Fack. Cancel his license already. 10 am on a tuesday on Hwy 400 and BAC was ~0.4 after he'd had a bit of a nap. Some offences should just be one and done. If driving is truly a privilege, he has lost it and should never get it back. This wasn't a miscalculation. 53 yo male from New Techumseth.
News report says he hit the barrier and continued on. If that's the case, cops should have laid a fail to remain charge as well.
Video shows alleged impaired driver in Vaughan arrested at 5 times legal limit
Police in York Region say they have arrested and charged a driver who was found to have a historic level of alcohol in their system.toronto.citynews.ca
"a driver who was found to have a historic level of alcohol in their system."
LOL... not something you want to be tagged with.