The meaning of life and philosophy

I will compile a list of ideal places to live/semi retire in for the future. They must match certain parameters. Im sure this is not too much to ask.
1. Must be warm year round
2. Must be reasonably safe
3. Must be cheap enough to live off a subsistence level of trickling income

Optional: Beautiful women, beaches and nice riding roads are option but def a bonus.

read up on Ecuador....ticks all those boxes
where I'm headed when I pack in this mining nonsense
And how about the out of country healthcare? Cost isn’t cheap and not sure about the level of care?

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And how about the out of country healthcare? Cost isn’t cheap and not sure about the level of care?

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Young thin women are the elixir of youth, I ain’t worried about no arthritis

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Young thin women are the elixir of youth, I ain’t worried about no arthritis

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Would you be able to get it up at that age?
Young thin women are the elixir of youth, I ain’t worried about no arthritis

That is something which never gets old.

I would move to Spain in a heartbeat.
Pleasant people, vibrant, easy going.
Year round good weather, but still with some seasonal changes.
Beaches, various environments.
Lots of access to riding.
Reminds me of a quote from my favorite philosopher

know contentment
and you will meet with no disgrace
know when to stop
and you will meet with no danger
you can then endure
- Lao Tzu
And how about the out of country healthcare? Cost isn’t cheap and not sure about the level of care?

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Not sure about elsewhere but Panama and Costa Rica has excellent healthcare in the newer hospitals. Panama is 30-40$ for a visit to get checked out get prescription etc. Other services are cheap. Over the counter drugs are relatively inexpensive as are prescription drugs. There's quite a few expat doctors around too.
That is something which never gets old.

I would move to Spain in a heartbeat.
Pleasant people, vibrant, easy going.
Year round good weather, but still with some seasonal changes.
Beaches, various environments.
Lots of access to riding.

To me the thing that ruins Spain...are the tons of Brits there (in parts of it anyway, Costa Del Sol, Costa Blanca etc), and I say that as a Brit. In general, the thing that ruins foreign countries are the tourists and expats that try to convert the country into a mini version of the country they moved from. One place I visited years ago was a little slice of latin american heaven....move on about 10 years or so and now it has coffee drive throughs and a ****ing jazz festival.
Difficult subject especially since it's doubtful any of ushave a PHD in this regard.
I am very close to retirement and have run the workinggauntlet with little satisfaction.
I worked my but off to become a machinist, millwright,welder, pipefitter, nuclear technician and now a trainer/instructor only to seetoilet moppers climb the corporate ladder because the trades are 'notreleasable" (there are hardly any of us left now). Infuriating.
I guess it may be that us primates were originally designedto lounge under a fruit tree and propagate. Some prick then discovered greed, power, wealth etc and threw a wrench into a somewhat peaceful existence.
I gave up trying to save the world some time ago as my wifesaid "the world is broken and it doesn't want to get fixed, especially bya hairy-*** knuckle dragging mechanic like you" lol. It took me way too long to figure out that Ijust don't give a rat's fink flying f###k what anyone thinks of meanymore. I could have saved my company$60,000,000 but they would rather pay that than admit their incompetence. Theywill pay anything to save face.
Why are we here? Oneof the most brilliant man alive once said, "we are here because we have tobe". I guess the universe requires us to be here.
Don't expect your hard work, talent or achievements to berecognized. Your supervisor or managerwill make certain they take credit foreverything. I spent my entire workinglife making my supervisors and managers rich. The game is rigged, has been for hundreds ofyears (as per George Carlin). We areprogrammed to work from an early age. Ifyou want the GI Jo, then you have to cut the grass... The education system does not prepare us toget wealthy, they program us to pay taxes. The reward for hard work is more hard work,and more taxes.
All politicians are crooked, taxation is brutal, insurancecompanies are raping us, banking industry boarders on loan sharking and we arejust pons in a sick game. Having saidall that we somehow live in the best country in the world.
I'm sure all this jibberish doesn't help anyone, all I know (way too latein life) is that happiness comes from within.
Happy Apexes.
Unfortunately while there's good reason to be cynical, there's obviously a point where it spills over all bounds of reason and reality. No, not ALL managers take credit for your work, the whole 'game' isn't rigged. Not all politicians are crooked, taxation isn't necessarily brutal, insurers aren't all raping us, and so on...

It's useful, if you care at all about your sanity, to be very clear about the things that are good, or at least not bad, when you're freaking out about the state of the world.
Unfortunately while there's good reason to be cynical, there's obviously a point where it spills over all bounds of reason and reality. No, not ALL managers take credit for your work, the whole 'game' isn't rigged. Not all politicians are crooked, taxation isn't necessarily brutal, insurers aren't all raping us, and so on...

It's useful, if you care at all about your sanity, to be very clear about the things that are good, or at least not bad, when you're freaking out about the state of the world.

