The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread

Most certainly, but like the driver seemed to do in the video, not flying off the line when it goes green (when you can't see cars coming) is a smart thing to do.

Agreed, plus head on a swivel.

It's more the case when I'm already doing 60kph and approaching the green at an intersection that doesn't have great sight-lines that I picture cars like this running their red. Up on the pegs for better sightlines if it helps, slowing a bit (if traffic behind allows it...), covering the brakes, looking for escape routes etc. Intersections can definitely be stressful :)
Should have asked the cop if..

A) - did they see what you saw? (cause maybe their focus was elsewhere)
or B) - if they did see it, were they on a call going somewhere?
or C) - some other reason (good or not)...

Of course you didn't. What specifically of my post are you 'not buying?' That traffic enforcement varies between services?

Rather difficult to just casually ask a cop about doing his duty when he's in a car doing 60+ Kmh, but...

A) Looked right at it, many of the times that I've seen it happen.

b) No apparent rush, no apparent specific direction of travel.

C) Couldn't say but if the reason is bad, it isn't a reason.

No, of course I didn't, as detailed above. What I don't buy is pretty much most of what you say ;)
No indeed. You can't ask a cop while driving 60kph. The point is as you admit - You don't know.

No apparent direction or rush. I didn't know cops needed to 'apparently' rush in directions of travel to each and every call to service. Cops also have discretion, and while you might see an HTA violation as the bane of your existence, perhaps the officer sees it as merely a Provincial Offence infraction and they figure they'll move to fry bigger fish. You know, the fish the public cry out for all the time. "Don't you have something better to do!"

What I don't buy is pretty much most of what you say ;)

LOL - this comment is useless in moving the conversation forward. So I'll take that as you signing off. I'd expect more of an intellect on the matter from one who claims they had family in law enforcement. But then again, I'll take that statement to be as ambiguous and anonymous as the forum makes us.
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not enough bro

This was on Hwy 26 yesterday morning on the way to Blue Mountain. A transport truck was slowing down traffic so this fool in an Audi decides to overtake from several cars back. It was obvious that he wasn't going to make it so I tried to give him an opening to merge back in and avoid a collision.

not enough bro


We don't see the left-side view when the camera car makes the right hand turn but it looks like he may have cut into the path of the F150 driver. Having said that, zero excuse for that behavior, not to mention running the red light at the end. There's a license plate in plain view as well as a good shot of the driver. Perhaps the police can make use of this and pay him a visit and, if nothing else, suggest anger management classes.
We don't see the left-side view when the camera car makes the right hand turn but it looks like he may have cut into the path of the F150 driver.

That was my first thought - the guy failed to maintain lane discipline on his right turn (one of my BIGGEST pet peeves, aside from people who don't know how to merge) and probably cut the black truck off swerving to the outside lane instead of staying where he should have been and switching lanes after the turn was complete.

And also agree, no excuse for the behaviour, but that comes down to anger management for the pickup truck driver.
not enough bro


from the OP

"I stopped at the red light, made sure I was clear to go and proceeded with the right turn. Checked my rearview mirror as you're supposed to do every few seconds and saw him speeding towards me so I sped up as to not impede. You can hear my engine revving up to 4-5k rpm, and the truck STILL overtakes me. That just goes to show how fast he was going. If anything, he even sped up when he saw me turn.
I know I'm going to get ripped on for not yielding for traffic and how I should be more cautious; however, I believe that most of you guys in my case would do the same. So don't bother."
LMFAO This thread makes my day every time I check it.

matthew; you're either a magnet for this ****, or you do a LOOOOOOTTTTT of driving, man. Work van, amirite?

I commute across the city everyday, so I do a fair amount too, but I don't catch as many mistakes and poor driving as you do. (everyDAY there is at least ONE person that can't figure out their vehicle's lights though, amirite?!?!)

One thing to note, however is that; We are humans and humans make mistakes. All of us do. In a given day, I probably encounter 500 other road users within striking distance of my car, and it is HIGHLY likely that someone will be having an off-day, is tired, or will genuinely make an honest mistake. We can all be better if we have a little bit of tolerance for this.
One thing to note, however is that; We are humans and humans make mistakes. All of us do. In a given day, I probably encounter 500 other road users within striking distance of my car, and it is HIGHLY likely that someone will be having an off-day, is tired, or will genuinely make an honest mistake. We can all be better if we have a little bit of tolerance for this.

Well that's certainly my sentiment, but I think it's been made plainly clear that there are some (lol) that simply can't fathom this...
I wouldn't know. I try not to venture north of Steeles while in Brampton.

Much better to stay East of Belleville and North of 7. Better roads too :D
One thing to note, however is that; We are humans and humans make mistakes. All of us do. In a given day, I probably encounter 500 other road users within striking distance of my car, and it is HIGHLY likely that someone will be having an off-day, is tired, or will genuinely make an honest mistake. We can all be better if we have a little bit of tolerance for this.

Completely agree but there is fine line between accidental slip-ups and ******-bag driving. And if you're in the wrong don't act like you're in the right! Like yesterday, I arrived at a 4-way stop sign and this female driver to the right of me decided that it's her turn to go and we both had to stop mid-intersection. Shortly after she passes me and honks. 5 minutes later another female driver does the exact same thing. It's not an accident in these cases, it's simply bad driving.
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