The end is nigh...

i find well to do folks by far the biggest (to say the least) skeptics

Like Al Gore for example?

where does it say all?

my wag is folks who have their s_it together (iow, high achievers, the few etc) don't accept what may come their way nearly as readily as most folks will

oh, has the expert themes from the 70's come up yet? that the ice age is around the corner?

aw gee, a complete flip flop
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Since i have some time to make some waves in the pool today.....

space may be the final frontier, but it's made in a hollywood basement (Red Hot Chili Peppers)

NASA, the greatest con ever, how else are we going to explain where TRILLIONS of dollars got spent?
Making you believe you are trapped on a spinning ball in space, so you don't try to find the sky or the edge.
After all those "space" missions, we have yet to see any real pictures of earth, or better yet, a full 360 degree pan shot showing us the sun and moon, and incredibly, not one of these "images" they feed us show even one satellite of the thousands floating around our earth.
Maybe this will help, lets put the shuttle names in a sentence.
-The Enterprise called Columbia will Endeavor to Discover the lost city of Atlantis - All Challengers will be destroyed. (and it was)

Now i guess everyone will be a little upset when they find out where that space money, war money was spent, (and the missing trillions from the budget that they cannot account for since all the records were in the exact spot in the pentagon where the bunker buster cruise missile hit, ooops i let the cat out of the bag)
How mad will the people be when they find out there is an elite breakaway civilization that controls everything we do as they rob us before they kill us?
I assume everyone knows they have over 100 deep underground military bunker cities across north america, all linked by mag-lev trains, fully stocked and ready to survive. Al Gore has his underground pass, do you?
Has anyone bothered to google the Georgia Guidestones?
We had a horse and a cart for thousands of years and suddenly in the last 60 years we are flying in "space"?
Think we are at the height of technology now? Not even close, you have to look into the past to find that out, not the future.
These are the secrets being kept from you. Yes, on purpose, for an evil reason.

Wake up, Wake up, stop wasting time watching fantasy shows like "The Cosmos" and learn something real.
Knowledge is power, that's why we're losing, too busy being programmed with lies to see the truth.
Know your enemy or get off the battle field, no room for ignorant fools when dealing with evil minds.
That's why they are the "Illuminated" ones and we aren't.
If you are too lazy to research any occult, esoteric, satanic, kabalistic, biblical subjects, you will remain stupid until it's too late.
Think this is all crazy? Then go back to sleep, you are so smart for listening to liars, believing anything they say instead of checking for yourself, remain in denial. You ain't sen nothing yet, but you will.
Is there even more to this? Hell yes, we haven't even scraped the surface, it would require several new threads.

One person makes a dumb comment and the other uses the same dumb comment to "accentuate " his point.

This thread is gold.
One person makes a dumb comment and the other uses the same dumb comment to "accentuate " his point.

This thread is gold.
But silence is gold. (see what i did there)
...from global warming.

On January 27th, 2006 Al Gore predicted that unless we spend all of our assets to combat Global Warming the world would end in ten years, scorched as described in Biblical texts after the complete melt down of the polar ice caps and ocean levels increasing by fifty to sixty feet.

So what are you going to do with your last 3 weeks?

As for Al I’ll make a prediction of my own – Forecast: Hot Air

the gospel according to gore
So now NASA says that some Glacier melting is due to geothermal flows (ie not man made for the alarmists around here.....)

Of course the question to the climate change alarmists is what kind of taxation or wealth redistribution plan can you concoct to stop this?



Written by James E. Kamis on 29December2014

Newly released research, primarily from NASA and the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences, indicates that melting of selective Greenland Glaciers is related to geologically induced heat flow, and not manmade atmospheric global warming.

Previous articles posted here and here have documented the effect of geologically induced geothermal heat flow on the West Antarctic continent and Arctic Ocean Ice Sheets. In both cases relatively recent research was used to show natural variations in climate, climate-related events, and warmed from geothermal heat. You can learn more about plate climatology and global warming here.

A summary of the very extensive NASA Greenland Ice Sheet Study shows that Greenland Glacier dynamics are very complex. Certain glaciers are retreating, others are unchanged, and still others are expanding. Additionally, individual glacier dynamics change with time, e.g., advancing for years, then suddenly retreating. In some cases the retreating rates are astounding.