Every one lives a different life and had their own experiences and horrors to deal with. One can't just sum it all up with a few cute words or bubble gum machine philosophical quick fix. I've been around a long time and seen a lot of nasty things go down, coupled with a once eidetic memory (I'm older now). Your entitled to your opinion as we all are. So, Mr. Politician, CRA emp., manager or underwriter, who ever you are, sanity and/or freaking out is a subjective thing. It's doubtful anyone here is qualified to assign and label the aforementioned to anyone.
Happy is different for everybody.
Find what makes you happy, you may have to search for it, but search
Every one lives a different life and had their own experiences and horrors to deal with. One can't just sum it all up with a few cute words or bubble gum machine philosophical quick fix. I've been around a long time and seen a lot of nasty things go down, coupled with a once eidetic memory (I'm older now). Your entitled to your opinion as we all are. So, Mr. Politician, CRA emp., manager or underwriter, who ever you are, sanity and/or freaking out is a subjective thing. It's doubtful anyone here is qualified to assign and label the aforementioned to anyone.
It's amazing to witness exactly the same unhealthy process I'm talking about unfold as a response to it!

The attempt to dismiss whatever may be challenging to you by lumping it into one of your many bulk categories of 'awful things' so you can remain secure in your comfort zone of reality and never have to ask yourself tough questions.
its a lot easier to cry about how unfair the world is than to put effort into changing something, and there is no need to fix the world, just need to fix yourself, many people are convinced they deserve a raise / promotion / chance because they "work their ***** off" problem is most of these same people are not honest with themselves about how hard they really work; its really easy to lie to yourself because there is no one to correct you and call you out on your bs. I see it every day, one second someone is crying about how hard they work and how good of an employee they are, but every other thing you ask them to do is "not my f@c&en job", and they are always sick on the Friday before a long weekend, and can never stay an extra hour to help get something done. if people start being brutally honest with themselves deep down inside they know why they got passed on the last promotion, and didnt get that bonus or that pay raise.
much easier to blame the world any say its everyone else's fault, something is wrong? look in the mirror first ask ask "what could I have done different?"
Unfortunately while there's good reason to be cynical, there's obviously a point where it spills over all bounds of reason and reality. No, not ALL managers take credit for your work, the whole 'game' isn't rigged. Not all politicians are crooked, taxation isn't necessarily brutal, insurers aren't all raping us, and so on...

It's useful, if you care at all about your sanity, to be very clear about the things that are good, or at least not bad, when you're freaking out about the state of the world.

Gotta say that you're right about this. The negative attitude that ungoloth has, which I understand, is one I am trying to shed....because living with that attitude is living in hell. As a ton of you realized: the world is what your perspective is.
Theres quite a few places around the world with the words “eternal Spring” used to describe them. I’ve been to two in Panama and they are pretty nice. I started looking into the idea of maybe retiring there in the distant future. Seems like you can live on $1000 a month (US) easily but more would be more comfortable. That’s for everything....accommodation, food, entertainment and bills.

My brother moved there a dozen years ago and would have agreed with much of what your said. Labour for a brake job on a pick up truck was $20.00 IIRC. He banged up the rear fender and that was about $250.00 and it looked OK.

A housekeeper would come and do the cleaning and cooking for a couple of bucks a day.

I mused about shipping tired vintage cars down there and bringing them back fully restored.

He moved to the area around Vulcan and had some issues with the in-laws who were a bit primitive. One has to watch for fraud and petty theft but not so much for violent crime.

He didn't have any problems with medical stuff.
So...just an update for any of you interested, I'm very close to a solution. Part of that solution was understanding the problem.

For the past half decade I focused on becoming more rational due to the perception that my parents lacked rationality. What I didn't know at the time is that everything in the world works as a balance; if one truly understands something, something will die to give rise to that understanding.

Take, for example, Pokemon Blue. I remember growing up and being amazed at how a tiny cartridge, which is now larger than our USBs sticks by 4x or so, could house a different world. A world full of 151 magical creatures where I could become the best Pokemon trainer once I defeated the Elite Four. I felt fully immersed in this world to the point where the real world did not matter.

I was able to rationalize the above by understanding software development 20~ years later. This resulted in the slow, painful death of my immersion in video games as I now understood how everything was created. Rather than looking at the surface value of, say, a bullet firing from a gun, I'll start analyzing the hit detection method.

Something similar happened with me and riding. I'm a far better rider than I was 4 years ago. I understand how to get faster, read books on techniques and maintenance, keep asking the racers questions, and at one point even dissected my own emotional blockage post crash. The result? Riding is not fun anymore.

So the two biggest activities in my life went from giving me joy to becoming dull. There were, however, two more that were not affected: singing and cello playing. I never attempted to break either of those down with rationality because rationality only goes so far in art. Everyone's taste in art is subjective and my objective was to take moments in my life where I felt sad or really angry and project that through music. If I do a good job, a few people will cry. If I don't, people lose their attention or I cringe at my own **** ups. But these **** ups and successes are not defined rationally, they are defined by feeling!

Feelings and emotions are, for the better part, irrational. For example, why do we provide special needs support? Rationally it makes no sense to support them. They are objectively inferior to any defect free human being. And all they really do is stress the system.

So...with that said, I'm literally going to spend the next few days/weeks trying to get back in touch with my feelings. This sounds ****ing stupid, but the misery and rage I'm feeling may be a result of constantly doing things out of rationality as opposed to how I feel. Everything needs to be balanced, and I may have gone too far to one side.
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