The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread

And the car was? Why leave us hanging like that?
I had a Nissan300zx Stillen. I think it was the only 2+2 the made, the best I ever did was 288.
Perfect car to crush for the cameras. What an ass. Short pursuit but no arrests which probably means he ran and got away.

They need people to hold the hands of patients as they die in LTC, find him and that can be his job for the next year or two. His video crew can join him. Without a support team to encourage stupid behaviour, much of it disappears.

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Perfect car to crush for the cameras. What an ass. Short pursuit but no arrests which probably means he ran and got away.

They need people to hold the hands of patients as they die in LTC, find him and that can be his job for the next year or two. His video crew can join him. Without a support team to encourage stupid behaviour, much of it disappears.

It’s got the new blue-style license plates. Approx 71,000 of that style were issued before reverting back to the old style.
Of those 71,000, how many were issued to black Ford Mustangs?
Not to mention, if the police cruiser had a camera they may have captured the plate.
I think it’s just a matter of time before the owner of the vehicle is caught.

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Yikkies surprised to see the idiots so close filming on phones....dumb

Glad they got'm.
21 years old. Moron.

Amidulla Baluch is facing five charges including careless driving, dangerous operation of a vehicle, and mischief endangering life.

And every one of the morons who abetted him, by blocking access to the intersection, should at least be hit with mischief charges themselves, if not obstruct police.
Cyclists used to get away with that all the time.
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Has anyone heard of anyone going faster than this and getting caught? Clocked at 271 on the 417 at 12:30 am. Blows a tire as he passes the cop and pulls over. Not necessarily a bad driver as he didnt crash, but definitely not the time or place.

I got charged and convicted for doing 274 in a 70 when I was younger. Top of the 410.. car was a Callaway Vette. I didn't pullover.. the car broke.

A few years later.. one of the papers did an article about highest speeding tickets.. mine was second. Same guy had the 1st and third highest... both tickets written same day if I remember right.
For those that say you can't be charged for your actions in a parking lot. Well, you can if you are a huge ass. Donuts in the middle of the night in a McDonalds parking lot leads to a dangerous driving charge.

If he had have stopped when they pulled in, he likely would have driven off with an unnecessary noise ticket. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I guess the Mustang driver ran from the cops...the video showed him and a TP cruiser right behind him with lights ablaze.

Are people really that stupid that they think if they're not caught at the scene they can't be charged? They get your plate, they'll just come for you at home.
I guess the Mustang driver ran from the cops...the video showed him and a TP cruiser right behind him with lights ablaze.

Are people really that stupid that they think if they're not caught at the scene they can't be charged? They get your plate, they'll just come for you at home.
Running gets you out of a potential DUI. Is it easier to beat a DUI or flight charge in court? You may also try the "my car was stolen and I didnt realize it until the next morning" game. I'm not saying those are good ideas, but neither is donuts in an intersection with amateur videographers.
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