The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread

Got a karma one this morning. 10:20 am southbound 400. Black sedan with a sexually suggestive bumper sticker goes wailing past in one of the middle lanes, I'm in the right lane. The car dives over to the leftmost lane to brake check a grey sedan. Grey sedan moves right and the black car does the same. They do this a couple of times and the grey car "gets away". Lots of cars on the road. Black car goes weaving in and out of traffic like an idiot trying to catch/block the grey car. I'm thinking to myself this guy is gonna cause an accident and I'm staying to the right. Couple of minutes later I see a big cloud of dust at the solid median barrier ahead. As I get by the black car is nose into the median and the back end sticking into the left lane. Karma. Just past him a few cars have pulled over and lastly possibly the gray car and the driver exiting(guy about late middle age graying) looking at his car at damage maybe. Wish I had a camera rolling.
Got a karma one this morning. 10:20 am southbound 400. Black sedan with a sexually suggestive bumper sticker goes wailing past in one of the middle lanes, I'm in the right lane. The car dives over to the leftmost lane to brake check a grey sedan. Grey sedan moves right and the black car does the same. They do this a couple of times and the grey car "gets away". Lots of cars on the road. Black car goes weaving in and out of traffic like an idiot trying to catch/block the grey car. I'm thinking to myself this guy is gonna cause an accident and I'm staying to the right. Couple of minutes later I see a big cloud of dust at the solid median barrier ahead. As I get by the black car is nose into the median and the back end sticking into the left lane. Karma. Just past him a few cars have pulled over and lastly possibly the gray car and the driver exiting(guy about late middle age graying) looking at his car at damage maybe. Wish I had a camera rolling.

I'd call OPP and report what I saw, if I were you.
I caught footage of a Dodge Ram 1500 driving past a school bus with the lights activated. An OPP officer is coming to my home tomorrow to get a copy of the video.
on QEW (footage not mine)

'This is dangerous': OPP seek driver spotted on QEW with wood protruding from open doors
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From My drive home -- From my reddit post: I was going to make a pickup truck joke, but all jokes aside - Just a general PSA: if you get out of a vehicle with a build like that, hopefully you have a general idea how to fight. Because all it takes is to challenge the wrong person before you realize you've made a mistake. Stay in your car, especially if you make a double lane change in stop and go traffic like a moron.

Near Bancroft last weekend... Someone confused an ATV trail for a road, and then thought an ATV bridge could support their car :/

Well it's a good thing that the flooding wrote off the car because there won't be much left of it once the tow truck tries to winch it up. I wonder if the tow truck pulled the big pieces of the bridge out too?

Did you embrace your inner trials rider and ride the log across?
They're gonna sue the city of Kawartha Lakes and trails such as this will be closed. The few I've seen had lots of signage...
I saw a car driving down a pedestrian/bike path yesterday.
Two near misses today well out riding in the country. Signal is on for a left turn off a side road onto another side road, driver behind just could not wait and passed me right before I was going to make the turn. Good thing I always check the mirror. Second one I had to break hard for.... wait for it.... a riding lawn mower. I'm coming down a side road and a guy is cutting his grass on a riding mower right beside the road and decides to make a huge big turn around out onto the road without looking. He took up all of my lane even though I allowed lots of room. His lucky day I wasn't a big truck.
Two near misses today well out riding in the country. Signal is on for a left turn off a side road onto another side road, driver behind just could not wait and passed me right before I was going to make the turn. Good thing I always check the mirror. Second one I had to break hard for.... wait for it.... a riding lawn mower. I'm coming down a side road and a guy is cutting his grass on a riding mower right beside the road and decides to make a huge big turn around out onto the road without looking. He took up all of my lane even though I allowed lots of room. His lucky day I wasn't a big truck.

Guess those are the skills bikers need to learn. Not from choice. Did he shout, "Get off my grass" Happy that you made it safely.
Guess those are the skills bikers need to learn. Not from choice. Did he shout, "Get off my grass" Happy that you made it safely.
You'd shout "Get on your lawn!!!"
I'm coming down a side road and a guy is cutting his grass on a riding mower right beside the road and decides to make a huge big turn around out onto the road without looking. He took up all of my lane even though I allowed lots of room. His lucky day I wasn't a big truck.

I'm guessing he was also blowing the cut grass onto the roadway. If he doesn't look before turning onto the road there is not much chance he would have the good sense to NOT blow his clippings onto the road. Very dangerous on a bike and many rural property owners do this.
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