I'm quite happy that my car (Mazda 5) has an automatic lighting system. It seems quite good at sensing conditions and coming on when appropriate. It's not, however, in any way attached to the wipers.
Worse yet is that it's my observation that some of the worst offenders are the police, specifically the OPP. They should be the ones setting the example, but instead I see almost every single one of them driving around with just the DRL's in horrible, rainy, snowy, foggy (etc) weather.......
Never seen this sign on the road before:
Outside of the GTA (yes, there is a world that exists outside the GTA) it seems to be the middle lane that is often the cleanest during snowfall.
The logic remains the same. Drivers will continue to drive in whatever lane is clear. Right, middle, left... doesn't matter.
Expecting anything different is ridiculous.
Your trying to use something that occurs 0.01% of the time to justify something that occurs in the 99.99% is what is ridiculous.
On a perfectly clean five lane highway with no traffic ahead for miles, some people will still drive/ride in the leftmost lane.
People should be in the correct lane. That's one of the biggest hurdles to fixing the GTA's traffic woes, and the reason why simply adding more lanes does squat.
**** off.
If conditions are that bad anyone would drive in the clear lane.
Only unreasonable jerks would maintain strict lane discipline rules in conditions like that.
It's my fault the other driver was going too fast for the conditions.
Don't know if you noticed but there was a line of cars struggling to get around you. If you're so scared that you're blocking everybody, maybe you shouldn't be driving at all.It's my fault the other driver was going too fast for the conditions. If only I could control the stock market with my powers.
Don't know if you noticed but there was a line of cars struggling to get around you. If you're so scared that you're blocking everybody, maybe you shouldn't be driving at all.
Notice also, the guy behind you braked before you did. You're really in no position to criticize others.
Because I can
I can also post memes.
From what I could tell Mr. Inarush moved over late to pass Mr. Inattentive, who didn't see him as he went to change lanes at the same time. Mr. Inarush probable overreacted on the brakes and steering and turned his car into a pinball. Or bowling ball. Or wrecking ball. Anyways he bounced off stuff.Guy lost it changing lanes trying to pass a car in the right lane, clearly exceeding safe speed for conditions/ability. Evidence suggest if right lane was open for Mr. Inarush, accident would not have happened. I blame car being passed up ahead. Freaking keyboard warriors.
Hey, how come your radio turned off when you hit the brakes? That was weird.Because I can
I can also post memes.
From what I could tell Mr. Inarush moved over late to pass Mr. Inattentive, who didn't see him as he went to change lanes at the same time. Mr. Inarush probable overreacted on the brakes and steering and turned his car into a pinball. Or bowling ball. Or wrecking ball. Anyways he bounced off stuff.
Doesnt change everything Mr. Inafog did wrong.