And yet three times as many people die in motorcycle accidents even though if you tripled the number of motorcycle riders, you'd begin to approach the number of gun owners. If your goal is making the world a safer place and saving lives, give up your bike. It will be A LOT more effective.
Nice sentiment if you ignore a few facts..
1) There are more small arms in the hands of sporting users by a LARGE margin than militaries, police services and gangs. Most guns in the world are used to punch holes in paper, protect livestocks or put food on the table
2) Many Canadians use guns to make a living, directly or indirectly. I slept like a baby in bush camps knowing there was a guy armed with a gun, paid to deal with any large predators. Also, may Canadians hunt for a living or use guns to protect their farms. The social cost of banning guns in Canada would be A LOT greater than those 70-80 lives per year (mostly suicides and gangbangers)