. They have better experiences with their Dad.
As it’s often said in the hobby of motorcycling. It’s the journey, not the destination.
Life is like that. It’s what you make of it.
Don’t like it? Do something about it.
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Some people get married and have kids. Having children or a child is the centre of the universe.
Some can’t or shouldn’t have kids.
Some have a spouse.
Some prefer to be alone.
Some need wealth.
Or combinations of these and more.
I used to have a drive to run the business for which I worked. I owned small business. They were my Oxygen. My life. I would find recreation outside work hours but, my primary focus was building a business.
Falling in love and starting a family changes things. Priorities change. Motives change. Experiences shape your direction.
I found personal wealth didn’t equate to happiness.
Balance seemed to be the thing I wanted. To work and support my family. To find enjoyment in what I do.
To enjoy my time with my family.
And to slow down and smell the roses along the way.
I’m about to change careers. It’s a big change. It can affect many things.
But my current job has evolved in ways that I don’t enjoy it any more. Management hasn’t listen to my recommendations for having a back up for my role or succession planning for the last 4 years.
They have implemented micro management tools to undermine the value and trust of employees.
I can stay and earn a great pension, have a company car and earn a decent wage. At least on paper.
A friend dropped my name to their superior at work. They contacted me to asked if I’d be interested in working for them.
I wasn’t looking at the time but, it did shift my focus to examine things such as my job. My family and should I make a change.
I’ve had meetings to discuss the nuts and bolts of the job. What is involved. Who is involved. Talked to people about their job. What does the future look like for them and stuff like that.
Before getting caught up with how green the grass is, asked myself are the things that annoy me at the current place really that bad or have they become that bad because I’m comparing them to a different place and the new place, I have no experience with.
And there is doing things outside our comfort zone.
It’s easy to stay.
I left my wife 6 years ago. Hardest decision I ever made.
Best decision I ever made.
There was a lot to be grateful for. Three kids. Nice house.
I have a better relationship with my kids. They have better experiences with their Dad.
As it’s often said in the hobby of motorcycling. It’s the journey, not the destination.
Life is like that. It’s what you make of it.
Don’t like it? Do something about it.
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