The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread

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Those sheets of ice aren't going to do any harm to vehicles. Pedestrians maybe, but then ice was falling from trees and buildings too so why obsess over vehicle ice, especially since it all fell on the road? It's kinda pretty actually.

To me it's just another example of how everybody is a safety activist these days. "OMG ice sheets, DO something!" Next thing you know there's a new law and another layer of bureaucracy but nothing that actually makes any difference. FFS people, there are REAL problems in the world that need our attention. They can't all be posted on YouTube but that doesn't mean they're not real problems.

Yeah I was gonna say, they're pretty dangerous actually. Hence why tractor trailers have to take the ice off their load which many didn't do. No idea what warranted that post or that rant about "real problems". As far as I'm concerned, anything that puts another vehicle in danger is a real problem.

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"I got 99 real problems, but ice sliding off of vehicles ain't one."
fastar1 ?

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“It’s the gear-shifter or something,” said the man, who would not give his or his mother’s name. “Something locked and it didn’t drive properly. The car was basically out of control.”

Yeah, something is out of control and I doubt is part of the car (unless mercedes has been playing with their collision avoidance programming [oh *****, I've been in an accident, reverse quickly before anyone sees the self-driving car caused a crash])
Since when is a vehicle "someone"?

With the wrong driver (eg. most of those in videos above), a broken windshield could easily turn into a multi-vehicle crash. Of course it doesn't need to and never should, but people are dumb.
I agree 100 percent, I'm in the "flying ice sheets can damage vehicles" boat. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

I was trying to point out out the fact that Fastar originally said "Those sheets of ice aren't going to do any harm to vehicles", then when video proof of a vehicle being harmed by flying ice was presented he changed is story to "Notice how everyone was fine?".

I was trying to infer that he must have originally meant "those sheets of ice aren't going to do any harm to PEOPLE", but because he said vehicle he must think a person is a vehicle. Stupid wording on my part, I know :P
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Notice how everyone was fine?

Notice how the driver was virtually blind and things could have ended far worse? The morning after the freezing rain I had to dodge three Metre square slabs of ice that went no less than 5 metres into the air, before coming down. One went high enough that I lost it in the lights. I would rather not have my windscreen smashed on a busy 427.
Something positive for once

Good Guelph Bus Driver / Passenger Save the day:
Notice how everyone was fine?

Absolutely. Drunk driving is one of the greatest threats on our roads. Flying ice is another threat that is so far down the list as to be nonexistent. Has anyone ever been injured or killed by flying ice? I assume so, but when, who, where, how? Nobody seems to consider the level of risk before jumping on the easy riding 'think of the children' bandwagon for every little thing.

EDIT: Didn't attach quote
If someone drives home drunk and makes it without killing anyone, everyone is fine but there's still a "real problem" that exists.

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Since when is a vehicle "someone"?

"Those sheets of ice" I was referring to was a reply to the videos our freezing rain. Not all freezing rain of all time. None of those ice sheets were going to produce any harm.

Again, just because a sheet of ice probably flew off a vehicle and maimed or killed someone somewhere at some time, doesn't mean every time ice forms we should all get out our ladders and scrape our roofs, err.. chip the ice off... I mean shatter the ice with a stick... no take a blow torch to it... whatever just IIICCCEEE!!! Do something! Anything!

Notice how the driver was virtually blind and things could have ended far worse? The morning after the freezing rain I had to dodge three Metre square slabs of ice that went no less than 5 metres into the air, before coming down. One went high enough that I lost it in the lights. I would rather not have my windscreen smashed on a busy 427.
How many windshields are shattered by flying ice rather than all the other hazards left on the road? How much harm are we really preventing by expecting everyone to always clear off the ice from their cars, even when it's so thin as to be harmless (as in the videos of Toronto)?

It's just so utterly unrealistic. It's just such a clear example of how society's "think of children"-itis makes people support really dumb things
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