Well-known member
Not my footage and hopefully nobody here:
Cutting across the ramp lane to continue going along the highway was the icing on the cake. Sadly that rider will be a statistic soon enough. Other drivers aren't expecting that crap.Not my footage and hopefully nobody here:
In this scenario I often also use a hand signal (legal/appropriate MTO hand signal, not some random arm waving! - lol). If they don't see the signal light, the arm movement usually gets their attention.... and keep checking those mirrors!Two near misses today well out riding in the country. Signal is on for a left turn off a side road onto another side road, driver behind just could not wait and passed me right before I was going to make the turn. Good thing I always check the mirror.
Jeebus, that person should not be on a bike. Bad choices followed by poor decisions followed by just doing whatever the f you want and let everybody else try to avoid you.Not my video. Looks like a HD Sportster, 404/Finch.
Looks to me to be the car in front and to the right's undercarriage. Need more pixels to be sure.At least he signaled... you can see him drop his arm just as the cager pulls out to pass.
fifythey really ought to put those trains on a predictable path. Seem too happy way too much.
Camry, not Corolla, but I get your point.Is anyone surprised it is a Corolla waste deep in water?