The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread

I guess the Mustang driver ran from the cops...the video showed him and a TP cruiser right behind him with lights ablaze.

Are people really that stupid that they think if they're not caught at the scene they can't be charged? They get your plate, they'll just come for you at home.

Depending on the crime/charges... Just getting the plate might not be enough to get a conviction.
If he had have stopped when they pulled in, he likely would have driven off with an unnecessary noise ticket. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Highway Traffic Act charges may or may not apply on private property, dependant upon whether the area is open to public access. Criminal Code vehicular charges can apply in the middle of a farmer's field.
Had a cyclist start to pull out in front of me at a pedestrian crosswalk, through a cyclist stop sign, in a sixty zone.
Gave both of us a little thrill. The car coming the other way had stopped for him.
If he'd gotten off his bike and pushed the button or pointed, I would have been happy to stop.
I probably have a video of it, but it would be a pain to post up (I don't have a place to store video online).
Had a cyclist start to pull out in front of me at a pedestrian crosswalk, through a cyclist stop sign, in a sixty zone.
Gave both of us a little thrill. The car coming the other way had stopped for him.
If he'd gotten off his bike and pushed the button or pointed, I would have been happy to stop.
I probably have a video of it, but it would be a pain to post up (I don't have a place to store video online).
Imgur accepts vijeos I believe. Otherwise, the youtube. I wouldn't post that video though. I wouldn't want to have a chat about why I didn't yield (even if I was in the right).
Imgur accepts vijeos I believe. Otherwise, the youtube. I wouldn't post that video though. I wouldn't want to have a chat about why I didn't yield (even if I was in the right).
I've walked that spot and there's a large stop sign on the pedestrian/bike path.
If they're going to charge people, then the government needs to change the rules, so that you're required to stop.
I don't have a problem stopping, if they do that, but if you don't have to stop, and you're charged anyways, then I have a problem with that.

What would they get me for, not maintaining my 1m distance?
If he had have stopped when they pulled in, he likely would have driven off with an unnecessary noise ticket. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
To be honest I'm surprised the police even bothered with him. I'm about five minutes from that location, and Hamilton police in this part of the city actively ignore street racing in the area. They know where, they know when. They don't bother with enforcement.
Markham. Impaired.
Jeagadeeswaran RATNASABAPATHY, 47, City of Toronto Charges: Impaired Driving, Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle, Flight From Police

Had a cyclist start to pull out in front of me at a pedestrian crosswalk, through a cyclist stop sign, in a sixty zone.
Gave both of us a little thrill. The car coming the other way had stopped for him.
If he'd gotten off his bike and pushed the button or pointed, I would have been happy to stop.
I probably have a video of it, but it would be a pain to post up (I don't have a place to store video online).
Get a Dropbox account.
Markham. Impaired.
Jeagadeeswaran RATNASABAPATHY, 47, City of Toronto Charges: Impaired Driving, Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle, Flight From Police

Markham. Impaired.
Jeagadeeswaran RATNASABAPATHY, 47, City of Toronto Charges: Impaired Driving, Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle, Flight From Police

I've been looking at that pic trying to wrap my head around how but just can't lol.
I've been looking at that pic trying to wrap my head around how but just can't lol.
What's to understand? Lots of speed and traveled left to right diagonally across the lawn, clipped the car in the driveway, crushed both garages and then ran away. That may be why the hatch is open as it may have been hard to open the doors and even if you did, you would be inside the garage.
If I were in charge of the justice system he would receive a lifetime ban from driving in Canada, couple of years in jail and forfeiture of any assets in order to pay for the two houses he ****** up. Instead he will be out driving within a year and everyone else will be footing the bill for the damage.
If I were in charge of the justice system he would receive a lifetime ban from driving in Canada, couple of years in jail and forfeiture of any assets in order to pay for the two houses he ****** up. Instead he will be out driving within a year and everyone else will be footing the bill for the damage.
I like the immediate asset forfeiture idea. Screw paying over time. If you have assets now, you have 60 days to come up with the money. If that means you have to sell your house, sucks to be you.
If I were in charge of the justice system he would receive a lifetime ban from driving in Canada, couple of years in jail and forfeiture of any assets in order to pay for the two houses he ****** up. Instead he will be out driving within a year and everyone else will be footing the bill for the damage.

The homeowner's insurance companies will go after the driver.
I like the immediate asset forfeiture idea. Screw paying over time. If you have assets now, you have 60 days to come up with the money. If that means you have to sell your house, sucks to be you.

I assume you were in agreement with the HTA172 laws when they came into effect?

Innocent until proven guilty..
What happens if someone's assets are seized.. they have to sell their house.. and then are found not guilty?
I assume you were in agreement with the HTA172 laws when they came into effect?

Innocent until proven guilty..
What happens if someone's assets are seized.. they have to sell their house.. and then are found not guilty?
Immediate upon conviction, not charge.
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