The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread

That is definitely the stupidest thing I've seen so far this week
Set yourself up with a camera at the bottom of the ramp from 410 south to 401 east, around 5:00am, and you can get easily 8 hours of the same sort of idiocy as people cross the gore before the merge, to try and get around people who are merging properly.
Set yourself up with a camera at the bottom of the ramp from 410 south to 401 east, around 5:00am, and you can get easily 8 hours of the same sort of idiocy as people cross the gore before the merge, to try and get around people who are merging properly.

I meant the guy standing behind his vehicle looking down at his phone in the middle of the 401. :oops:
I meant the guy standing behind his vehicle looking down at his phone in the middle of the 401. :oops:
Yeah, that's definitely stupid, as is the concept of pulling off to the left, instead of all the way to the right, unless the vehicle failed in exactly that location.
Not sure who's at fault. Brampton. Fire truck vs tractor trailer. A third vehicle was apparently involved too.

Looks like the fire truck + occupants took the brunt of it. I'm sure the transport driver will need extensive physio though, because Brampton.
Not sure who's at fault. Brampton. Fire truck vs tractor trailer. A third vehicle was apparently involved too.

I want to say that the rig driver is at fault but when I was in high school a co-worker had the hood of his car run over by a fire truck, and the driver was charged with careless. Blew straight through a red light without checking the intersection or even slowing down, which is a no-no.
I want to say that the rig driver is at fault but when I was in high school a co-worker had the hood of his car run over by a fire truck, and the driver was charged with careless. Blew straight through a red light without checking the intersection or even slowing down, which is a no-no.
It's highly likely that the truck has some culpability but the fire fighter will catch the charge. The odds are good that the fire truck proceeded without due care to ensure traffic was yielding.
Had minor damage from being clipped by a fire truck in an intersection in the 80s. I sent them an estimate and their only response I received about the whole thing was the oops, sorry letter with the cheque in it.
5 lifetime bans...and yet he's on the road.

What a joke. Lock him up and throw away the key.
One of the vanishingly small number of repeat offenders who will keep offending, until their freedom is taken away. Given that there are 6 parole violations those could be converted to incarceration, for the remaining terms.
One of the vanishingly small number of repeat offenders who will keep offending, until their freedom is taken away. Given that there are 6 parole violations those could be converted to incarceration, for the remaining terms.
? /s? I wouldn't say the number of repeat offenders is small. In barrie alone, I think they catch more than one every single day with multiple active driving bans.
Given that there are 6 parole violations those could be converted to incarceration, for the remaining terms.

? /s? When does that ever happen? I don't recall anyone ever seeing the inside of a cell because they got caught driving with a ban, parole violations or not. Ever.

“We will use all lawful means necessary to stop these irresponsible criminals from putting the safety of our community at risk,” Andrews said in a statement.

So one's 6th lifetime ban is the proverbial straw that after which they will start locking them up? Is there a card that they carry with them that gets stamped every infraction?
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? /s? When does that ever happen? I don't recall anyone ever seeing the inside of a cell because they got caught driving with a ban, parole violations or not. Ever.

“We will use all lawful means necessary to stop these irresponsible criminals from putting the safety of our community at risk,” Andrews said in a statement.

So one's 6th lifetime ban is the proverbial straw that after which they will start locking them up? Is there a card that they carry with them that gets stamped every infraction?
Please note the usage of the word "could."
? /s? I wouldn't say the number of repeat offenders is small. In barrie alone, I think they catch more than one every single day with multiple active driving bans.
Consider it's like the statistic that more than 50% of marriages end in divorce. How many people have you heard of being on their 4 or 5 marriage?

On another note, finally free after 3 days of jury duty. Didn't get selected. Didn't really expect to be, even if chosen for one of the panels, because of my "hobbies."
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