The end is nigh...

Can you address my points please.
Let's stop arguing about data from thousands of years ago or hundreds of years ago.
Let's just let it go as nobody was there and they did not collect the data...not saying we can't prove things...just saying let's drop it for a minute.

Well us puny humans have grown into billions now.
It is mind boggling if you stop and try to imagine the amount of seafood that is plucked from the oceans and WASTED daily.
The technology we have as humans to stay out at deep sea and have processing plants in the ocean is just mind boggling.
How the hell do these "animals" have time to spawn and grow?
Think of the Red Lobsters and McDonald's alone...the amount of seafood they use daily.

Puny is millions of people but we are BILLIONS and it is clear we can see how quickly we doubled our population on the planet.
Where will your electronics that you have right now end up in 3-5 years? The computer or tablet you are reading this on...where will it multiply that by billions per YEAR.

Let's all agree that the planet just started 500 years ago.
Now let's go from here with the conversation...
Can you address my points please.
Let's stop arguing about data from thousands of years ago or hundreds of years ago.
Let's just let it go as nobody was there and they did not collect the data...not saying we can't prove things...just saying let's drop it for a minute.

Well us puny humans have grown into billions now.
It is mind boggling if you stop and try to imagine the amount of seafood that is plucked from the oceans and WASTED daily.
The technology we have as humans to stay out at deep sea and have processing plants in the ocean is just mind boggling.
How the hell do these "animals" have time to spawn and grow?
Think of the Red Lobsters and McDonald's alone...the amount of seafood they use daily.

Puny is millions of people but we are BILLIONS and it is clear we can see how quickly we doubled our population on the planet.
Where will your electronics that you have right now end up in 3-5 years? The computer or tablet you are reading this on...where will it multiply that by billions per YEAR.

Let's all agree that the planet just started 500 years ago.
Now let's go from here with the conversation...

For those who believe that there are too many of us on the planet, please try writing your proposal for population reduction.

For those who believe that there are too many of us on the planet, please try writing your proposal for population reduction.

So we're using YouTube videos now? How about wikipedia articles?

For those who believe that there are too many of us on the planet, please try writing your proposal for population reduction.


I did not say that. Damn! Why can't people focus?
But since you want to sidetrack what I said...let's roll.

More people = more living space = more farms ==more cars=more energy plants= more fishing= more pollution=removing and destroying nature.
We are sidestepping nature with the invention of chemicals/medicines that allow us to live longer and to kill things that were pretty much designed to kill us.
Nature has it's built in checks and balances, we humans are altering it.
Exactly. And the climate has been changing since the dawn of time so fundamentally climate change can't be "bad", it's in fact both normal and natural.
Mankind hasn't been around since the dawn of time. We measure what is good and bad based on how it impacts us, and climate change of the scale that is forecast is projected to cost us a lot of misery through famines, displaced populations, destabilized economies, reduced biodiversity, and of course more frequent severe climate events.

Basically, we are extremely dependent on a stable environment for our wellbeing. That has never been the case before, at least not on a global scale. That's why climate change is a risk to us.

That's also why "banishing mankind" shows your complete lack of understanding of the problem. The point is mankind wants to not only survive but be happy and secure for as long as we possibly can, and global warming puts those aims at risk.
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Mankind hasn't been around since the dawn of time. We measure what is good and bad based on how it impacts us, and climate change of the scale that is forecast is projected to cost us a lot of misery through famines, displaced populations, destabilized economies, reduced biodiversity, and of course more frequent severe climate events.

Basically, we are extremely dependent on a stable environment for our survival. That's why climate change is a risk to us.

That's also why "banishing mankind" shows your complete lack of understanding of the problem. The point is mankind wants to not only survive but be happy and secure for as long as we possibly can, and global warming puts those aims at risk.

Well put and now we want to go to
Originally Posted by Snobike Mike
Exactly. And the climate has been changing since the dawn of time so fundamentally climate change can't be "bad", it's in fact both normal and natural.

Mankind hasn't been around since the dawn of time. We measure what is good and bad based on how it impacts us, and climate change of the scale that is forecast is projected to cost us a lot of misery through famines, displaced populations, destabilized economies, reduced biodiversity, and of course more frequent severe climate events.

