The Bad Riders of Ontario Thread

Seen a few of these 'novelty' plates on the street. Are the riders that stupid ? I guess so...
Hmm. Maybe a fake plate on an ebike could finally be the trigger for a traffic stop. They are in violation of a whole bunch of subsections of hta 12(1).

ALPR will clean up some of this plate mess. Every cop car you pass automatically alerting the officer of your infraction drives the heat score to the moon.
Rider posting on social media acting reeeeeaaaaaal innocent in all of this, admitted in article the jacket was obtained illegally, but then today posted a receipt for paid jacket? Strange. Says he got the bike back today, so stolen plate only, and not motorcycle.

Proceeding through a red light, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, and possession of property obtained by crime under $5,000. "the possession of property obtained by crime charge is for stolen plates". Observed by police over 3 separate occasions.

"These charges are for laws I am not obliged to follow, because my feels, and I'm taking this matter to the court of Instagram. BlagTO will be representing me". - Amir Hooshyar

F/N idiot.

Today just as I got into Dover at the main stop sign in front of Tim Hortons I was beside a guy on a cbr1000 with his plate bent completely flat/up and out of view for anyone to we were stopped 3 bicycle cops came up on him and positioned their bikes around him, turned his key off and were about to escort him off the road....Heard them going back and forth but didn't stick around to see the outcome. Possible riding with no insurance or whatever else.

Bends up plate to "run mode". Likely at least a bit dirty, or was well into 172 on the way there. Proceeds to ride into the two square blocks that half the police force of Haldimand County is camped out in.

F/N idiot.

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Seen a few of these 'novelty' plates on the street. Are the riders that stupid ? I guess so...

Driving North on 6N in the right lane just over the limit. 3 sport bikes come up behind fast. 2 get hung up behind a left lane camper, the one that got through proceeded to camp a foot off my front fender to wait for his buddies. Close enough that I thought I may need to put on my cheaters to read his plate (about a foot from my mirror). It was the ubiquitous RUN THIS fake plate. Seems to be the most popular one amongst the ride dirty or die crowd.
ALPR will clean up some of this plate mess. Every cop car you pass automatically alerting the officer of your infraction drives the heat score to the moon.

Not quite. ALPR has become the norm vs. the anomaly it was just 2-3 years ago, but I still see a lot of cruisers without it..........when I actually see a cruiser.
Saw a near death experience at 48 and Vivian Friday around 1:30 in the aft. 3 ADV bikes heading west on Vivian, traffic. Lead rider on an older Vstrom slows, then guns it across 48 thru a column of northbound cars. If I wasn’t thinking like a motorcyclist, that lead rider would have a Chevy bow tie embossed on his left thigh.

Cars behind me hit the shoulder to avoid me.
Yowza! Not Canada / GTA but a bad rider...

I put a sidecar on a bicycle once and it screwed my head around. Not being able to lean when you want and not being able to ride straight up when the road doesn't let you.
Ya, fun.
Rider burgled a facility in Belleville and dumped his nice looking 750 Katana while trying to make his getaway.

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A rider "spinning their tires and doing donuts" in a parking lot got an impressive haul of tickets. In a confusing twist, they somehow avoided a 172 ticket.

The 33-year-old Grey Highlands driver was given a breathalyzer test, failed it, and was arrested on several impaired driving charges, in addition to driving while prohibited, dangerous operation, resisting a peace officer, driving a vehicle with no plates and no insurance, failing to apply to become the owner of the bike and operating an unsafe bike.
"failing to apply to become the owner of the bike"

I didnt know that was chargeable.
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