NASA also noted that glaciers melt from both beneath (bottom melting) and on top (surface melting). Extensive bottom melting is thought to be lubricating several glaciers and thereby greatly increasing surface velocity rate. In other words, they flow much quicker, and in many cases, extremely fast.
Research 15_Image2.png
Locator Map
The area of greatest and most recent glacier retreat is located in the northeastern portion of Greenland and is associated with a very linear NNE trending bedrock valley termed the Jacobshavn Glacial Valley (see locator map above).

A newly published bedrock topography map of Greenland (see below) shows the prominent Jacobshavn valley topographic low. This valley extends miles into the Greenland continent and is shown as a fault-controlled valley due in large part to its very narrow and linear geometry. Additionally the NNE trend of this valley mimics the NNE trend of known Greenland fault trends such as those shown in the Nuuk Region.

The north eastern quadrant of Greenland, and most importantly the Jacobshavn Valley, is in close proximity to the southern terminus of the Mid Arctic Rift System (see Locator Map). Other scientists have taken this as strong evidence that this part of Greenland is faulted and more tectonically active than most other portions of Greenland. Recent seismic activity in this region supports this notion.

The movement of the Jacobshavn Glacier in the Jacobshavn Valley is of great interest. NASA’s Study shows that this glacier was flowing very slowly down the valley and at the same time started gaining ice mass until 1998. At that point, it quickly started flowing down the valley while simultaneously losing large amounts of ice mass.

This rapid change in Jacobshavn Glacier flow rate is illustrated on the NASA map above as a unique and a very linear trend that fits the topographic expression of the Jacobshavn Valley.

It is clear that the Jacobshavn Valley is geologically fault bounded, and has recently become geothermally active. All the data and observations fit this notion, so a sudden increase in fault-related heat flow would cause bottom melting of the glacier.

In addition to bottom shrinking of the glacier and thereby down-faulting (sliding) into the valley, this bottom melting also generates a basal layer of liquid water that acts as a lubricant to speed up the glacial flow.

Also of significant relevance to the geologically induced geothermal heat flow of Greenland is a recently published research project by the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences.
“At the Earth’s surface, heat fluxes from the interior are generally insignificant compared with those from the Sun and atmosphere, except in areas permanently blanketed by ice. Modelling studies show that geothermal heat flux influences the internal thermal structure of ice sheets and the distribution of basal melt water, and it should be taken into account in planning deep ice drilling campaigns and climate reconstructions. Here we use a coupled ice–lithosphere model driven by climate and show that the oldest and thickest part of the Greenland Ice Sheet is strongly influenced by heat flow from the deep Earth. We find that the geothermal heat flux in central Greenland increases from west to east due to thinning of the lithosphere, which is only about 25–66% as thick as is typical for terrains of early Proterozoic age. Complex interactions between geothermal heat flow and glaciation-induced thermal perturbations in the upper crust over glacial cycles lead to strong regional variations in basal ice conditions, with areas of rapid basal melting adjoining areas of extremely cold basal ice. Our findings demonstrate the role that the structure of the solid Earth plays in the dynamics of surface processes.”
The recent discovery of two Sub-Glacial Freshwater Lakes beneath the Greenland Continental Ice Sheet is highly significant.

Although not interpreted as being related to geothermal heat by the authors, it is clear that geothermal heat is the most likely cause. The two lakes are located in the north central portion of Greenland beneath 1500 feet of ice and 30 miles from the ice-free edge. They each cover an area of five square miles, and most importantly, are oriented in the NNE linear trend, a fault-riddled area.

The evidence for geologically induced geothermal heat flow on the Greenland continent shows that recent reports from NASA on Greenland ice melt from global warming are premature and ill informed based on the following observations;

Glaciers do not melt uniformly as would be expected from atmospheric global warming, rather the melting and advancing of the glacial is complex and therefore more likely associated with geological forces.
The most significant and most recent glacial melting occurs in what is likely a geologically faulted linear valley that is theorized to have increased heat flow.
Sub-glacial freshwater lakes have been identified.
Newly released research by other scientists agree that geothermal forces are active in Greenland
The argument favoring a geological origin to Greenland glacier ice melting is heating up, specifically geothermally.
Funny how anybody who is a contrarian to MMGW and related progressive nuttiness needs to be censured. How tolerant of them...... ;)

PS, When Gore got "on stage" so-to speak he was worth somewhere around $1.7 million. Apparently MMGW stuff has been good to him because he may be worth north of $200 million at this point.....

