Wouldn't surprise me ... Whatever attention they're paying to watching and complaining and cussing about other motorists would be better spent staying out of the way of other motorists and generally staying out of trouble.
Video that I would record in traffic would be dull. Sure, other people do wrong things. But I actively try to make sure those wrong things don't affect me. Used to be called "defensive driving". I also attempt to drive in a manner that doesn't antagonize other motorists. Avoid left lane unless necessary and if I'm in the left lane then PASS whatever is to the right and GTFO of the left lane, keep up with the flow of traffic in whatever lane I'm in, signal and shoulder check ALL lane changes, avoid being side-by-side with other vehicles or in their blind spots, watch out for situations in which it's likely that another vehicle up ahead would change into my lane and do something to mitigate that, etc.