Ammunition is my 'currency' in a SHTF scenario.
Imkruzen - one thing I asked you while back, you never really answered:
In hyperinflation scenario - what happens to your mortgage? You owe $500,000 today... Hyperinflation hits, in couple of moths loaf of bread is worth $500,000 - what will banks do? I don't think answer can be found here on GTAM, try as you might...
The numbers in that map don't include the "non-debt" government obligations, like future old age security benefits and health care costs that governments will have to pay. The present value of those obligations, if they were added in, would at least double the numbers on that map.
Imkruzen doesnt trust the government to do this.
It says in The Holy Bible who owns this debt. We will soon be issued numbers that onlythose with the numbers may buy and sell.
Damm I didn't realize we had a trillion+ debt. I thought we were in the billions only, but that's only the federal part.
That has to be the stupidest line out there invented by some moron golfball manager. Do you eat paper money? Have you found a way to turn paper money into food?Paper has an intrinsic value of about 4 cents. Throughout history currencies have failed and become fuel for fire places or blowing in the streets. I have yet to see gold coins discarded as manure. Gold cannot be manufactured out of thin air, like paper money and therefore is a preffered liquid asset. Land is also an asset but it lacks portability. Gold has been money for over 5000 years and that hasn't changed. I hear the same drival here when gold was 1000$ and it will continue as the currency trainwreck finishes and when the dust settles, the only money left standing will be gold.
The world central banks are buying gold, what's Elmer Fudd the investor theory on that? I've been hearing a lot of the knucklehead economists talking about inflation for a decade. Eventually like the broken clock, will be correct. The chicken littles screaming that gold is in a bubble since it surpassed 500$. This is just noise from the peanut gallery of wannabe economic theorists. They don't understand money because the've been taught by the banksters in the schools they sponsor.
No lasting solution will ever come to the USGovt budget, where spending cuts are obstructed and tax hikes are obstructed, and war spending will continue into oblivion.
Gold has benefited from the lost credibility of the global monetary system, from the loss of unquestioned faith in the central bank franchise system. Gold represents the mirror image of the crumbling monetary system and its soured debt foundation, managed by dubious central bankers. The system will perpetuate its ruinous debasement of money itself, since the power structure will struggle to preserve itself. It is that simple. In no way will JPMorgan or Citigroup or Bank of America voluntarily commit to bankruptcy and debt restructure, accompanied by impaired asset liquidation. They are the insolvent pillars of the US financial syndicate, firmly in power, never to release that power unless from cold dead fingers. The Gold & Silver prices will continue to make new highs in the second half of the year. We should look forward with juicy anticipation to all the back-peddling by countless analysts who claimed the anti-USDollar trade was over.
Too bad the Elmer Fudd investor is just watching his purchasing power evaporate while he grapples with his economic theories that aren't panning out. Not able to confront his failed economic theory, watches from the peanut gallery.
QE to infinity!! as I said B4.
Don't be misled... the deficit is the yearly shortfall and the debt is the sum total of all we owe. It isnt just the Feds who owe either.... Ontario has been racking up some pretty healthy deficits in the past few years. In that map from the Economist, it shows Canada's debt at $1.3 Trillion.... The latest figures I have seen show our Federal National Debt to be somewhere around $520 Billion. So the Economist must be figuring in all the provincial debts as well. Not a pretty picture, to be sure... but it isnt the end of the world.
Another point - many so called "experts" will talk about "unfunded liabilities" when it comes to pensions etc. This is a term that is meant to mislead people. Anyone who owns a house with a mortgage has an unfunded liability of the total amount they owe, but nobody gets too upset about that! Unfunded liability means that you dont have the cash to pay it off today... but like most of us, the government gets a steady paycheque (taxes collected) that they use to pay that unfunded liability when the payments are due. Just like you pay your mortgage every month when you get your paycheque.
Notice the amount of debt per person of Canada vs USA.....TICK TICK TICK
No, you think you know how money is created. So my formal education in economics is ******** and your YouTube videos tell all. I love to laugh at people like you, the ones in the know.
Another point - many so called "experts" will talk about "unfunded liabilities" when it comes to pensions etc. This is a term that is meant to mislead people. Anyone who owns a house with a mortgage has an unfunded liability of the total amount they owe, but nobody gets too upset about that! Unfunded liability means that you dont have the cash to pay it off today... but like most of us, the government gets a steady paycheque (taxes collected) that they use to pay that unfunded liability when the payments are due. Just like you pay your mortgage every month when you get your paycheque.
One could think of gold somewhat like real estate. Like real estate there is a limited supply, unlike real estate you do not need gold but need housing (of some sort, not necessarily owned homes...). If you put on blinders and look at set periods of time real estate was a really good investment. If you put on blinders and look at set periods of time gold is a really good investment. Neither will go up for ever and both have and will correct.
Really? You think the economics they teach us in school is right? From what I see, the economics we have been taught is a complete fraud and only a ponzi scheme. We are starting to see the wealth destruction and countries going under from the same economics.
"Just raise taxes" - the problem is that there is only a certain level of taxation that an economy can support, and if you increase taxation beyond that level (on a percentage basis) the destructive effect that it has on the economy results in a net loss.
Really? You think the economics they teach us in school is right? From what I see, the economics we have been taught is a complete fraud and only a ponzi scheme. We are starting to see the wealth destruction and countries going under from the same economics.
I have been buying gold since it was $1000/oz and silver at $18/oz......these two metals have been crushing every other investment. What is your explanation of gold/silver hitting these highs? Why are central banks around the world dumping fiat money and buying gold/silver like crazy? Even a Texas based University bought gold…do you think these experts are predicting the **** is about to hit the fan?
Watch riots grow around the world, I mentioned this as well. It will eventually make it's way to the decimated economy of US. There are already 44 million on food stamps. Millions homeless, millions jobless. What happens is the public gets fed up with it all and the smallest thing will set off anarchy. In london, it wasn't over the shooting of the drug dealer. The people of the UK had enough of the police state and the shooting set it off.