You might want to read a little - It is unbelievable the amount of BS that comes out of your mouth

  • Gore made an estimated $70 million for his 20 percent stake when he sold his progressive cable network to Al Jazeera.
  • Gore exercised options on an incredible 59,000 shares of Apple Stock that had been granted to him because he had served on the company's board since 2003. He made about $30 million at $7.48 per share.
  • He co-founded Generation Investment Management, a U.K.-based investment management firm, in 2004. As of last fall, it had $3.6 billion in hedge funds.
  • He also invested 35 Million in hedge fund.

He is actually worth more than 300 million with a portion of it been from his public speaking, but that is a long way from insinuating that the reason Gore made this up is to profit from it specially because he donated the proceeds on "an inconvenient truth " to charity. What an ******* he is
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You might want to read a little - It is unbelievable the amount of BS that comes out of your mouth

  • Gore made an estimated $70 million for his 20 percent stake when he sold his progressive cable network to Al Jazeera.
  • Gore exercised options on an incredible 59,000 shares of Apple Stock that had been granted to him because he had served on the company's board since 2003. He made about $30 million at $7.48 per share.
  • He co-founded Generation Investment Management, a U.K.-based investment management firm, in 2004. As of last fall, it had $3.6 billion in hedge funds.
  • He also invested 35 Million in hedge fund.

He is actually worth more than 300 million with a portion of it been from his public speaking, but that is a long way from insinuating that the reason Gore made this up is to profit from it specially because he donated the proceeds on "an inconvenient truth " to charity. What an ******* he is

So you agree then that at least some of his wealth (since you only list $135 million of the $300+ million he is worth) is due to him being a pinnacle of loud mouthed climate change hypocrisy.

Care to comment on his position of sanctioning those who oppose his climate change worldview?
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So you agree then that at least some of his wealth (since you only list $135 million of the $300+ million he is worth) is due to him being a pinnacle of loud mouthed climate change hypocrisy.

Care to comment on his position of sanctioning those who oppose his climate change worldview?
No, even though the amount is not public, bullet 3 speaks to his investment management company with 3.6 billion in Hedge funds.
He makes about 175k for a speaking engagement and I am not saying that is small change but does not amount to 165 million.

I have no pinion on him sanctioning those who oppose him since I don't know much about it.

He brought the topic to light strongly at a time when the republicans would jump on anyone that even dare to speak about global warming, and for that mine and your kids will be grateful some day.
No, even though the amount is not public, bullet 3 speaks to his investment management company with 3.6 billion in Hedge funds.
He makes about 175k for a speaking engagement and I am not saying that is small change but does not amount to 165 million.

Follow the money. I have a sneaky suspicion his "investment management company" has it's hands deep in the greenie industry. ;)

I have no pinion on him sanctioning those who oppose him since I don't know much about it.

He brought the topic to light strongly at a time when the republicans would jump on anyone that even dare to speak about global warming, and for that mine and your kids will be grateful some day.

You're assuming that MMGW (or now pivoted to "climate change") is real and a threat. Why?
Follow the money. I have a sneaky suspicion his "investment management company" has it's hands deep in the greenie industry. ;)

You're assuming that MMGW (or now pivoted to "climate change") is real and a threat. Why?
an your "sneaky Suspicion" comes from any factual information?

Anyways, to be honest after reading your posts on this thread and previous ones, it will be a waste of time having this conversation with you. Cheers
an your "sneaky Suspicion" comes from any factual information?

You're probably right. Al Gore is a squeaky clean upstanding person who is just a teeny weeny bit off base on his wild MMGW claims, which of course has nothing to do with what makes his pockets jingle.... ;)

Anyways, to be honest after reading your posts on this thread and previous ones, it will be a waste of time having this conversation with you. Cheers

Would you prefer if we just idly chatted about progressive rhetoric?
an your "sneaky Suspicion" comes from any factual information?

Whatever you do, don't read this:

Surprise! Al Gore and his carbon credit huckstering partner David Blood, both principals at Generation Investment Management (GIM), warn in their October 30 Wall Street Journal op/ed feature of peril to fossil fuel investments due to “The Coming Carbon Asset Bubble”. They argue that such “unwise and increasingly wreck less” investment strategies pose three broad risks which will cause carbon assets to become “stranded” and lose economic value: through direct government carbon regulation; as a result of market-share losses to “already competitive” renewable technologies; and due to “sociopolitical pressures” causing carbon-intensive businesses to lose their “license to operate”.

The rest can be (not) read here:
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