Basically, we are extremely dependent on a stable environment for our survival. That's why climate change is a risk to us.

That's also why "banishing mankind" shows your complete lack of understanding of the problem. The point is mankind wants to not only survive but be happy and secure for as long as we possibly can, and global warming puts those aims at risk.

good luck with this
Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.

John F. Kennedy

Geo engineering and weather manipulation have been going on since the 70's.
If you aren't familiar with these things, educate yourself.
It isn't a secret or a conspiracy theory, the information is available.
Crops planted with heirloom seeds don't grow in soil filled with aluminum oxide and barium, only Monsanto GMO seeds do.
Control the food, control the people. 95% of us are supermarket hunters.
The water of the earth we all own, gets bottled in unsafe plastic and resold to us at higher prices than gasoline, we are so smart.
Think bottled water is better than the tap? Keep drinking it up, the elites love you for being such an obedient, brainwashed slave.

Plastics and chemicals are certainly bad, but if you test any potable water source you will find tons of prescription pills which cannot be filtered out. Birth control, psychotropic drugs, anti depressants, we are all being slowly poisoned and changed into one gender of unhealthy humans that can't survive.
Men are drinking up estrogen, why do you think we have so many sissies now?
Genetic manipulation, Eugenics, that's why! Look it up.
Everyone trusts Bill Gates right? He's rich, smart, let's see what he has to say. Watch to the end. I call him Doctor Death.

Just in case you guys forgot, millions of liters of nuclear radiation waste poisoning death is still pouring out of Fukushima into the ocean every day, non stop, nothing on the news......everything is fine...... :rolleyes:

If you need something to watch today, make it this.

even with all his dough, billy gonna die one day like everyone else, who cares about climate whatnot, him & the other smarty say 'bots are the real issue
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Mankind hasn't been around since the dawn of time. We measure what is good and bad based on how it impacts us, and climate change of the scale that is forecast is projected to cost us a lot of misery through famines, displaced populations, destabilized economies, reduced biodiversity, and of course more frequent severe climate events.

Basically, we are extremely dependent on a stable environment for our wellbeing. That has never been the case before, at least not on a global scale. That's why climate change is a risk to us.

Actually, if we follow your line of thinking, isn't the unstable environment over billions of years what allowed us to evolve in the first place? Is it not at least a part of evolutionary theory that changes in our climate which necessitates a survival of the fittest evolution to ensure sustaining and even advancing the species? Is now the arrogance of man to stop so called negative "climate change" so that we can remain the peak of the evolutionary hierarchy?

That's also why "banishing mankind" shows your complete lack of understanding of the problem. The point is mankind wants to not only survive but be happy and secure for as long as we possibly can, and global warming puts those aims at risk.

Worry not, I have a pretty good handle on the problem (and it's not climate change ;) )

Back to the question of are we warming, cooling or whatever the latest fad is and is it indeed caused by man. Furthermore, can we actually stop it, and if so, how? (please ensure you include China and India in your list of countries that must comply with whatever plan you propose in order to achieve your goals, also please indicate just how you intend to make said countries comply ;) )
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Can you address my points please.
Let's stop arguing about data from thousands of years ago or hundreds of years ago.
Let's just let it go as nobody was there and they did not collect the data...not saying we can't prove things...just saying let's drop it for a minute.

Well us puny humans have grown into billions now.
It is mind boggling if you stop and try to imagine the amount of seafood that is plucked from the oceans and WASTED daily.
The technology we have as humans to stay out at deep sea and have processing plants in the ocean is just mind boggling.
How the hell do these "animals" have time to spawn and grow?
Think of the Red Lobsters and McDonald's alone...the amount of seafood they use daily.

Puny is millions of people but we are BILLIONS and it is clear we can see how quickly we doubled our population on the planet.
Where will your electronics that you have right now end up in 3-5 years? The computer or tablet you are reading this on...where will it multiply that by billions per YEAR.

Let's all agree that the planet just started 500 years ago.
Now let's go from here with the conversation...

Well it didn't so pretending isn't going to create any sort of logical foundation to further your lines of thinking.
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