The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread

Two near misses today well out riding in the country. Signal is on for a left turn off a side road onto another side road, driver behind just could not wait and passed me right before I was going to make the turn. Good thing I always check the mirror.
In this scenario I often also use a hand signal (legal/appropriate MTO hand signal, not some random arm waving! - lol). If they don't see the signal light, the arm movement usually gets their attention.... and keep checking those mirrors!
Another truck wheel separation on the 400 today on a live bottom trailer. 10 out of 12 studs tore through the hub, the last two gave up and broke. wtf. How was that not noticed? Fine is max $50,000 which seems entirely inadequate for that level of negligence.
Also another truck rollover on 400 to 401 ramp. I don't drive a truck and even I know that ramp is a truck tipper and you need to take it easy.
Aggregate hauler. Enough said.

There's so much incentive to go as fast as you can weighing as much as you can (legal or otherwise) in that section of the industry, all whilst not paying any attention to your equipment or the quality of the driver behind the wheel of it (which is a TERRIBLE combination given the extremely high weights involved with aggregate) and this is what you get.

At least the charge will almost certainly stick - wheel offs are an "strict liability" charge after the rash of them in the 80's and 90's - unless the defendant can somehow convince a judge that he/she did "everything possible" to avoid this situation (which is highly unlikely since something like that doesn't just happen all of a sudden, some of those studs and such were probably broken/missing/showing signs of failure for quite some time) the charge will be upheld.
Not my video. Looks like a HD Sportster, 404/Finch.

Jeebus, that person should not be on a bike. Bad choices followed by poor decisions followed by just doing whatever the f you want and let everybody else try to avoid you.
At least he signaled... you can see him drop his arm just as the cager pulls out to pass.
Looks to me to be the car in front and to the right's undercarriage. Need more pixels to be sure.
More pixels required for sure - but I'm still pretty sure that was an outstretched arm...

I think the reason he's so slow to actually move into that lane, is because it seems the act of signaling makes him waiver to the right towards the center of his current lane... he puts his hand back onto his bar and is then late to make the maneuver...
As an aside - one of my bikes came from factory with no signal lights (2007 husqvarna te450), and for the first few years I rode around Toronto using hand signals only (since that was perfectly legal). The WORST was when you come to a 4 way stop, and want to turn left. You signal, but obviously you need to grab your clutch before stopping and NO ONE it seemed was aware enough to notice the signal. As per "proper and legal" riding, you should never switch into neutral when coming to a stop, so again, no way to signal you are turning left once you grab that clutch. I ended up installing signals purely for safety reasons... no one in Toronto pays attention to anything let alone bikers.
Just another novice looking to become a statistic.

1) Removed signals to make the pirateship a little more stealthy
2) Cruising on the highway hump instead of a track
2) Slowing down while moving left to a faster lane
4) Grab the brakes when you hear a horn coming from behind (gotta love that!)
5) Waving to the cager, "thanks for not killing me"

A few days go by... rider tells friends how his loud pipes saved him by wakilg up a rampaging Yaris driver distracted by stuffed Emojies on his dash.
Lucky mofo.

Go train collides with car in Mississauga
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