"The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

I can't figure out what the difference is if The Beer Store makes the profit or if the conglomerate behind The Beer Store makes the profit?

I understand Irocian's stance as a beer store employee, but sorry to say I hope your company falls.

I really hope the province of Ontario opens up beer and wine sales to any private reseller, including Walmart, Costco, variety stores, or whatever. I don't care about the recycling business and I don't care who gives my $2.40 back as long as I get it back if I have to pay it.

I hate the beer store old style or new... old style I am stuck in line behind the guy with 500 empties he fished out of recycle bins on garbage day, new style I have to do two transactions in two lines to return my empties and get a case a beer.

The hours of the beer store (and LCBO) suck, especially for a shift worker like myself. Now that I am on afternoon shift it is better -- I can buy beer before work. When I was on midnights I hated it -- home at 7am, but beer store doesn't open until 11am.

Just let me buy beer anywhere at any time and I'll be mostly happy, even at the same price of today even though that is a rip off too.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

I can't figure out what the difference is if The Beer Store makes the profit or if the conglomerate behind The Beer Store makes the profit?

I understand Irocian's stance as a beer store employee, but sorry to say I hope your company falls.

I really hope the province of Ontario opens up beer and wine sales to any private reseller, including Walmart, Costco, variety stores, or whatever.

I don't understand the difference either. The brewers whatever run/own the stores which make money for them...... Pretty basic in my eyes.

However I look at it, if there's only one company selling a product, then isn't that the definition of a monoloply?
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Correct but not the beer store. So the Beef with the LCBO, government and the stake holders -3 foreign multinationals

Well being that the beer store is owned and run by the 3 foreign multinationals, the beer store is their representative and I don't see the issue with having a beef with them. It's just a shell game.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Well, people get what they vote for. Not saying others won't screw us too, but why vote for the ones who keep doing it? I'm tired of our politicians supporting cartels that force up prices, but the population (including The Star) continues to vote for them.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Correct but not the beer store. So the Beef with the LCBO, government and the stake holders -3 foreign multinationals

So company A owned by company B doesn't profit, only company B does.

Dude we get it you work for the beer store but you aren't making sense
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

The companies make the money and pay the beer store to run the stores.

I get blamed daily about beer cases tasting bad yet I didn't brew it the breweries did and yet when I give them the number to call that is already on the case they still don't get it.

As for bringing back returns they should not be sending you to another line. If you return then you can buy at same till. No returns they want to keep return line free for returns and use other till to serve you faster without having to wait for bottle collectors.

If company a was a single company I'd agree with you all but it's not it's 3 company a's that run us with all kinds of daily weekly changing rules.

Use the beer store app for sale pricing as they change every Monday morning if there is going to be a new sale. By law beer can't be on sale for more then 6 running weeks in a row and that is your governments and Lcbo rules.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

It's no longer the in and out store that I knew and loved. :(

I haven't drunk beer since the early '90's. Went in last year to pick some up and got really confused. That's why I don't go to foreign countries.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Only trying to help and give true facts not fiction. Glad it helped
"The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Is anyone else not surprised that this guy has worked in a retail store for 25 years..... God damn he's thick.


My god. Just. Wow.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Running the outlet side of the beer operation probably costs money. It couldn't exist on it's own.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Nah, employing people and renting commercial space is free.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Am I at the right place? ... the place where I am being told that the beer monopoly, made in Ontario, is an OK deal for me as a consumer? Am I understanding that correctly? Pls confirm urgently.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Yes, everything is fine, there is no cause for concern. Monopolies are always good for the consumer. The beer store makes no money. Only its owners make money.

Move along.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

The guy outside isn't doing to bad either. Telling him to get a job seems almost redundant.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

The beer stote monopoly needs to be shut down and soon.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

I can buy a 24 of spring water for $3. What's the other $30 for? Processing? No volume discount?
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